# Development of OpenSlides 4 ## Requirements You need git, bash, docker, docker-compose, make and go installed. Go is needed to install https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert. The development setup uses HTTPS per default. OpenSlides does not work with HTTP anymore since features are required (like http2) that only works in a secure environment. ## First time checkout Clone this repository: $ git clone git@github.com:OpenSlides/OpenSlides.git $ git checkout openslides4-dev TODO: use `--recurse-submodules`, when master is OS4 After checking out the os4-branch you need to initialize all submodules and install a root-cert: $ git submodule update --init $ go get https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert $ sudo mkcert -install If you get an error, you might need to install `certutil`. For Debian: `sudo apt install libnss3-tools`. Finally, start the dev server: $ make run-dev ## Running tests To run all tests of all services, execute `run-service-tests`. TODO: Systemtests in this repo. ## Adding a new Service $ git submodule add Append `branch = master` to the new entry in the `.gitmodules` file. Verify, that it is there (the folder should have 160000 permissions: Submodule) with the current commit: $ git diff --cached Then, commit changes and create a pull request. ## Work in submodules - Create your own fork at github. - Remove the upstream (main) repo as the origin in the submodule: $ cd $ git remote remove origin - Add your fork and the main repo as origin and upstream $ git remote add origin $ git remote add upstream
## Requirements for services ### Environment variables These environment variables are available: - `_HOST`: The host from a required service - `_PORT`: The port from a required service Required services can be `MESSAGE_BUS`, `DATASTORE_WRITER`, `PERMISSION`, `AUTOUPDATE`, etc. For private services (e.g. a database dedicated to exactly one service), use the following syntax: `__`, e.g. the Postgresql user for the datastore: `DATASTORE_POSTGRESQL_USER`. ### Makefile A makefile must be provided at the root-level of the service. The currently required (phony) targets are: - `run-tests`: Execute all tests from the submodule - `build-dev`: Build an image with the tag `openslides--dev` ### Build arguments in the Dockerfile These build arguments should be supported by every service: - `REPOSITORY_URL`: The git-url for the repository to use - `GIT_CHECKOUT`: A branch/tag/commit to check out during the build Note that meaningful defaults should be provided in the Dockerfile. ## Developing on a single service Go to the serivce and create a new branch (from master): $ cd my-service $ git status # -> on master? $ git checkout -b my-feature Run OpenSlides in development mode (e.g. in a new terminal): $ make run-dev After making some changes in my-service, create a commit and push to your fork $ git add -A $ git commit -m "A meaningful commit message here" $ git push origin my-feature As the last step, you can create a PR on Github. After merging, these steps are required to be executed in the main repo: $ cd my-service $ git pull upstream master $ cd .. $ git diff # -> commit hash changed for my-service If the update commit should be a PR: $ git checkout -b updated-my-service $ git commit -am "Updated my-service" $ git push origin updated-my-service Or a direct push on master: $ git commit -am "Updated my-service" $ git push origin master ## Working with Submodules After working in many services with different branches, this command checks out `master` (or the given branch in the .gitmodules) in all submodules and pulls master from upstream (This requres to have `upstream`set up as a remote in all submodules): $ git submodule foreach -q --recursive 'git checkout $(git config -f $toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch || echo master); git pull upstream $(git config -f $toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch || echo master)' When changing the branch in the main repo (this one), the submodules do not automatically gets changed. THis ocmmand checks out all submodules to the given commits in the main repo: $ git submodule update