import { Category } from '../../../shared/models/motions/category'; import { User } from '../../../shared/models/users/user'; import { Workflow } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow'; import { WorkflowState } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow-state'; import { Item } from 'app/shared/models/agenda/item'; import { MotionBlock } from 'app/shared/models/motions/motion-block'; import { ViewMotion } from './view-motion'; import { CreateMotion } from './create-motion'; /** * Create motion class for the View. Its different to ViewMotion in fact that the submitter handling is different * on motion creation. * * @ignore */ export class ViewCreateMotion extends ViewMotion { protected _motion: CreateMotion; public get motion(): CreateMotion { return this._motion; } public get submitters(): User[] { return this._submitters; } public get submitters_id(): number[] { return this.motion ? this.motion.submitters_id : null; } public set submitters(users: User[]) { this._submitters = users; this._motion.submitters_id = =>; } public constructor( motion?: CreateMotion, category?: Category, submitters?: User[], supporters?: User[], workflow?: Workflow, state?: WorkflowState, item?: Item, block?: MotionBlock ) { super(motion, category, submitters, supporters, workflow, state, item, block, null); } /** * Duplicate this motion into a copy of itself */ public copy(): ViewCreateMotion { return new ViewCreateMotion( this._motion, this._category, this._submitters, this._supporters, this._workflow, this._state ); } }