import time from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, cast from urllib.parse import parse_qs from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncWebsocketConsumer from . import logging from .auth import UserDoesNotExist, async_anonymous_is_enabled from .cache import element_cache from .consumer_autoupdate_strategy import ConsumerAutoupdateStrategy from .utils import get_worker_id from .websocket import BaseWebsocketException, ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer logger = logging.getLogger("openslides.websocket") class SiteConsumer(ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer): """ Websocket Consumer for the site. """ groups = ["site"] ID_COUNTER = 0 """ ID counter for assigning each instance of this class an unique id. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: self.projector_hash: Dict[int, int] = {} SiteConsumer.ID_COUNTER += 1 self._id = get_worker_id() + "-" + str(SiteConsumer.ID_COUNTER) self.autoupdate_strategy = ConsumerAutoupdateStrategy(self) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) async def connect(self) -> None: """ A user connects to the site. If it is an anonymous user and anonymous is disabled, the connection is closed. Sends the startup data to the user. """ self.user_id = self.scope["user"]["id"] self.connect_time = time.time() # self.scope['user'] is the full_data dict of the user. For an # anonymous user is it the dict {'id': 0} change_id = None if not await async_anonymous_is_enabled() and not self.user_id: await self.accept() # workaround for #4009 await self.close() logger.debug(f"connect: denied ({self._id})") return query_string = cast( Dict[bytes, List[bytes]], parse_qs(self.scope["query_string"]) ) if b"change_id" in query_string: try: change_id = int(query_string[b"change_id"][0]) except ValueError: await self.accept() # workaround for #4009 await self.close() logger.debug(f"connect: wrong change id ({self._id})") return await self.accept() if change_id is not None: logger.debug(f"connect: change id {change_id} ({self._id})") try: await self.request_autoupdate(change_id) except BaseWebsocketException as e: await self.send_exception(e) else: logger.debug(f"connect: no change id ({self._id})") await self.channel_layer.group_add("autoupdate", self.channel_name) async def disconnect(self, close_code: int) -> None: """ A user disconnects. Remove it from autoupdate. """ await self.channel_layer.group_discard("autoupdate", self.channel_name) active_seconds = int(time.time() - self.connect_time) logger.debug( f"disconnect code={close_code} active_secs={active_seconds} ({self._id})" ) async def msg_new_change_id(self, event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Send changed or deleted elements to the user. """ change_id = event["change_id"] try: await self.autoupdate_strategy.new_change_id(change_id) except UserDoesNotExist: # Maybe the user was deleted, but a websocket connection is still open to the user. # So we can close this connection and return. await self.close() async def msg_projector_data(self, event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ The projector has changed. """ all_projector_data = event["data"] change_id = event["change_id"] projector_data: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = {} for projector_id in self.listen_projector_ids: data = all_projector_data.get(projector_id, []) new_hash = hash(str(data)) if new_hash != self.projector_hash.get(projector_id): projector_data[projector_id] = data self.projector_hash[projector_id] = new_hash if projector_data: await self.send_projector_data(projector_data, change_id=change_id) async def msg_notify(self, event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Send a notify message to the user. """ item = event["incomming"] users = item.get("users") reply_channels = item.get("replyChannels") if ( (isinstance(users, bool) and users) or (isinstance(users, list) and self.user_id in users) or ( isinstance(reply_channels, list) and self.channel_name in reply_channels ) or (users is None and reply_channels is None) ): item["senderChannelName"] = event["senderChannelName"] item["senderUserId"] = event["senderUserId"] await self.send_json(type="notify", content=item) async def request_autoupdate( self, change_id: int, in_response: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: await self.autoupdate_strategy.request_change_id( change_id, in_response=in_response ) async def send_projector_data( self, data: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]], change_id: Optional[int] = None, in_response: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Sends projector data to the consumer. """ if change_id is None: change_id = await element_cache.get_current_change_id() content = {"change_id": change_id, "data": data} await self.send_json(type="projector", content=content, in_response=in_response) class CloseConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer): """ Auto-closes the connection """ groups: List[str] = [] def __init__(self, args: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> None:'Closing connection to unknown websocket url {args["path"]}') async def connect(self) -> None: await self.accept() await self.close()