@import '~@angular/material/theming'; /** Custom component theme. Only lives in a specific scope */ @mixin os-site-theme($theme) { $primary: map-get($theme, primary); $accent: map-get($theme, accent); $warn: map-get($theme, accent); $foreground: map-get($theme, foreground); $background: map-get($theme, background); $is-dark-theme: map-get($theme, is-dark); os-site { /* main background color */ .main-container { background-color: mat-color($background, background); } .nav-toolbar { background-color: mat-color($background, card); //TODO } .nav-toggle-button { background: mat-color($background, background); color: mat-color($foreground, icon); } /* seperator */ mat-nav-list.main-nav, mat-divider { border-top-color: $os-outline; } /** style and align the nav icons the icons*/ .main-nav { mat-icon { color: mat-color($foreground, icon); } span { color: mat-color($foreground, text); } } /** style the active link */ .active { mat-icon { color: mat-color(if($is-dark-theme, $accent, $primary)); } span { color: mat-color(if($is-dark-theme, $accent, $primary)); } } } }