import smtplib import textwrap from typing import List, Set from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import ( login as auth_login, logout as auth_logout, update_session_auth_hash, ) from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.auth.password_validation import validate_password from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site from django.core import mail from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError from django.db import transaction from django.http.request import QueryDict from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes, force_text from django.utils.http import urlsafe_base64_decode, urlsafe_base64_encode from ..core.config import config from ..core.signals import permission_change from ..utils.auth import ( GROUP_ADMIN_PK, GROUP_DEFAULT_PK, anonymous_is_enabled, has_perm, ) from ..utils.autoupdate import Element, inform_changed_data, inform_changed_elements from ..utils.cache import element_cache from ..utils.rest_api import ( ModelViewSet, Response, SimpleMetadata, ValidationError, detail_route, list_route, status, ) from ..utils.views import APIView from .access_permissions import ( GroupAccessPermissions, PersonalNoteAccessPermissions, UserAccessPermissions, ) from .models import Group, PersonalNote, User from .serializers import GroupSerializer, PermissionRelatedField # Viewsets for the REST API class UserViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for users. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update, destroy and reset_password. """ access_permissions = UserAccessPermissions() queryset = User.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_see_name") elif self.action in ("update", "partial_update"): result = self.request.user.is_authenticated elif self.action in ( "create", "destroy", "reset_password", "mass_import", "mass_invite_email", ): result = ( has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_see_name") and has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_see_extra_data") and has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_manage") ) else: result = False return result def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to update an user. Checks also whether the requesting user can update the user. He needs at least the permissions 'users.can_see_name' (see self.check_view_permissions()). Also it is evaluated whether he wants to update himself or is manager. """ user = self.get_object() # Check permissions. if ( has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_see_name") and has_perm(request.user, "users.can_see_extra_data") and has_perm(request.user, "users.can_manage") ): # The user has all permissions so he may update every user. if"is_active") is False and user == request.user: # But a user can not deactivate himself. raise ValidationError({"detail": "You can not deactivate yourself."}) else: # The user does not have all permissions so he may only update himself. if str( != self.kwargs["pk"]: self.permission_denied(request) # This is a hack to make mutable. Otherwise fields can not be deleted. if isinstance(, QueryDict): = True # Remove fields that the user is not allowed to change. # The list() is required because we want to use del inside the loop. for key in list( if key not in ("username", "about_me"): del[key] response = super().update(request, *args, **kwargs) # Maybe some group assignments have changed. Better delete the restricted user cache async_to_sync(element_cache.del_user)( return response def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to delete an user. Ensures that no one can delete himself. """ instance = self.get_object() if instance == self.request.user: raise ValidationError({"detail": "You can not delete yourself."}) self.perform_destroy(instance) return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def reset_password(self, request, pk=None): """ View to reset the password using the requested password. If update_defualt_password=True is given, the new password will also be set as the default_password. """ user = self.get_object() password ="password") if not isinstance(password, str): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Password has to be a string."}) update_default_password ="update_default_password", False) if not isinstance(update_default_password, bool): raise ValidationError( {"detail": "update_default_password has to be a boolean."} ) try: validate_password(password, user=request.user) except DjangoValidationError as errors: raise ValidationError({"detail": " ".join(errors)}) user.set_password(password) if update_default_password: user.default_password = password return Response({"detail": "Password successfully reset."}) @list_route(methods=["post"]) @transaction.atomic def mass_import(self, request): """ API endpoint to create multiple users at once. Example: {"users": [{"first_name": "Max"}, {"first_name": "Maxi"}]} """ users ="users") if not isinstance(users, list): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Users has to be a list."