import { Component, Input, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { BaseComponent } from '../../../../base.component'; import { ViewMotion } from '../../models/view-motion'; import { PersonalNoteService } from '../../../../core/ui-services/personal-note.service'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { PersonalNoteContent } from '../../../../shared/models/users/personal-note'; /** * Component for the motion comments view */ @Component({ selector: 'os-personal-note', templateUrl: './personal-note.component.html', styleUrls: ['./personal-note.component.scss'] }) export class PersonalNoteComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnDestroy { /** * The motion, which the personal note belong to. */ private _motion: ViewMotion; /** * Sets the motion. If the motion updates (changes, and so on), the subscription * for the personal note will be established. */ @Input() public set motion(motion: ViewMotion) { this._motion = motion; if (this.personalNoteSubscription) { this.personalNoteSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (motion && motion.motion) { this.personalNoteSubscription = this.personalNoteService .getPersonalNoteObserver(motion.motion) .subscribe(pn => { this.personalNote = pn; }); } } public get motion(): ViewMotion { return this._motion; } /** * The edit form for the note */ public personalNoteForm: FormGroup; /** * Saves, if the users edits the note. */ public isEditMode = false; /** * The personal note. */ public personalNote: PersonalNoteContent; /** * The subscription for the personal note. */ private personalNoteSubscription: Subscription; public constructor(private personalNoteService: PersonalNoteService, formBuilder: FormBuilder) { super(); this.personalNoteForm ={ note: [''] }); } /** * Sets up the form. */ public editPersonalNote(): void { this.personalNoteForm.reset(); this.personalNoteForm.patchValue({ note: this.personalNote ? this.personalNote.note : '' }); this.isEditMode = true; } /** * Saves the personal note. If it does not exists, it will be created. */ public async savePersonalNote(): Promise { let content: PersonalNoteContent; if (this.personalNote) { content = Object.assign({}, this.personalNote); content.note = this.personalNoteForm.get('note').value; } else { content = { note: this.personalNoteForm.get('note').value, star: false }; } try { await this.personalNoteService.savePersonalNote(this.motion.motion, content); this.isEditMode = false; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } /** * Remove the subscription if this component isn't needed anymore. */ public ngOnDestroy(): void { if (this.personalNoteSubscription) { this.personalNoteSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } }