#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ openslides.participant.views ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Views for the participant app. :copyright: 2011 by the OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS. :license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details. """ from __future__ import with_statement import csv import utils.csv_ext from urllib import urlencode try: from urlparse import parse_qs except ImportError: # python <= 2.5 grab it from cgi from cgi import parse_qs from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect from django.template import RequestContext from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.contrib.auth.forms import SetPasswordForm from django.contrib import messages from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _, ungettext from django.db import transaction from participant.models import Profile from participant.api import gen_username, gen_password from participant.forms import (UserNewForm, UserEditForm, ProfileForm, UsersettingsForm, UserImportForm, GroupForm, AdminPasswordChangeForm) from application.models import Application from utils.utils import (template, permission_required, gen_confirm_form, ajax_request, decodedict, encodedict) from utils.pdf import print_userlist, print_passwords from utils.template import Tab from system import config from django.db.models import Avg, Max, Min, Count @permission_required('participant.can_see_participant') @template('participant/overview.html') def get_overview(request): try: sortfilter = encodedict(parse_qs(request.COOKIES['participant_sortfilter'])) except KeyError: sortfilter = {} for value in [u'gender', u'group', u'type', u'committee', u'status', u'sort', u'reverse']: if value in request.REQUEST: if request.REQUEST[value] == '---': try: del sortfilter[value] except KeyError: pass else: sortfilter[value] = [request.REQUEST[value]] query = User.objects if 'gender' in sortfilter: query = query.filter(profile__gender__iexact=sortfilter['gender'][0]) if 'group' in sortfilter: query = query.filter(profile__group__iexact=sortfilter['group'][0]) if 'type' in sortfilter: query = query.filter(profile__type__iexact=sortfilter['type'][0]) if 'committee' in sortfilter: query = query.filter(profile__committee__iexact=sortfilter['committee'][0]) if 'status' in sortfilter: query = query.filter(is_active=sortfilter['status'][0]) if 'sort' in sortfilter: if sortfilter['sort'][0] in ['first_name', 'last_name', 'last_login']: query = query.order_by(sortfilter['sort'][0]) elif sortfilter['sort'][0] in ['group', 'type', 'committee', 'comment']: query = query.order_by('profile__%s' % sortfilter['sort'][0]) else: query = query.order_by('first_name') if 'reverse' in sortfilter: query = query.reverse() # list of filtered users (with profile) userlist = query.all() users = [] for user in userlist: try: user.get_profile() users.append(user) except Profile.DoesNotExist: pass # list of all existing users (with profile) allusers = [] for user in User.objects.all(): try: user.get_profile() allusers.append(user) except Profile.DoesNotExist: pass # quotient of selected users and all users if len(allusers) > 0: percent = float(len(users)) * 100 / float(len(allusers)) else: percent = 0 # list of all existing groups groups = [p['group'] for p in Profile.objects.values('group').exclude(group='').distinct()] # list of all existing committees committees = [p['committee'] for p in Profile.objects.values('committee').exclude(committee='').distinct()] return { 'users': users, 'allusers': allusers, 'percent': round(percent, 1), 'groups': groups, 'committees': committees, 'cookie': ['participant_sortfilter', urlencode(decodedict(sortfilter), doseq=True)], 'sortfilter': sortfilter, } @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') @template('participant/edit.html') def edit(request, user_id=None): """ View to create and edit users with profile. """ if user_id is not None: user = User.objects.get(id=user_id) else: user = None if request.method == 'POST': if user_id is None: userform = UserNewForm(request.POST, prefix="user") profileform = ProfileForm(request.POST, prefix="profile") else: userform = UserEditForm(request.POST, instance=user, prefix="user") profileform = ProfileForm(request.POST, instance=user.profile, prefix="profile") if userform.is_valid() and profileform.is_valid(): user = userform.save() if user_id is None: user.username = gen_username(user.first_name, user.last_name) user.save() profile = profileform.save(commit=False) profile.user = user if user_id is None: profile.firstpassword = gen_password() profile.user.set_password(profile.firstpassword) profile.save() if user_id is None: messages.success(request, _('New participant was successfully created.')) else: messages.success(request, _('Participant was successfully modified.')) if not 'apply' in request.POST: return redirect(reverse('user_overview')) if user_id is None: return redirect(reverse('user_edit', args=[user.id])) else: messages.error(request, _('Please check the form for errors.')) else: if user_id is None: userform = UserNewForm(prefix="user") profileform = ProfileForm(prefix="profile") else: userform = UserEditForm(instance=user, prefix="user") profileform = ProfileForm(instance=user.profile, prefix="profile") return { 'userform': userform, 'profileform': profileform, 'edituser': user, } @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') @template('confirm.html') def user_delete(request, user_id): user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) if request.method == 'POST': user.delete() messages.success(request, _('Participant %s was successfully deleted.') % user) else: gen_confirm_form(request, _('Do you really want to delete %s?') % user, reverse('user_delete', args=[user_id])) return redirect(reverse('user_overview')) @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') @template('confirm.html') def user_set_superuser(request, user_id, superuser=True): try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) user.is_superuser = superuser user.save() except User.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, _('Participant %d does not exist.') % int(user_id)) if request.is_ajax(): if superuser: link = reverse('user_normaluser', args=[user.id]) else: link = reverse('user_superuser', args=[user.id]) return ajax_request({'superuser': superuser, 'link': link}) return redirect(reverse('user_overview')) @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') @template('confirm.html') def user_set_active(request, user_id, active=True): try: user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) user.is_active = active user.save() except User.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, _('Participant %d does not exist.') % int(user_id)) if request.is_ajax(): if active: link = reverse('user_inactive', args=[user.id]) else: link = reverse('user_active', args=[user.id]) return ajax_request({'active': active, 'link': link}) return redirect(reverse('user_overview')) @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') @template('participant/group_overview.html') def get_group_overview(request): if config['system_enable_anonymous']: groups = Group.objects.all() else: groups = Group.objects.exclude(name='Anonymous') return { 'groups': groups, } @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') @template('participant/group_edit.html') def group_edit(request, group_id=None): if group_id is not None: try: group = Group.objects.get(id=group_id) except Group.DoesNotExist: raise NameError("There is no group %d" % group_id) else: group = None if request.method == 'POST': form = GroupForm(request.POST, instance=group) if form.is_valid(): group_name = form.cleaned_data['name'].lower() try: anonymous_group = Group.objects.get(name='Anonymous') except Group.DoesNotExist: anonymous_group = None # special handling for anonymous auth if group is None and group_name.strip().lower() == 'anonymous': # don't allow to create this group messages.error(request, _('Group name "%s" is reserved for internal use.') % group_name) return { 'form' : form, 'group': group } group = form.save() if anonymous_group is not None and \ anonymous_group.id == group.id: # prevent name changes - XXX: I'm sure this could be done as *one* group.save() group.name = 'Anonymous' group.save() if group_id is None: messages.success(request, _('New group was successfully created.')) else: messages.success(request, _('Group was successfully modified.')) if not 'apply' in request.POST: return redirect(reverse('user_group_overview')) if group_id is None: return redirect(reverse('user_group_edit', args=[group.id])) else: messages.error(request, _('Please check the form for errors.')) else: form = GroupForm(instance=group) return { 'form': form, 'group': group, } @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') def group_delete(request, group_id): group = Group.objects.get(pk=group_id) if request.method == 'POST': group.delete() messages.success(request, _('Group %s was successfully deleted.') % group) else: gen_confirm_form(request, _('Do you really want to delete %s?') % group, reverse('user_group_delete', args=[group_id])) return redirect(reverse('user_group_overview')) @login_required @template('participant/settings.html') def user_settings(request): if request.method == 'POST': form_user = UsersettingsForm(request.POST,instance=request.user, prefix='user') form_password = SetPasswordForm(request.user,request.POST,prefix='password') if form_user.is_valid() and form_password.is_valid(): form_user.save() form_password.save() messages.success(request, _('User settings successfully saved.')) else: messages.error(request, _('Please check the form for errors.')) else: form_user = UsersettingsForm(instance=request.user, prefix='user') form_password = SetPasswordForm(request.user,prefix='password') return { 'form_user': form_user, 'form_password': form_password, 'edituser': request.user, } @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') @template('participant/import.html') def user_import(request): try: request.user.profile messages.error(request, _('The import function is available for the superuser (without user profile) only.')) return redirect(reverse('user_overview')) except Profile.DoesNotExist: pass except AttributeError: # AnonymousUser pass if request.method == 'POST': form = UserImportForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): try: with transaction.commit_on_success(): old_users = {} applications_mapped = 0 applications_review = 0 applications_removed = 0 try: janitor = User.objects.get(username='__system__.janitor') except User.DoesNotExist: janitor = User() janitor.first_name = '' janitor.last_name = '' janitor.username = '__system__.janitor' janitor.save() applications = Application.objects.all() for application in applications: if form.cleaned_data['application_handling'] == 'DISCARD': # need to do this explicit since some applications may belong # to __system__.janitor which is a permanent user application.delete(force=True) applications_removed += 1 else: # collect all applications and map them to their submitters submitter = application.submitter skey = '%s_%s' % (submitter.first_name, submitter.last_name) if not skey in old_users: old_users[skey] = [] old_users[skey].append(application.id) application.submitter = janitor application.save() if application.supporter.all(): application.writelog(_('Supporters removed after user import.'), user=request.user) profiles = Profile.objects.all() for profile in profiles: profile.user.delete() profile.delete() i = -1 dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(request.FILES['csvfile'].readline()) dialect = utils.csv_ext.patchup(dialect) request.FILES['csvfile'].seek(0) for line in csv.reader(request.FILES['csvfile'], dialect=dialect): i += 1 if i > 0: (first_name, last_name, gender, group, type, committee, comment) = line[:7] user = User() user.last_name = last_name user.first_name = first_name user.username = gen_username(first_name, last_name) #user.email = email user.save() profile = Profile() profile.user = user profile.gender = gender profile.group = group profile.type = type profile.committee = committee profile.comment = comment profile.firstpassword = gen_password() profile.user.set_password(profile.firstpassword) profile.save() if type == 'delegate': delegate = Group.objects.get(name='Delegierte') user.groups.add(delegate) else: observer = Group.objects.get(name='Beobachter') user.groups.add(observer) if form.cleaned_data['application_handling'] == 'REASSIGN': # live remap skey = '%s_%s' % (user.first_name, user.last_name) if skey in old_users: for appid in old_users[skey]: try: application = Application.objects.get(id=appid) application.submitter = user application.save() application.writelog(_('Reassigned to "%s" after (re)importing users.') % ("%s %s" % (user.first_name, user.last_name)), user=request.user) applications_mapped += 1 except Application.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, _('Could not reassing application %d - object not found!') % appid) del old_users[skey] if old_users: # mark all applications without a valid user as 'needs review' # this will account for *all* applications if application_mode == 'INREVIEW' for skey in old_users: for appid in old_users[skey]: try: application = Application.objects.get(id=appid) if application.status != 'rev': application.set_status(user=request.user, status='rev', force=True) applications_review += 1 except Application.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, _('Could not reassing application %d - object not found!') % appid) if applications_review: messages.warning(request, ungettext('%d application could not be reassigned and needs a review!', '%d applications could not be reassigned and need a review!', applications_review) % applications_review) if applications_mapped: messages.success(request, ungettext('%d application was successfully reassigned.', '%d applications were successfully reassigned.', applications_mapped) % applications_mapped) if applications_removed: messages.warning(request, ungettext('%d application was discarded.', '%d applications were discarded.', applications_removed) % applications_removed) messages.success(request, _('%d new participants were successfully imported.') % i) return redirect(reverse('user_overview')) except csv.Error: message.error(request, _('Import aborted because of severe errors in the input file.')) else: messages.error(request, _('Please check the form for errors.')) else: messages.warning(request, _("Attention: All existing participants will be removed if you import new participants.")) if Application.objects.all(): messages.warning(request, _("Attention: Supporters from all existing applications will be removed.")) messages.warning(request, _("Attention: Applications which can't be mapped to new users will be set to 'Needs Review'.")) form = UserImportForm() return { 'form': form, } @permission_required('participant.can_manage_participant') def reset_password(request, user_id): user = User.objects.get(pk=user_id) if request.method == 'POST': user.profile.reset_password() messages.success(request, _('The Password for %s was successfully reset.') % user) else: gen_confirm_form(request, _('Do you really want to reset the password for %s?') % user, reverse('user_reset_password', args=[user_id])) return redirect(reverse('user_edit', args=[user_id])) def register_tab(request): selected = True if request.path.startswith('/participant/') else False return Tab( title=_('Participants'), url=reverse('user_overview'), permission=request.user.has_perm('participant.can_see_participant') or request.user.has_perm('participant.can_manage_participant'), selected=selected, )