import { Component, OnInit, Input, ViewChild, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { FormControl, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatSelect } from '@angular/material'; import { Subject, ReplaySubject, BehaviorSubject, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { Selectable } from '../selectable'; /** * Reusable Searchable Value Selector * * Use `multiple="true"`, `[InputListValues]=myValues`,`[formControl]="myformcontrol"`, `[form]="myform_name"` and `placeholder={{listname}}` to pass the Values and Listname * * ## Examples: * * ### Usage of the selector: * * ngDefaultControl: * * ```html * * * ``` * */ @Component({ selector: 'os-search-value-selector', templateUrl: './search-value-selector.component.html', styleUrls: ['./search-value-selector.component.scss'] }) export class SearchValueSelectorComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { /** * ngModel variable - Deprecated with Angular 7 * DO NOT USE: READ AT remove() FUNCTION! */ public myModel = []; /** * Control for the filtering of the list */ public filterControl = new FormControl(); /** * List of the filtered content, when entering something in the search bar */ public filteredItems: ReplaySubject = new ReplaySubject(1); /** * The inputlist subject. */ private _inputListSubject: BehaviorSubject; /** * Saves the current subscription to _inputListSubject. */ private _inputListSubscription: Subscription = null; /** * Decide if this should be a single or multi-select-field */ @Input() public multiple: boolean; /** * Decide, if none should be included, if multiple is false. */ @Input() public includeNone = false; /** * The inputlist subject. Subscribes to it and updates the selector, if the subject * changes its values. */ @Input() public set InputListValues(value: BehaviorSubject) { // unsubscribe to old subscription. if (this._inputListSubscription) { this._inputListSubscription.unsubscribe(); } this._inputListSubject = value; this._inputListSubscription = this._inputListSubject.subscribe(values => { this.filterItems(); }); } /** * Placeholder of the List */ @Input() public listname: String; /** * Form Group */ @Input() public form: FormGroup; /** * Name of the Form */ @Input() public formControl: FormControl; /** * DO NOT USE UNTIL BUG IN UPSTREAM ARE RESOLVED! * READ AT FUNCTION remove() * * Displayes the selected Items as Chip-List */ // @Input() public dispSelected = false; /** * The MultiSelect Component */ @ViewChild('thisSelector') public thisSelector: MatSelect; /** * Subject that emits when the component has been destroyed */ private _onDestroy = new Subject(); /** * Empty constructor */ public constructor(protected translate: TranslateService) {} /** * onInit with filter ans subscription on filter */ public ngOnInit(): void { if (this._inputListSubject) {; } // listen to value changes this.filterControl.valueChanges.pipe(takeUntil(this._onDestroy)).subscribe(() => { this.filterItems(); }); } /** * Unsubscribe on destroing. */ public ngOnDestroy(): void { if (this._inputListSubscription) { this._inputListSubscription.unsubscribe(); }; } /** * the filter function itself */ private filterItems(): void { if (!this._inputListSubject) { return; } // get the search keyword let search = this.filterControl.value; if (!search) {; return; } else { search = search.toLowerCase(); } // filter the values this._inputListSubject.getValue().filter( selectedItem => selectedItem .toString() .toLowerCase() .indexOf(search) > -1 ) ); } /** * If the dispSelected value is marked as true, a chipList should be shown below the * selection list. Unfortunately it is not possible (yet) to change the datamodel in the backend * - therefore you can display the values in two * places, but can't reflect the changes in both places. Until this can be done this will be unused code * @param item the selected item to be removed */ public remove(item: Selectable): void { const myArr = this.thisSelector.value; const index = myArr.indexOf(item, 0); // my model was the form according to fix // // but this causes bad behaviour and will be depricated in Angular 7 this.myModel = this.myModel.slice(index, 1); if (index > -1) { myArr.splice(index, 1); } this.thisSelector.value = myArr; } }