}) created_users = [] # List of all track ids of all imported users. The track ids are just used in the client. imported_track_ids = [] for user in users: serializer = self.get_serializer(data=user) try: serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) except ValidationError: # Skip invalid users. continue data = serializer.prepare_password( groups = data["groups_id"] del data["groups_id"] db_user = User(**data) db_user.groups.add(*groups) created_users.append(db_user) if "importTrackId" in user: imported_track_ids.append(user["importTrackId"]) # Now infom all clients and send a response inform_changed_data(created_users) return Response( { "detail": f"{len(created_users)} users successfully imported.", "importedTrackIds": imported_track_ids, } ) @list_route(methods=["post"]) def mass_invite_email(self, request): """ Endpoint to send invitation emails to all given users (by id). Returns the number of emails send. """ user_ids ="user_ids") if not isinstance(user_ids, list): raise ValidationError({"detail": "User_ids has to be a list."}) for user_id in user_ids: if not isinstance(user_id, int): raise ValidationError({"detail": "User_id has to be an int."}) # Get subject and body from the response. Do not use the config values # because they might not be translated. subject ="subject") message ="message") if not isinstance(subject, str): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Subject has to be a string."}) if not isinstance(message, str): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Message has to be a string."}) users = User.objects.filter(pk__in=user_ids) # Sending Emails. Keep track, which users gets an email. # First, try to open the connection to the smtp server. connection = mail.get_connection(fail_silently=False) try: except ConnectionRefusedError: raise ValidationError( { "detail": f"Cannot connect to SMTP server on {settings.EMAIL_HOST}:{settings.EMAIL_PORT}" } ) except smtplib.SMTPException as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": f"{err.errno}: {err.strerror}"}) success_users = [] user_pks_without_email = [] try: for user in users: if if user.send_invitation_email( connection, subject, message, skip_autoupdate=True ): success_users.append(user) else: user_pks_without_email.append( except DjangoValidationError as err: raise ValidationError(err.message_dict) connection.close() inform_changed_data(success_users) return Response( {"count": len(success_users), "no_email_ids": user_pks_without_email} ) class GroupViewSetMetadata(SimpleMetadata): """ Customized metadata class for OPTIONS requests. """ def get_field_info(self, field): """ Customized method to change the display name of permission choices. """ field_info = super().get_field_info(field) if field.field_name == "permissions": field_info["choices"] = [ { "value": choice_value, "display_name": force_text(choice_name, strings_only=True).split( " | " )[2], } for choice_value, choice_name in field.choices.items() ] return field_info class GroupViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for groups. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ metadata_class = GroupViewSetMetadata queryset = Group.objects.all() serializer_class = GroupSerializer access_permissions = GroupAccessPermissions() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": # Every authenticated user can see the metadata. # Anonymous users can do so if they are enabled. result = self.request.user.is_authenticated or anonymous_is_enabled() elif self.action in ("create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy"): # Users with all app permissions can edit groups. result = ( has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_see_name") and has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_see_extra_data") and has_perm(self.request.user, "users.can_manage") ) else: # Deny request in any other case. result = False return result def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized endpoint to update a group. Send the signal 'permission_change' if group permissions change. """ group = self.get_object() # Collect old and new (given) permissions to get the difference. old_permissions = list( group.permissions.all() ) # Force evaluation so the perms don't change anymore. permission_names =["permissions"] if isinstance(permission_names, str): permission_names = [permission_names] given_permissions = [ PermissionRelatedField(read_only=True).to_internal_value(data=perm) for perm in permission_names ] # Run super to update the group. response = super().update(request, *args, **kwargs) # Check status code and send 'permission_change' signal. if response.status_code == 200: # Delete the user chaches of all affected users for user in group.user_set.all(): async_to_sync(element_cache.del_user)( def diff(full, part): """ This helper function calculates the difference of two lists: The result is a list of all elements of 'full' that are not in 'part'. """ part = set(part) return [item for item in full if item not in part] new_permissions = diff(given_permissions, old_permissions) # Some permissions are added. if new_permissions: elements: List[Element] = [] signal_results = permission_change.send( None, permissions=new_permissions, action="added" ) all_full_data = async_to_sync(element_cache.get_all_full_data)() for __, signal_collections in signal_results: for cachable in signal_collections: for full_data in