========================= CHANGELOG of OpenSlides ========================= http://openslides.org Version 1.7.1 (unreleased) ========================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/milestones/1.7.1] Version 1.7 (2015-02-16) ======================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/milestones/1.7] Core: - New feature to tag motions, agenda and assignments. - Fixed search index problem to index contents of many-to-many tables (e. g. tags of a motion). - Fixed AttributeError in chatbox on_open method. Motions: - New Feature to create amendments, which are related to a parent motion. - Added possibility to hide motions from non staff users in some states. Assignments: - Fixed permissions to alter assignment polls. Other: - Cleaned up utils.views to increase performance when fetching single objects from the database for a view (#1378). - Fixed bug on projector which was not updated when an object was deleted. - Fixed bug and show special characters in PDF like ampersand (#1415). - Updated pdf.js to 1.0.907. - Improve the usage of bsmselect jquery plugin. - Updated translations. Version 1.6.1 (2014-12-08) ========================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/issues?milestone=16] Agenda: - Fixed error in item numbers. Motions: - Show supporters on motion slide if available. - Fixed motion detail view template. Added block to enable extra content via plugins. Assignments: - Fixed PDF build error when an election has more than 20 posts or candidates. Participants: - Fixed participant csv import with group ids: * Allowed to add multiple groups in csv group id field, e. g. "3,4". * Fixed bug that group ids greater than 9 can not be imported. * Updated error message if group id does not exists. Other: - Fixed CKEditor stuff (added insertpre plugin and removed unused code). - Updated French, German and Czech translation. Version 1.6 (2014-06-02) ======================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/issues?milestone=14] Dashboard: - Added shortcuts for the countdown. - Enabled copy and paste in widgets. Agenda: - New projector view with the current list of speakers. - Added CSV import of agenda items. - Added automatic numbering of agenda items. - Fixed organizational item structuring. Motions: - New slide for vote results. - Created new categories during CSV import. Assignments/Elections: - Coupled assignment candidates with list of speakers. - Created a poll description field for each assignment poll. - New slide for election results. Participants: - Disabled dashboard widgets by default. - Added form field for multiple creation of new participants. Files: - Enabled update and delete view for uploader refering to his own files. Other: - Added global chatbox for managers. - New config option to set the 100 % base for polls (motions/elections). - Changed api for plugins. Used entry points to detect them automaticly. Load them automaticly from plugin directory of Windows portable version. - Added possibility to use custom templates and static files in user data path directory. - Changed widget api. Used new metaclass. - Changed api for main menu entries. Used new metaclass. - Inserted api for the personal info widget. Used new metaclass. - Renamed config api classes. Changed permission system for config pages. - Regrouped config collections and pages. - Renamed some classes of the poll api. - Renamed method and attribute of openslides.utils.views.PermissionMixin. - Added api for absolute urls in models. - Inserted command line option to translate config strings during database setup. - Enhanced http error pages. - Improved responsive design for templates. - Fixed headings on custom slides without text. - Moved dashboard and select widgets view from projector to core app. - Renamed and cleaned up static direcories. - Used jsonfield as required package. Removed jsonfield code. - Added new package backports.ssl_match_hostname for portable build script. - Used new app "django-ckeditor-updated" to render WYSIWYG html editors. Removed CKEditor from sources. - Only reload the webserver in debug-mode. Version 1.5.1 (2014-03-31) ========================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/issues?milestone=15] Projector: - Fixed path and config help text for logo on the projector. Agenda: - Fixed permission error in the list of speakers widget. - Fixed Item instance method is_active_slide(). Motion: - Fixed sorting of motions concerning the identifier. Used natsort and DataTables Natural Sort Plugin. Participant: - Added permission to see participants to the manager group. - Fixed user status view for use without Javascript. Files: - Fixed error when an uploaded file was removed from filesystem. Other: - Set minimum Python version to 2.6.9. Fixed setup file for use with Python 2.6. - Used unicode font for circle in ballot pdf. Removed Pillow dependency package. - Fixed http status code when requesting a non-existing static page using Tornado web server. - Fixed error in main script when using other database engine. - Fixed error on motion PDF with nested lists. Version 1.5 (2013-11-25) ======================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/issues?milestone=10] Projector: - New feature: Show PDF presentations on projector (with included pdf.js). - Improved projector update process via new websocket API (using sockjs and tornado). - New projector template with twitter bootstrap. - Improved projector zoom and scroll behaviour. Agenda: - New config option: couple countdown with list of speakers. - Used HTML editor (CKEditor) for agenda item text field. - Added additional input format for agenda item duration field. Motions: - Enabled attachments for motions. - Refactored warnings on CSV import view. Elections: - Refactored assignment app to use class based views instead of functions. Polls: - Added percent base to votes cast values. Participants: - Updated access data PDF: WLAN access (with QRCode for WLAN ssid/password) and OpenSlides access (with QRCode for system URL), printed on a single A4 page for each participant. Other: - Full text search integration (with Haystack and Whoosh). - New start script with new command line options (see python manage.py --help) - Fixed keyerror on user settings view. - New messages on success or error of many actions like creating or editing objects. - Changed messages backend, used Django's default now. - A lot of template fixes and improvements. - Extended css style options in CKEditor. - Added feature to config app to return the default value for a key. - Cleaned up OpenSlides utils views. - Improved README (now with install instructions and used components). - Updated all required package versions. - Used flake8 instead of pep8 for style check, sort all import statements with isort. - Added Portuguese translation (Thanks to Marco A. G. Pinto). - Switched to more flexible versions of required third party packages. - Updated to Django 1.6.x. - Updated German documentation. - Change license from GPLv2+ to MIT, see LICENSE file. Version 1.4.2 (2013-09-10) ========================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/issues?milestone=12] - Used jQuery plugin bsmSelect for better