import json import threading import time import warnings from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from channels import Channel, Group from channels.asgi import get_channel_layer from channels.auth import channel_session_user, channel_session_user_from_http from django.apps import apps from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Model from ..core.config import config from ..core.models import Projector from .auth import anonymous_is_enabled, has_perm, user_to_collection_user from .cache import restricted_data_cache, websocket_user_cache from .collection import AutoupdateFormat # noqa from .collection import ( ChannelMessageFormat, Collection, CollectionElement, format_for_autoupdate, from_channel_message, to_channel_message, ) def send_or_wait(send_func: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Wrapper for channels' send() method. If the method send() raises ChannelFull exception the worker waits for 20 milliseconds and tries again. After 5 secondes it gives up, drops the channel message and writes a warning to stderr. Django channels' consumer atomicity feature is disabled. """ kwargs['immediately'] = True for i in range(250): try: send_func(*args, **kwargs) except get_channel_layer().ChannelFull: time.sleep(0.02) else: break else: warnings.warn( 'Channel layer is full. Channel message dropped.', RuntimeWarning ) @channel_session_user_from_http def ws_add_site(message: Any) -> None: """ Adds the websocket connection to a group specific to the connecting user. The group with the name 'user-None' stands for all anonymous users. Send all "startup-data" through the connection. """ if not anonymous_is_enabled() and not send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'accept': False}) return Group('site').add(message.reply_channel) message.channel_session['user_id'] = # Saves the reply channel to the user. Uses 0 for anonymous users. websocket_user_cache.add( or 0, # Open the websocket connection. send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'accept': True}) # Collect all elements that shoud be send to the client when the websocket # connection is established. user = user_to_collection_user( user_id = if user is not None else 0 if restricted_data_cache.exists_for_user(user_id): output = restricted_data_cache.get_data(user_id) else: output = [] for collection in get_startup_collections(): access_permissions = collection.get_access_permissions() restricted_data = access_permissions.get_restricted_data(collection.get_full_data(), user) for data in restricted_data: if data is None: # We do not want to send 'deleted' objects on startup. # That's why we skip such data. continue formatted_data = format_for_autoupdate( collection_string=collection.collection_string, id=data['id'], action='changed', data=data) output.append(formatted_data) # Cache restricted data for user restricted_data_cache.add_element( user_id, collection.collection_string, data['id'], formatted_data) # Send all data. if output: send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) @channel_session_user def ws_disconnect_site(message: Any) -> None: """ This function is called, when a client on the site disconnects. """ Group('site').discard(message.reply_channel) websocket_user_cache.remove( or 0, @channel_session_user def ws_receive_site(message: Any) -> None: """ If we recieve something from the client we currently just interpret this as a notify message. The server adds the sender's user id (0 for anonymous) and reply channel name so that a receiver client may reply to the sender or to all sender's instances. """ try: incomming = json.loads(message.content['text']) except ValueError: # Message content is invalid. Just do nothing. pass else: if isinstance(incomming, list): notify( incomming,, or 0) def notify(incomming: List[Dict[str, Any]], **attributes: Any) -> None: """ The incomming should be a list of notify elements. Every item is broadcasted to the given users, channels or projectors. If none is given, the message is send to each site client. """ # Parse all items receivers_users = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[int, List[Any]] receivers_projectors = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[int, List[Any]] receivers_reply_channels = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, List[Any]] items_for_all = [] for item in incomming: if item.get('collection') == 'notify': use_receivers_dict = False for key, value in attributes.items(): item[key] = value # Force the params to be a dict if not isinstance(item.get('params'), dict): item['params'] = {} users = item.get('users') if isinstance(users, list): # Send this item only to all reply channels of some site users. for user_id in users: receivers_users[user_id].append(item) use_receivers_dict = True projectors = item.get('projectors') if isinstance(projectors, list): # Send this item only to all reply channels of some site users. for projector_id in projectors: receivers_projectors[projector_id].append(item) use_receivers_dict = True reply_channels = item.get('replyChannels') if isinstance(reply_channels, list): # Send this item only to some reply channels. for reply_channel_name in reply_channels: receivers_reply_channels[reply_channel_name].append(item) use_receivers_dict = True if not use_receivers_dict: # Send this item to all reply channels. items_for_all.append(item) # Send all items for user_id, channel_names in websocket_user_cache.get_all().items(): output = receivers_users[user_id] if len(output) > 0: for channel_name in channel_names: send_or_wait(Channel(channel_name).send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) for channel_name, output in receivers_reply_channels.items(): if len(output) > 0: send_or_wait(Channel(channel_name).send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) for projector_id, output in receivers_projectors.items(): if len(output) > 0: send_or_wait(Group('projector-{}'.format(projector_id)).send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) if len(items_for_all) > 0: send_or_wait(Group('site').send, {'text': json.dumps(items_for_all)}) @channel_session_user_from_http def ws_add_projector(message: Any, projector_id: int) -> None: """ Adds the websocket connection to a group specific to the projector with the given id. Also sends all data that are shown on the projector. """ user = user_to_collection_user( if not has_perm(user, 'core.can_see_projector'): send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': 'No permissions to see this projector.'}) else: try: projector = Projector.objects.get(pk=projector_id) except Projector.DoesNotExist: send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': 'The projector {} does not exist.'.format(projector_id)}) else: # At first, the client is added to the projector group, so it is # informed if the data change. Group('projector-{}'.format(projector_id)).add(message.reply_channel) # Then it is also added to the global projector group which is # used for broadcasting data. Group('projector-all').add(message.reply_channel) # Now check whether broadcast is active at the moment. If yes, # change the local projector variable. if config['projector_broadcast'] > 0: projector = Projector.objects.get(pk=config['projector_broadcast']) # Collect all elements that are on the projector. output = [] # type: List[AutoupdateFormat] for requirement in projector.get_all_requirements(): required_collection_element = CollectionElement.from_instance(requirement) output.append(required_collection_element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) # Collect all config elements. config_collection = Collection(config.get_collection_string()) projector_data = (config_collection.get_access_permissions() .get_projector_data(config_collection.get_full_data())) for data in projector_data: output.append(format_for_autoupdate( config_collection.collection_string, data['id'], 'changed', data)) # Collect the projector instance. collection_element = CollectionElement.from_instance(projector) output.append(collection_element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) # Send all the data that were only collected before. send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) def ws_disconnect_projector(message: Any, projector_id: int) -> None: """ This function is called, when a client on the projector disconnects. """ Group('projector-{}'.format(projector_id)).discard(message.reply_channel) Group('projector-all').discard(message.reply_channel) def ws_receive_projector(message: Any, projector_id: int) -> None: """ If we recieve something from the client we currently just interpret this as a notify message. The server adds the sender's projector id and reply channel name so that a receiver client may reply to the sender or to all sender's instances. """ try: incomming = json.loads(message.content['text']) except ValueError: # Message content is invalid. Just do nothing. pass else: if isinstance(incomming, list): notify( incomming,, senderProjectorId=projector_id) def send_data_projector(message: ChannelMessageFormat) -> None: """ Informs all projector clients about changed data. """ collection_elements = from_channel_message(message) # Check whether broadcast is active at the moment and set the local # projector queryset. if config['projector_broadcast'] > 0: queryset = Projector.objects.filter(pk=config['projector_broadcast']) else: queryset = Projector.objects.all() # Loop over all projectors and send data that they need. for projector in queryset: output = [] for collection_element in collection_elements: if collection_element.is_deleted(): output.append(collection_element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) else: for element in projector.get_collection_elements_required_for_this(collection_element): output.append(element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) if output: if config['projector_broadcast'] > 0: send_or_wait( Group('projector-all').send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) else: send_or_wait( Group('projector-{}'.format(, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) def send_data_site(message: ChannelMessageFormat) -> None: """ Informs all site users about changed data. """ collection_elements = from_channel_message(message) # Send data to site users. for user_id, channel_names in websocket_user_cache.get_all().items(): if not user_id: # Anonymous user user = None else: try: user = user_to_collection_user(user_id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: # The