======================== OpenSlides Development ======================== This instruction helps you to setup a development environment for OpenSlides. A simple dev setup will be configured without the need of the docker-compose setup. There are only the server running without a cache and a sqlite database and the client as an development server. 1. Installation on GNU/Linux or Mac OS X ---------------------------------------- a. Check requirements ''''''''''''''''''''' Make sure that you have installed `Python (>= 3.6) `_, `Node.js (>=10.x) `_ and `Git `_ on your system. You also need build-essential packages and header files and a static library for Python. For Debian based systems (Ubuntu, etc) run:: $ sudo apt-get install git nodejs npm build-essential python3-dev b. Get OpenSlides source code ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Clone current master version from `OpenSlides GitHub repository `_:: $ git clone https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides.git $ cd OpenSlides c. Setup a virtual Python environment (optional) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You can setup a virtual Python environment using the virtual environment (venv) package for Python to install OpenSlides as non-root user. This will allow for encapsulated dependencies. They will be installed in the virtual environment and not globally on your system. Setup and activate the virtual environment:: $ python3 -m venv .virtualenv $ source .virtualenv/bin/activate You can exit the environment with:: $ deactivate d. Server ''''''''' Go into the server's directory:: $ cd server/ Install all required Python packages:: $ pip install --upgrade setuptools pip $ pip install --requirement requirements.txt Create a settings file, run migrations and start the server:: $ python manage.py createsettings $ python manage.py migrate $ python manage.py runserver All you data (database, config, mediafiles) are stored in ``personal_data/var``. To get help on the command line options run:: $ python manage.py --help Later you might want to restart the server with one of the following commands. To run the OpenSlides server execute:: $ python manage.py runserver When debugging something email related change the email backend to console:: $ python manage.py runserver --debug-email The server is available under http://localhost:8000. Especially the rest interface might be important during development: http://localhost:8000/rest/ (The trailing slash is important!). e. Client ''''''''' Go in the client's directory:: $ cd client/ Install all dependencies and start the development server:: $ npm install $ npm start After a while, the client is available under http://localhost:4200. 2. Installation on Windows -------------------------- Follow the instructions above (Installation on GNU/Linux or Mac OS X) but care of the following variations. To get Python download and run the latest `Python 3.7 32-bit (x86) executable installer `_. Note that the 32-bit installer is required even on a 64-bit Windows system. If you use the 64-bit installer, step d. of the instruction might fail unless you installed some packages manually. In some cases you have to install `MS Visual C++ 2015 build tools `_ before you install the required python packages for OpenSlides (unfortunately Twisted needs it). To setup and activate the virtual environment in step c. use:: > .virtualenv\Scripts\activate.bat All other commands are the same as for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. 3. Running the test cases ------------------------- a. Running server tests ''''''''''''''''''''''' To run some server tests see `.travis.yml `_. b. Client tests and commands '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Change to the client's directory to run every client related command. Run client tests:: $ npm test Fix the code format and lint it with:: $ npm run prettify-write $ npm run lint To extract translations run:: $ npm run extract When updating, adding or changing used packages from npm, please update the README.md using following command:: $ npm run licenses 4. Notes for running OpenSlides in larger setups ------------------------------------------------ For productive setups refer to the docker-compose setup described in the main `README`_. While develpment it might be handy to use a cache and another database. PostgreSQL is recommended and Redis necessary as a cache. Both can be set up in the ``settings.py``. Please consider reading the `OpenSlides configuration `_ page to find out about all configurations, especially when using OpenSlides for big assemblies. If you followed the instructions and installed the pip requirements form the ``requirements.py`` all needed dependencies for another worker are installed. Instead of running ``python manage.py runserver`` you can use daphne or gunicorn (the latter is used in the prod setup):: $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings $ export PYTHONPATH=personal_data/var/ $ daphne -b -p 8000 openslides.asgi:application The last line may be interchangeable with gunicorn and uvicorn as protocol server:: $ gunicorn -w 4 -b -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker openslides.asgi:application