from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set from django.db import models, transaction from rest_framework.views import APIView as _APIView from .autoupdate import inform_changed_data from .rest_api import Response, ValidationError class APIView(_APIView): """ The Django Rest framework APIView with improvements for OpenSlides. """ http_method_names: List[str] = [] """ The allowed actions have to be explicitly defined. Django allowes the following: http_method_names = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'head', 'options', 'trace'] """ def get_context_data(self, **context: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the context for the response. """ return context def method_call(self, request: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """ Http method that returns the response object with the context data. """ return Response(self.get_context_data()) # Add the http-methods and delete the method "method_call" get = post = put = patch = delete = head = options = trace = method_call del method_call class TreeSortMixin: """ Provides a handler for sorting a model tree. """ def sort_tree( self, request: Any, model: models.Model, weight_key: str, parent_id_key: str ) -> None: """ Sorts the all model objects represented in a tree of ids. The request data should be a list (the root) of all main agenda items. Each node is a dict with an id and optional children: { id: children: [ ] } Every id has to be given. """ if not isinstance(, list): raise ValidationError("The data must be a list.") # get all item ids to verify, that the user send all ids. all_item_ids = set(model.objects.all().values_list("pk", flat=True)) # The stack where all nodes to check are saved. Invariant: Each node # must be a dict with an id, a parent id (may be None for the root # layer) and a weight. nodes_to_check = [] ids_found: Set[int] = set() # Set to save all found ids. # Insert all root nodes. for index, node in enumerate( if not isinstance(node, dict) or not isinstance(node.get("id"), int): raise ValidationError("node must be a dict with an id as integer") node[parent_id_key] = None node[weight_key] = index nodes_to_check.append(node) # Traverse and check, if every id is given, valid and there are no duplicate ids. while len(nodes_to_check) > 0: node = nodes_to_check.pop() id = node["id"] if id in ids_found: raise ValidationError(f"Duplicate id: {id}") if id not in all_item_ids: raise ValidationError(f"Id does not exist: {id}") ids_found.add(id) # Add children, if exist. if isinstance(node.get("children"), list): for index, child in enumerate(node["children"]): # ensure invariant for nodes_to_check if not isinstance(node, dict) or not isinstance( node.get("id"), int ): raise ValidationError( "node must be a dict with an id as integer" ) child[parent_id_key] = id child[weight_key] = index nodes_to_check.append(child) if len(all_item_ids) != len(ids_found): raise ValidationError( f"Did not recieved {len(all_item_ids)} ids, got {len(ids_found)}." ) nodes_to_update = [] nodes_to_update.extend( ) # this will prevent mutating the request data. with transaction.atomic(): while len(nodes_to_update) > 0: node = nodes_to_update.pop() id = node["id"] weight = node[weight_key] parent_id = node[parent_id_key] db_node = model.objects.get(pk=id) setattr(db_node, parent_id_key, parent_id) setattr(db_node, weight_key, weight) # Add children, if exist. children = node.get("children") if isinstance(children, list): nodes_to_update.extend(children) inform_changed_data(model.objects.all()) return Response()