import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; /** * This represents one entry in the main menu */ export interface MainMenuEntry { /** * The route for the router to navigate to on click. */ route: string; /** * The display string to be shown. */ displayName: string; /** * The font awesom icon to display. */ icon: string; /** * For sorting the entries. */ weight: number; /** * The permission to see the entry. */ permission: string; } /** * Collects main menu entries and provides them to the main menu component. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class MainMenuService { /** * A list of sorted entries. */ private _entries: MainMenuEntry[] = []; /** * Make the entries public. */ public get entries(): MainMenuEntry[] { return this._entries; } public constructor() {} /** * Adds entries to the mainmenu. * @param entries The entries to add */ public registerEntries(entries: MainMenuEntry[]): void { this._entries.push(...entries); this._entries = this._entries.sort((a, b) => a.weight - b.weight); } }