from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader from PyPDF2.utils import PdfReadError def bytes_to_human(size): # TODO: Read and think about it. if size < 1024: size_string = "< 1 kB" elif size >= 1024 * 1024: mB = size / 1024 / 1024 size_string = "%d MB" % mB else: kB = size / 1024 size_string = "%d kB" % kB return size_string def get_pdf_information(mediafile): result = {} try: pdf = PdfFileReader(mediafile) result["pages"] = pdf.getNumPages() except PdfReadError: # File could be encrypted but not be detected by PyPDF. result["pages"] = 0 result["encrypted"] = True except (KeyError, OSError): # Other errors. Mostly very rare to occur, but do not raise a 500: # KeyError: # OSError: result["pages"] = 0 result["read_error"] = True return result