from typing import Dict, Optional import jsonschema from django.db import transaction from ..core.config import config from ..poll.serializers import default_votes_validator from ..utils.auth import get_group_model, has_perm from ..utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data from ..utils.rest_api import ( BooleanField, CharField, DecimalField, DictField, Field, IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField, IntegerField, JSONField, ModelSerializer, SerializerMethodField, ValidationError, ) from ..utils.validate import validate_html from .models import ( Category, Motion, MotionBlock, MotionChangeRecommendation, MotionComment, MotionCommentSection, MotionPoll, State, StatuteParagraph, Submitter, Workflow, ) def validate_workflow_field(value): """ Validator to ensure that the workflow with the given id exists. """ if not Workflow.objects.filter(pk=value).exists(): raise ValidationError({"detail": f"Workflow {value} does not exist."}) class StatuteParagraphSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.StatuteParagraph objects. """ class Meta: model = StatuteParagraph fields = ("id", "title", "text", "weight") class CategorySerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.Category objects. """ class Meta: model = Category fields = ("id", "name", "prefix", "parent", "weight", "level") read_only_fields = ("parent", "weight") class MotionBlockSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.Category objects. """ agenda_create = BooleanField(write_only=True, required=False, allow_null=True) agenda_type = IntegerField( write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1, max_value=3, allow_null=True ) agenda_parent_id = IntegerField(write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1) class Meta: model = MotionBlock fields = ( "id", "title", "agenda_item_id", "list_of_speakers_id", "agenda_create", "agenda_type", "agenda_parent_id", "internal", ) def create(self, validated_data): """ Customized create method. Set information about related agenda item into agenda_item_update_information container. """ agenda_create = validated_data.pop("agenda_create", None) agenda_type = validated_data.pop("agenda_type", None) agenda_parent_id = validated_data.pop("agenda_parent_id", None) request_user = validated_data.pop("request_user") # this should always be there motion_block = MotionBlock(**validated_data) if has_perm(request_user, "agenda.can_manage"): motion_block.agenda_item_update_information["create"] = agenda_create motion_block.agenda_item_update_information["type"] = agenda_type motion_block.agenda_item_update_information["parent_id"] = agenda_parent_id return motion_block class StateSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.State objects. """ restriction = JSONField(required=False) class Meta: model = State fields = ( "id", "name", "recommendation_label", "css_class", "restriction", "allow_support", "allow_create_poll", "allow_submitter_edit", "dont_set_identifier", "show_state_extension_field", "merge_amendment_into_final", "show_recommendation_extension_field", "next_states", "workflow", ) def validate_restriction(self, value): """ Ensures that the value is a list and only contains valid values. """ schema = { "$schema": "", "title": "Motion workflow state restriction field schema", "description": "An array containing one or more explicit strings to control restriction for motions in this state.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "motions.can_see_internal", "motions.can_manage_metadata", "motions.can_manage", "is_submitter", ], }, } # Validate value. try: jsonschema.validate(value, schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": str(err)}) return value class WorkflowSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.Workflow objects. """ states = StateSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) class Meta: model = Workflow fields = ("id", "name", "states", "first_state") read_only_fields = ("first_state",) @transaction.atomic def create(self, validated_data): """ Customized create method. Creating a new workflow does always create a new state which is used as first state. """ workflow = super().create(validated_data) first_state = State.objects.create( name="new", workflow=workflow, allow_create_poll=True, allow_support=True, allow_submitter_edit=True, ) workflow.first_state = first_state return workflow class AmendmentParagraphsJSONSerializerField(Field): """ Serializer for motions's amendment_paragraphs JSONField. """ def to_representation(self, obj): """ Returns the value of the field. """ return obj def to_internal_value(self, data): """ Checks that data is a list of strings. """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Data must be a list."}) for paragraph in data: if not isinstance(paragraph, str) and paragraph is not None: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Paragraph must be either a string or null/None."