from ..utils.access_permissions import BaseAccessPermissions from ..utils.auth import DjangoAnonymousUser, has_perm class UserAccessPermissions(BaseAccessPermissions): """ Access permissions container for User and UserViewSet. """ def check_permissions(self, user): """ Returns True if the user has read access model instances. """ return has_perm(user, 'users.can_see_name') def get_serializer_class(self, user=None): """ Returns different serializer classes with respect user's permissions. """ from .serializers import UserFullSerializer return UserFullSerializer def get_restricted_data(self, full_data, user): """ Returns the restricted serialized data for the instance prepared for the user. Removes several fields for non admins so that they do not get the fields they should not get. """ from .serializers import USERCANSEESERIALIZER_FIELDS, USERCANSEEEXTRASERIALIZER_FIELDS NO_DATA = 0 LITTLE_DATA = 1 MANY_DATA = 2 FULL_DATA = 3 # Check user permissions. if has_perm(user, 'users.can_see_name'): if has_perm(user, 'users.can_see_extra_data'): if has_perm(user, 'users.can_manage'): case = FULL_DATA else: case = MANY_DATA else: case = LITTLE_DATA else: case = NO_DATA # Setup data. if case == FULL_DATA: data = full_data elif case == NO_DATA: data = None else: # case in (LITTLE_DATA, ḾANY_DATA) if case == MANY_DATA: fields = USERCANSEEEXTRASERIALIZER_FIELDS else: # case == LITTLE_DATA fields = USERCANSEESERIALIZER_FIELDS # Let only some fields pass this method. data = {} for base_key in fields: for key in (base_key, base_key + '_id'): if key in full_data.keys(): data[key] = full_data[key] return data def get_projector_data(self, full_data): """ Returns the restricted serialized data for the instance prepared for the projector. Removes several fields. """ from .serializers import USERCANSEESERIALIZER_FIELDS # Let only some fields pass this method. data = {} for key in full_data.keys(): if key in USERCANSEESERIALIZER_FIELDS: data[key] = full_data[key] return data class GroupAccessPermissions(BaseAccessPermissions): """ Access permissions container for Groups. Everyone can see them """ def check_permissions(self, user): """ Returns True if the user has read access model instances. """ from ..core.config import config # Every authenticated user can retrieve groups. Anonymous users can do # so if they are enabled. # Our AnonymousUser is a subclass of the DjangoAnonymousUser. Normaly, a # DjangoAnonymousUser means, that AnonymousUser is disabled. But this is # no garanty. send_data uses the AnonymousUser in any case. return not isinstance(user, DjangoAnonymousUser) or config['general_system_enable_anonymous'] def get_serializer_class(self, user=None): """ Returns serializer class. """ from .serializers import GroupSerializer return GroupSerializer