import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { MotionBlockSlideData, MotionBlockSlideMotionRepresentation } from './motion-block-slide-data'; import { MotionRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/motions/motion-repository.service'; import { StateCssClassMapping } from 'app/site/motions/models/view-workflow'; import { BaseMotionSlideComponent, MotionTitleInformation } from '../base/base-motion-slide'; import { SlideData } from 'app/core/core-services/projector-data.service'; @Component({ selector: 'os-motion-block-slide', templateUrl: './motion-block-slide.component.html', styleUrls: ['./motion-block-slide.component.scss'] }) export class MotionBlockSlideComponent extends BaseMotionSlideComponent { /** * For sorting motion blocks by their displayed title */ private languageCollator: Intl.Collator; private _data: SlideData; /** * Sort the motions given. */ @Input() public set data(data: SlideData) { if (data && { =, b) =>, this.getMotionIdentifier(b)) ); } this._data = data; } public get data(): SlideData { return this._data; } public constructor(translate: TranslateService, motionRepo: MotionRepositoryService) { super(translate, motionRepo); this.languageCollator = new Intl.Collator(this.translate.currentLang); } /** * @returns the title of the given motion. */ public getMotionTitle(motion: MotionTitleInformation): string { return this.motionRepo.getTitle(motion); } /** * @returns the identifier (of title if identifier not availabe) of the given motion. */ public getMotionIdentifier(motion: MotionTitleInformation): string { return this.motionRepo.getIdentifierOrTitle(motion); } public getStateCssColor(motion: MotionBlockSlideMotionRepresentation): string { return StateCssClassMapping[motion.recommendation.css_class] || ''; } public getRecommendationLabel(motion: MotionBlockSlideMotionRepresentation): string { let recommendation = this.translate.instant(; if (motion.recommendation_extension) { recommendation += ' ' + this.replaceReferencedMotions(motion.recommendation_extension,; } return recommendation; } }