from textwrap import dedent from openslides.core.config import ConfigVariable def get_config_variables(): """ Generator which yields all config variables of this app. They are grouped in 'Sorting' and 'PDF'. The generator has to be evaluated during app loading (see """ # Sorting yield ConfigVariable( name="users_sort_by", default_value="first_name", input_type="choice", label="Sort name of participants by", choices=( {"value": "first_name", "display_name": "Given name"}, {"value": "last_name", "display_name": "Surname"}, {"value": "number", "display_name": "Participant number"}, ), weight=510, group="Participants", subgroup="General", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_enable_presence_view", default_value=False, input_type="boolean", label="Enable participant presence view", weight=511, group="Participants", subgroup="General", ) # PDF yield ConfigVariable( name="users_pdf_welcometitle", default_value="Welcome to OpenSlides", label="Title for access data and welcome PDF", weight=520, group="Participants", subgroup="PDF", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_pdf_welcometext", default_value="[Place for your welcome and help text.]", label="Help text for access data and welcome PDF", weight=530, group="Participants", subgroup="PDF", ) # TODO: Use Django's URLValidator here. yield ConfigVariable( name="users_pdf_url", default_value="", label="System URL", help_text="Used for QRCode in PDF of access data.", weight=540, group="Participants", subgroup="PDF", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_pdf_wlan_ssid", default_value="", label="WLAN name (SSID)", help_text="Used for WLAN QRCode in PDF of access data.", weight=550, group="Participants", subgroup="PDF", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_pdf_wlan_password", default_value="", label="WLAN password", help_text="Used for WLAN QRCode in PDF of access data.", weight=560, group="Participants", subgroup="PDF", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_pdf_wlan_encryption", default_value="", input_type="choice", label="WLAN encryption", help_text="Used for WLAN QRCode in PDF of access data.", choices=( {"value": "", "display_name": "---------"}, {"value": "WEP", "display_name": "WEP"}, {"value": "WPA", "display_name": "WPA/WPA2"}, {"value": "nopass", "display_name": "No encryption"}, ), weight=570, group="Participants", subgroup="PDF", ) # Email yield ConfigVariable( name="users_email_sender", default_value="", input_type="string", label="Sender name", help_text="The sender address is defined in the OpenSlides server settings and should modified by administrator only.", weight=600, group="Participants", subgroup="Email", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_email_replyto", default_value="", input_type="string", label="Reply address", weight=601, group="Participants", subgroup="Email", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_email_subject", default_value="Your login for {event_name}", input_type="string", label="Email subject", help_text="You can use {event_name} and {username} as placeholder.", weight=605, group="Participants", subgroup="Email", ) yield ConfigVariable( name="users_email_body", default_value=dedent( """\ Dear {name}, this is your OpenSlides login for the event {event_name}: {url} username: {username} password: {password} This email was generated automatically.""" ), input_type="text", label="Email body", help_text="Use these placeholders: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. The url referrs to the system url.", weight=610, group="Participants", subgroup="Email", )