} ) return data class MotionPollSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.MotionPoll objects. """ yes = SerializerMethodField() no = SerializerMethodField() abstain = SerializerMethodField() votes = DictField( child=DecimalField( max_digits=15, decimal_places=6, min_value=-2, allow_null=True ), write_only=True, ) has_votes = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = MotionPoll fields = ( "id", "motion", "yes", "no", "abstain", "votesvalid", "votesinvalid", "votescast", "votes", "has_votes", ) validators = (default_votes_validator,) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # The following dictionary is just a cache for several votes. self._votes_dicts: Dict[int, Dict[int, int]] = {} super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_yes(self, obj): try: result: Optional[str] = str(self.get_votes_dict(obj)["Yes"]) except KeyError: result = None return result def get_no(self, obj): try: result: Optional[str] = str(self.get_votes_dict(obj)["No"]) except KeyError: result = None return result def get_abstain(self, obj): try: result: Optional[str] = str(self.get_votes_dict(obj)["Abstain"]) except KeyError: result = None return result def get_votes_dict(self, obj): try: votes_dict = self._votes_dicts[] except KeyError: votes_dict = self._votes_dicts[] = {} for vote in obj.get_votes(): votes_dict[vote.value] = vote.weight return votes_dict def get_has_votes(self, obj): """ Returns True if this poll has some votes. """ return obj.has_votes() @transaction.atomic def update(self, instance, validated_data): """ Customized update method for polls. To update votes use the write only field 'votes'. Example data: "votes": {"Yes": 10, "No": 4, "Abstain": -2} """ # Update votes. votes = validated_data.get("votes") if votes: if len(votes) != len(instance.get_vote_values()): raise ValidationError( { "detail": f"You have to submit data for {len(instance.get_vote_values())} vote values." } ) for vote_value in votes.keys(): if vote_value not in instance.get_vote_values(): raise ValidationError( {"detail": f"Vote value {vote_value} is invalid."} ) instance.set_vote_objects_with_values( instance.get_options().get(), votes, skip_autoupdate=True ) # Update remaining writeable fields. instance.votesvalid = validated_data.get("votesvalid", instance.votesvalid) instance.votesinvalid = validated_data.get( "votesinvalid", instance.votesinvalid ) instance.votescast = validated_data.get("votescast", instance.votescast) return instance class MotionChangeRecommendationSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.MotionChangeRecommendation objects. """ class Meta: model = MotionChangeRecommendation fields = ( "id", "motion", "rejected", "internal", "type", "other_description", "line_from", "line_to", "text", "creation_time", ) def is_title_cr(self, data): return int(data["line_from"]) == 0 and int(data["line_to"]) == 0 def validate(self, data): # Change recommendations for titles are stored as plain-text, thus they don't need to be html-escaped if "text" in data and not self.is_title_cr(data): data["text"] = validate_html(data["text"]) return data class MotionCommentSectionSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.MotionCommentSection objects. """ read_groups = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField( many=True, required=False, queryset=get_group_model().objects.all() ) write_groups = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField( many=True, required=False, queryset=get_group_model().objects.all() ) class Meta: model = MotionCommentSection fields = ("id", "name", "read_groups", "write_groups") def create(self, validated_data): """ Call inform_changed_data on creation, so the cache includes the groups. """ section = super().create(validated_data) inform_changed_data(section) return section class MotionCommentSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.MotionComment objects. """ read_groups_id = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = MotionComment fields = ("id", "comment", "section", "read_groups_id") def get_read_groups_id(self, comment): return [ for group in comment.section.read_groups.all()] class SubmitterSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.Submitter objects. """ class Meta: model = Submitter fields = ("id", "user", "motion", "weight") class MotionSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.Motion objects. """ comments = MotionCommentSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) polls = MotionPollSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) modified_final_version = CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False) reason = CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False) state_restriction = SerializerMethodField() text = CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False) # This