import { Component, Input, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ListOfSpeakersRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/agenda/list-of-speakers-repository.service'; import { ContentObject, isContentObject } from 'app/shared/models/base/content-object'; import { ViewListOfSpeakers } from 'app/site/agenda/models/view-list-of-speakers'; import { BaseViewModelWithListOfSpeakers, isBaseViewModelWithListOfSpeakers } from 'app/site/base/base-view-model-with-list-of-speakers'; /** * A generic button to go to the list of speakers. Give the content object with * [object]=object, which can be a ContentObject or a ViewModelWithListOfSpeakers. * - Usage as a mini-fab (like in the agenda) with [menuItem]=false (default) * - Usage in a dropdown (=list) with [menuItem]=true */ @Component({ selector: 'os-speaker-button', templateUrl: './speaker-button.component.html' }) export class SpeakerButtonComponent implements OnDestroy { @Input() public set object(obj: BaseViewModelWithListOfSpeakers | ContentObject | null) { let listOfSpeakers: ViewListOfSpeakers; if (isBaseViewModelWithListOfSpeakers(obj)) { listOfSpeakers = obj.listOfSpeakers; } else if (isContentObject(obj)) { listOfSpeakers = this.listOfSpeakersRepo.findByContentObject(obj); } else { listOfSpeakers = null; } this.cleanLosSub(); if (listOfSpeakers) { this.losSub = this.listOfSpeakersRepo .getViewModelObservable( .pipe(distinctUntilChanged()) .subscribe(speakerObj => { this.listOfSpeakers = speakerObj; }); } } public listOfSpeakers: ViewListOfSpeakers | null; @Input() public disabled: boolean; @Input() public menuItem = false; public get listOfSpeakersUrl(): string { if (!this.disabled) { return this.listOfSpeakers.listOfSpeakersUrl; } } public get icon(): string { return this.listOfSpeakers.closed ? 'voice_over_off' : 'record_voice_over'; } public get tooltip(): string { return this.listOfSpeakers.closed ? 'The list of speakers is closed.' : 'List of speakers'; } private losSub: Subscription; /** * The constructor */ public constructor(private listOfSpeakersRepo: ListOfSpeakersRepositoryService) {} public ngOnDestroy(): void { this.cleanLosSub(); } private cleanLosSub(): void { if (this.losSub) { this.losSub.unsubscribe(); this.losSub = null; } } }