all_full_data.get( cachable.get_collection_string(), {} ): elements.append( Element( id=full_data["id"], collection_string=cachable.get_collection_string(), full_data=full_data, disable_history=True, ) ) inform_changed_elements(elements) # TODO: Some permissions are deleted. return response def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Protects builtin groups 'Default' (pk=1) and 'Admin' (pk=2) from being deleted. """ instance = self.get_object() if in (GROUP_DEFAULT_PK, GROUP_ADMIN_PK): self.permission_denied(request) # The list() is required to evaluate the query affected_users_ids = list(instance.user_set.values_list("pk", flat=True)) # Delete the group self.perform_destroy(instance) # Get the updated user data from the DB. affected_users = User.objects.filter(pk__in=affected_users_ids) inform_changed_data(affected_users) return Response(status=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT) class PersonalNoteViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for personal notes. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update, and destroy. """ access_permissions = PersonalNoteAccessPermissions() queryset = PersonalNote.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ( "metadata", "create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy", ): # Every authenticated user can see metadata and create personal # notes for himself and can manipulate only his own personal notes. # See self.perform_create(), self.update() and self.destroy(). result = self.request.user.is_authenticated else: result = False return result def perform_create(self, serializer): """ Customized method to inject the request.user into serializer's save method so that the request.user can be saved into the model field. """ def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized method to ensure that every user can change only his own personal notes. """ if self.get_object().user != self.request.user: self.permission_denied(request) return super().update(request, *args, **kwargs) def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized method to ensure that every user can delete only his own personal notes. """ if self.get_object().user != self.request.user: self.permission_denied(request) return super().destroy(request, *args, **kwargs) # Special API views class WhoAmIDataView(APIView): def get_whoami_data(self): """ Appends the user id to the context. Uses None for the anonymous user. Appends also a flag if guest users are enabled in the config. Appends also the serialized user if available. """ user_id = or 0 guest_enabled = anonymous_is_enabled() if user_id: user_data = async_to_sync(element_cache.get_element_restricted_data)( user_id, self.request.user.get_collection_string(), user_id ) group_ids = user_data["groups_id"] or [GROUP_DEFAULT_PK] else: user_data = None group_ids = [GROUP_DEFAULT_PK] if guest_enabled else [] # collect all permissions permissions: Set[str] = set() group_all_data = async_to_sync(element_cache.get_collection_full_data)( "users/group" ) for group_id in group_ids: permissions.update(group_all_data[group_id]["permissions"]) return { "user_id": user_id or None, "guest_enabled": guest_enabled, "user": user_data, "permissions": list(permissions), } def get_context_data(self, **context): context.update(self.get_whoami_data()) return super().get_context_data(**context) class UserLoginView(WhoAmIDataView): """ Login the user. """ http_method_names = ["get", "post"] def post(self, *args, **kwargs): # If the client tells that cookies are disabled, do not continue as guest (if enabled) if not"cookies", True): raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Cookies have to be enabled to use OpenSlides."} ) form = AuthenticationForm(self.request, if not form.is_valid(): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Username or password is not correct."}) self.user = form.get_user() auth_login(self.request, self.user) return super().post(*args, **kwargs) def get_context_data(self, **context): """ Adds some context. For GET requests adds login info text to context. This info text is taken from the config. If this value is empty, a special text is used if the admin user has the password 'admin'. For POST requests adds the id of the current user to the context. """ if self.request.method == "GET": if config["general_login_info_text"]: context["info_text"] = config["general_login_info_text"] else: try: user = User.objects.get(username="admin") except User.DoesNotExist: context["info_text"] = "" else: if user.check_password("admin"): context["info_text"] = ( f"Use admin and admin for your first login.
