import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { OpenSlidesComponent } from 'app/openslides.component'; import { WebsocketService } from './websocket.service'; // the Models import { Item } from 'app/core/models/agenda/item'; import { Assignment } from 'app/core/models/assignments/assignment'; import { ChatMessage } from 'app/core/models/core/chat-message'; import { Config } from 'app/core/models/core/config'; import { Countdown } from 'app/core/models/core/countdown'; import { ProjectorMessage } from 'app/core/models/core/projector-message'; import { Projector } from 'app/core/models/core/projector'; import { Tag } from 'app/core/models/core/tag'; import { Mediafile } from 'app/core/models/mediafiles/mediafile'; import { Category } from 'app/core/models/motions/category'; import { MotionBlock } from 'app/core/models/motions/motion-block'; import { MotionChangeReco } from 'app/core/models/motions/motion-change-reco'; import { Motion } from 'app/core/models/motions/motion'; import { Workflow } from 'app/core/models/motions/workflow'; import { Topic } from 'app/core/models/topics/topic'; import { Group } from 'app/core/models/users/group'; import { PersonalNote } from 'app/core/models/users/personal-note'; import { User } from 'app/core/models/users/user'; /** * Handles the initial update and automatic updates using the {@link WebsocketService} * Incoming objects, usually BaseModels, will be saved in the dataStore (`this.DS`) * This service usually creates all models * * The dataStore will injected over the parent class: {@link OpenSlidesComponent}. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AutoupdateService extends OpenSlidesComponent { /** * Stores the to create the socket created using {@link WebsocketService}. */ private socket; /** * Constructor to create the AutoupdateService. Calls the constructor of the parent class. * @param websocketService */ constructor(private websocketService: WebsocketService) { super(); } /** * Function to start the automatic update process * will build up a websocket connection using {@link WebsocketService} */ startAutoupdate(): void { this.socket = this.websocketService.connect(); this.socket.subscribe(response => { this.storeResponse(response); }); } /** * Handle the answer of incoming data via {@link WebsocketService}. * * Detects the Class of an incomming model, creates a new empty object and assigns * the data to it using the deserialize function. * * Saves models in DataStore. */ storeResponse(socketResponse): void { socketResponse.forEach(jsonObj => { const targetClass = this.getClassFromCollectionString(jsonObj.collection); this.DS.add(new targetClass().deserialize(; }); } /** * helper function to return the correct class from a collection string */ getClassFromCollectionString(collection: string): any { switch (collection) { case 'core/projector': { return Projector; } case 'core/chat-message': { return ChatMessage; } case 'core/tag': { return Tag; } case 'core/projector-message': { return ProjectorMessage; } case 'core/countdown': { return Countdown; } case 'core/config': { return Config; } case 'users/user': { return User; } case 'users/group': { return Group; } case 'users/personal-note': { return PersonalNote; } case 'agenda/item': { return Item; } case 'topics/topic': { return Topic; } case 'motions/category': { return Category; } case 'motions/motion': { return Motion; } case 'motions/motion-block': { return MotionBlock; } case 'motions/workflow': { return Workflow; } case 'motions/motion-change-recommendation': { return MotionChangeReco; } case 'assignments/assignment': { return Assignment; } case 'mediafiles/mediafile': { return Mediafile; } default: { console.error('No rule for ', collection); break; } } } }