from parser import command, argument, call import yaml import requirements FAIL = "\033[91m" SUCCESS = "\033[92m" RESET = "\033[0m" @command("check", help="Checks for pep8 errors in openslides and tests") def check(args=None): """ Checks for pep8 and other code styling conventions. """ value = call("flake8 --max-line-length=150 --statistics openslides tests") value += call("python -m mypy openslides/ tests/") return value @command("travis", help="Runs the code that travis does") def travis(args=None): """ Runs all commands that travis tests. """ return_codes = [] with open(".travis.yml") as f: travis = yaml.load(f) for line in travis["script"]: print("Run: {}".format(line)) return_code = call(line) return_codes.append(return_code) if return_code: print(FAIL + "fail!\n" + RESET) else: print(SUCCESS + "success!\n" + RESET) # Retuns True if one command exited with a different statuscode then 1 return bool(list(filter(bool, return_codes))) @argument("-r", "--requirements", nargs="?", default="requirements.txt") @command( "min_requirements", help="Prints a pip line to install the minimum supported versions of " "the requirements.", ) def min_requirements(args=None): """ Prints a pip install command to install the minimal supported versions of a requirement file. Uses requirements.txt by default. The following line will install the version: pip install $(python make min_requirements) """ def get_lowest_versions(requirements_file): with open(requirements_file) as f: for req in requirements.parse(f): if req.specifier: for spec, version in req.specs: if spec == ">=": yield "{}=={}".format(, version) print(" ".join(get_lowest_versions(args.requirements))) @command("clean", help="Deletes unneeded files and folders") def clean(args=None): """ Deletes all .pyc and .orig files and empty folders. """ call('find -name "*.pyc" -delete') call('find -name "*.orig" -delete') call("find -type d -empty -delete") @command("format", help="Format code with isort and black") def isort(args=None): call("isort --recursive openslides tests") call("black --py36 openslides tests")