from django import forms from django.contrib import messages from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.http import Http404 from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from openslides.utils.rest_api import response, viewsets from openslides.utils.views import FormView from .api import config from .exceptions import ConfigNotFound from .signals import config_signal class ConfigView(FormView): """ The view for a config collection. """ required_permission = 'config.can_manage' template_name = 'config/config_form.html' config_collection = None form_class = forms.Form def get_form(self, *args): """ Gets the form for the view. Includes all form fields given by the config collection. """ form = super(ConfigView, self).get_form(*args) for name, field in self.generate_form_fields_from_config_collection(): form.fields[name] = field return form def generate_form_fields_from_config_collection(self): """ Generates the fields for the get_form function. """ for variable in self.config_collection.variables: if variable.form_field is not None: yield (, variable.form_field) def get_initial(self): """ Returns a dictonary with the actual values of the config variables as intial value for the form. """ initial = super(ConfigView, self).get_initial() for variable in self.config_collection.variables: initial.update({ config[]}) return initial def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Adds to the context the active config view, a list of dictionaries containing all config collections each with a flag which is true if its view is the active one and adds a flag whether the config collection has groups. Adds also extra_stylefiles and extra_javascript. """ context = super(ConfigView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['active_config_collection_view'] = self.config_collection config_collection_list = [] for receiver, config_collection in config_signal.send(sender=self): if config_collection.is_shown(): config_collection_list.append({ 'config_collection': config_collection, 'active': self.request.path == reverse('config_%s' % config_collection.url)}) context['config_collection_list'] = sorted( config_collection_list, key=lambda config_collection_dict: config_collection_dict['config_collection'].weight) if hasattr(self.config_collection, 'groups'): context['groups'] = self.config_collection.groups else: context['groups'] = None if 'extra_stylefiles' in self.config_collection.extra_context: if 'extra_stylefiles' in context: context['extra_stylefiles'].extend(self.config_collection.extra_context['extra_stylefiles']) else: context['extra_stylefiles'] = self.config_collection.extra_context['extra_stylefiles'] if 'extra_javascript' in self.config_collection.extra_context: if 'extra_javascript' in context: context['extra_javascript'].extend(self.config_collection.extra_context['extra_javascript']) else: context['extra_javascript'] = self.config_collection.extra_context['extra_javascript'] return context def get_success_url(self): """ Returns the success url when changes are saved. Here it is the same url as the main menu entry. """ return reverse('config_%s' % self.config_collection.url) def form_valid(self, form): """ Saves all data of a valid form. """ for key in form.cleaned_data: config[key] = form.cleaned_data[key] messages.success(self.request, _('%s settings successfully saved.') % _(self.config_collection.title)) return super(ConfigView, self).form_valid(form) class ConfigViewSet(viewsets.ViewSet): """ API endpoint to list, retrieve and update the config. """ def list(self, request): """ Lists all config variables. Everybody can see them. """ # TODO: Check if we need permission check here. data = ({'key': key, 'value': value} for key, value in config.items()) return response.Response(data) def retrieve(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Retrieves one config variable. """ # TODO: Check if we need permission check here. key = kwargs['pk'] try: data = {'key': key, 'value': config[key]} except ConfigNotFound: raise Http404 return response.Response(data) def update(self, request, pk=None): """ TODO """ if not request.user.has_perm('config.can_manage'): self.permission_denied(request) else: # TODO: Implement update method self.permission_denied(request)