" "Please change your password to hide this message!" ) else: context["info_text"] = "" # Add the privacy policy and legal notice, so the client can display it # even, it is not logged in. context["privacy_policy"] = config["general_event_privacy_policy"] context["legal_notice"] = config["general_event_legal_notice"] # Add the theme, so the loginpage is themed correctly context["theme"] = config["openslides_theme"] context["logo_web_header"] = config["logo_web_header"] else: # self.request.method == 'POST' context.update(self.get_whoami_data()) return super().get_context_data(**context) class UserLogoutView(WhoAmIDataView): """ Logout the user. """ http_method_names = ["post"] def post(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.request.user.is_authenticated: raise ValidationError({"detail": "You are not authenticated."}) auth_logout(self.request) return super().post(*args, **kwargs) class WhoAmIView(WhoAmIDataView): """ Returns the id of the requesting user. """ http_method_names = ["get"] class SetPasswordView(APIView): """ Users can set a new password for themselves. """ http_method_names = ["post"] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): user = request.user if not ( has_perm(user, "users.can_change_password") or has_perm(user, "users.can_manage") ): self.permission_denied(request) if user.check_password(["old_password"]): try: validate_password("new_password"), user=user) except DjangoValidationError as errors: raise ValidationError({"detail": " ".join(errors)}) user.set_password(["new_password"]) update_session_auth_hash(request, user) else: raise ValidationError({"detail": "Old password does not match."}) return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs) class PasswordResetView(APIView): """ Users can send an email to themselves to get a password reset email. Send POST request with {'email': } and all users with this address will receive an email (means Django sends one or more emails to this address) with a one-use only link. """ http_method_names = ["post"] use_https = True # TODO: get used protocol from server, see issue #4233 def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Loop over all users and send emails. """ to_email ="email") for user in self.get_users(to_email): current_site = get_current_site(request) site_name = if has_perm(user, "users.can_change_password") or has_perm( user, "users.can_manage" ): context = { "email": to_email, "site_name": site_name, "protocol": "https" if self.use_https else "http", "domain": current_site.domain, "path": "/login/reset-password-confirm/", "user_id": urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(, "token": default_token_generator.make_token(user), "username": user.get_username(), } body = self.get_email_body(**context) else: # User is not allowed to reset his permission. Send only short message. body = f""" You do not have permission to reset your password at {site_name}. Please contact your local administrator. Your username, in case you've forgotten: {user.get_username()} """ # Send a django.core.mail.EmailMessage to `to_email`. subject = f"Password reset for {site_name}" subject = "".join(subject.splitlines()) from_email = None # TODO: Add nice from_email here. email_message = mail.EmailMessage(subject, body, from_email, [to_email]) try: email_message.send() except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused: raise ValidationError( { "detail": f"Error: The email to {to_email} was refused by the server. Please contact your local administrator." } ) except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError as e: # Nice error message on auth failure raise ValidationError( { "detail": f"Error {e.smtp_code}: Authentication failure. Please contact your administrator." } ) return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_users(self, email): """Given an email, return matching user(s) who should receive a reset. This allows subclasses to more easily customize the default policies that prevent inactive users and users with unusable passwords from resetting their password. """ active_users = User.objects.filter( **{"email__iexact": email, "is_active": True} ) return (u for u in active_users if u.has_usable_password()) def get_email_body(self, **context): """ Add context to email template and return the complete body. """ return textwrap.dedent( """ You're receiving this email because you requested a password reset for your user account at {site_name}. Please go to the following page and choose a new password: {protocol}://{domain}{path}?user_id={user_id}&token={token} Your username, in case you've forgotten: {username} Thanks for using our site! The {site_name} team. """ ).format(**context) class PasswordResetConfirmView(APIView): """ View to reset the password. Send POST request with {'user_id': , 'token': , 'password' } to set password of this user to the new one. """ http_method_names = ["post"] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): uidb64 ="user_id") token ="token") password ="password") if not (uidb64 and token and password): raise ValidationError( {"detail": "You have to provide user_id, token and password."} ) user = self.get_user(uidb64) if user is None: raise ValidationError({"detail": "User does not exist."}) if not ( has_perm(user, "users.can_change_password") or has_perm(user, "users.can_manage") ): self.permission_denied(request) if not default_token_generator.check_token(user, token): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Invalid token."}) try: validate_password(password, user=user) except DjangoValidationError as errors: raise ValidationError({"detail": " ".join(errors)}) user.set_password(password) return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_user(self, uidb64): try: # urlsafe_base64_decode() decodes to bytestring uid = urlsafe_base64_decode(uidb64).decode() user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError, User.DoesNotExist): user = None return user