from django.apps import apps from ..utils.auth import has_perm from ..utils.collection import Collection from .models import Assignment def get_permission_change_data(sender, permissions=None, **kwargs): """ Yields all necessary collections if 'assignments.can_see' permission changes. """ assignments_app = apps.get_app_config(app_label='assignments') for permission in permissions: # There could be only one 'assignment.can_see' and then we want to return data. if permission.content_type.app_label == assignments_app.label and permission.codename == 'can_see': yield from assignments_app.get_startup_elements() def is_user_data_required(sender, request_user, user_data, **kwargs): """ Returns True if request user can see assignments and user_data is required to be displayed as candidates (including poll options). """ result = False if has_perm(request_user, 'assignments.can_see'): for assignment_collection_element in Collection(Assignment.get_collection_string()).element_generator(): full_data = assignment_collection_element.get_full_data() for related_user in full_data['assignment_related_users']: if user_data['id'] == related_user['user_id']: result = True break else: for poll in full_data['polls']: for option in poll['options']: if user_data['id'] == option['candidate_id']: result = True break else: continue break else: continue break break return result