user does not exist. Skip him/her. continue output = [] for collection_element in collection_elements: formatted_data = collection_element.as_autoupdate_for_user(user) if formatted_data['action'] == 'changed': restricted_data_cache.update_element( user_id or 0, collection_element.collection_string,, formatted_data) else: restricted_data_cache.del_element( user_id or 0, collection_element.collection_string, output.append(formatted_data) for channel_name in channel_names: send_or_wait(Channel(channel_name).send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) def to_ordered_dict(d: Optional[Dict]) -> Optional[OrderedDict]: """ Little helper to hash information dict in inform_*_data. """ if isinstance(d, dict): result = OrderedDict([(key, to_ordered_dict(d[key])) for key in sorted(d.keys())]) # type: Optional[OrderedDict] else: result = d return result def inform_changed_data(instances: Union[Iterable[Model], Model], information: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> None: """ Informs the autoupdate system and the caching system about the creation or update of an element. This is done via the AutoupdateBundleMiddleware. The argument instances can be one instance or an iterable over instances. """ root_instances = set() if not isinstance(instances, Iterable): instances = (instances, ) for instance in instances: try: root_instances.add(instance.get_root_rest_element()) except AttributeError: # Instance has no method get_root_rest_element. Just ignore it. pass # Put all collection elements into the autoupdate_bundle. bundle = autoupdate_bundle.get(threading.get_ident()) if bundle is not None: # Run autoupdate only if the bundle exists because we are in a request-response-cycle. for root_instance in root_instances: collection_element = CollectionElement.from_instance( root_instance, information=information) key = root_instance.get_collection_string() + str(root_instance.get_rest_pk()) + str(to_ordered_dict(information)) bundle[key] = collection_element def inform_deleted_data(elements: Iterable[Tuple[str, int]], information: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> None: """ Informs the autoupdate system and the caching system about the deletion of elements. This is done via the AutoupdateBundleMiddleware. The argument information is added to each collection element. """ # Put all stuff to be deleted into the autoupdate_bundle. bundle = autoupdate_bundle.get(threading.get_ident()) if bundle is not None: # Run autoupdate only if the bundle exists because we are in a request-response-cycle. for element in elements: collection_element = CollectionElement.from_values( collection_string=element[0], id=element[1], deleted=True, information=information) key = element[0] + str(element[1]) + str(to_ordered_dict(information)) bundle[key] = collection_element def inform_data_collection_element_list(collection_elements: List[CollectionElement], information: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> None: """ Informs the autoupdate system about some collection elements. This is used just to send some data to all users. """ # Put all stuff into the autoupdate_bundle. bundle = autoupdate_bundle.get(threading.get_ident()) if bundle is not None: # Run autoupdate only if the bundle exists because we are in a request-response-cycle. for collection_element in collection_elements: key = collection_element.collection_string + str( + str(to_ordered_dict(information)) bundle[key] = collection_element """ Global container for autoupdate bundles """ autoupdate_bundle = {} # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, CollectionElement]] class AutoupdateBundleMiddleware: """ Middleware to handle autoupdate bundling. """ def __init__(self, get_response: Any) -> None: self.get_response = get_response # One-time configuration and initialization. def __call__(self, request: Any) -> Any: thread_id = threading.get_ident() autoupdate_bundle[thread_id] = {} response = self.get_response(request) bundle = autoupdate_bundle.pop(thread_id) # type: Dict[str, CollectionElement] # If currently there is an open database transaction, then the # send_autoupdate function is only called, when the transaction is # commited. If there is currently no transaction, then the function # is called immediately. transaction.on_commit(lambda: send_autoupdate(bundle.values())) return response def send_autoupdate(collection_elements: Iterable[CollectionElement]) -> None: """ Helper function, that sends collection_elements through a channel to the autoupdate system. Does nothing if collection_elements is empty. """ if collection_elements: send_or_wait( Channel('autoupdate.send_data_projector').send, to_channel_message(collection_elements)) send_or_wait( Channel('autoupdate.send_data_site').send, to_channel_message(collection_elements)) def get_startup_collections() -> Generator[Collection, None, None]: """ Returns all Collections that should be send to the user at startup """ for app in apps.get_app_configs(): try: # Get the method get_startup_elements() from an app. # This method has to return an iterable of Collection objects. get_startup_elements = app.get_startup_elements except AttributeError: # Skip apps that do not implement get_startup_elements. continue yield from get_startup_elements()