will be checked # during validation title = CharField(max_length=255) amendment_paragraphs = AmendmentParagraphsJSONSerializerField(required=False) workflow_id = IntegerField( min_value=1, required=False, validators=[validate_workflow_field] ) agenda_create = BooleanField(write_only=True, required=False, allow_null=True) agenda_type = IntegerField( write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1, max_value=3, allow_null=True ) agenda_parent_id = IntegerField(write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1) submitters = SubmitterSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) change_recommendations = MotionChangeRecommendationSerializer( many=True, read_only=True ) class Meta: model = Motion fields = ( "id", "identifier", "title", "text", "amendment_paragraphs", "modified_final_version", "reason", "parent", "category", "category_weight", "comments", "motion_block", "origin", "submitters", "supporters", "state", "state_extension", "state_restriction", "statute_paragraph", "workflow_id", "recommendation", "recommendation_extension", "tags", "attachments", "polls", "agenda_item_id", "list_of_speakers_id", "agenda_create", "agenda_type", "agenda_parent_id", "sort_parent", "weight", "created", "last_modified", "change_recommendations", ) read_only_fields = ( "state", "recommendation", "weight", "category_weight", ) # Some other fields are also read_only. See definitions above. def validate(self, data): if "text" in data: data["text"] = validate_html(data["text"]) if "modified_final_version" in data: data["modified_final_version"] = validate_html( data["modified_final_version"] ) if "reason" in data: data["reason"] = validate_html(data["reason"]) # The motion text is only needed, if it is not a paragraph based amendment. if "amendment_paragraphs" in data: data["amendment_paragraphs"] = list( map( lambda entry: validate_html(entry) if isinstance(entry, str) else None, data["amendment_paragraphs"], ) ) data["text"] = "" else: if (self.partial and "text" in data and not data["text"]) or ( not self.partial and not data.get("text") ): raise ValidationError({"detail": "The text field may not be blank."}) if config["motions_reason_required"]: if (self.partial and "reason" in data and not data["reason"]) or ( not self.partial and not data.get("reason") ): raise ValidationError({"detail": "The reason field may not be blank."}) return data @transaction.atomic def create(self, validated_data): """ Customized method to create a new motion from some data. Set also information about related agenda item into agenda_item_update_information container. """ motion = Motion() motion.title = validated_data["title"] motion.text = validated_data["text"] motion.amendment_paragraphs = validated_data.get("amendment_paragraphs") motion.modified_final_version = validated_data.get("modified_final_version", "") motion.reason = validated_data.get("reason", "") motion.identifier = validated_data.get("identifier") motion.category = validated_data.get("category") motion.motion_block = validated_data.get("motion_block") motion.origin = validated_data.get("origin", "") motion.parent = validated_data.get("parent") motion.statute_paragraph = validated_data.get("statute_paragraph") motion.reset_state(validated_data.get("workflow_id")) if has_perm(validated_data["request_user"], "agenda.can_manage"): motion.agenda_item_update_information["create"] = validated_data.get( "agenda_create" ) motion.agenda_item_update_information["type"] = validated_data.get( "agenda_type" ) motion.agenda_item_update_information["parent_id"] = validated_data.get( "agenda_parent_id" ) motion.supporters.add(*validated_data.get("supporters", [])) motion.attachments.add(*validated_data.get("attachments", [])) motion.tags.add(*validated_data.get("tags", [])) return motion @transaction.atomic def update(self, motion, validated_data): """ Customized method to update a motion. - If the workflow changes, the state of the motions is resetted to the initial state of the new workflow. - If the category changes, the category_weight is reset to the default value. """ workflow_id = None if "workflow_id" in validated_data: workflow_id = validated_data.pop("workflow_id") old_category_id = if motion.category is not None else None new_category_id = ( validated_data["category"].pk if validated_data.get("category") is not None else None ) result = super().update(motion, validated_data) # Check for changed workflow if workflow_id is not None and workflow_id != motion.workflow_id: motion.reset_state(workflow_id) # Check for changed category if old_category_id != new_category_id: motion.category_weight = 10000 inform_changed_data(motion) return result def get_state_restriction(self, motion): """ Returns the restriction of this state. The default is an empty list so everybody with permission to see motions can see this motion. """ return motion.state.restriction