from collections import defaultdict from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional import jsonschema from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer from .cache import element_cache from .collection import AutoupdateFormat, CollectionElement from .utils import split_element_id class ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer): """ Mixin for JSONWebsocketConsumers, that speaks the a special protocol. """ async def send_json(self, type: str, content: Any, id: Optional[str] = None, in_response: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """ Sends the data with the type. """ out = {'type': type, 'content': content} if id: out['id'] = id if in_response: out['in_response'] = in_response await super().send_json(out) async def receive_json(self, content: Any) -> None: """ Receives the json data, parses it and calls receive_content. """ try: jsonschema.validate(content, schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: try: in_response = content['id'] except (TypeError, KeyError): # content is not a dict (TypeError) or has not the key id (KeyError) in_response = None await self.send_json( type='error', content=str(err), in_response=in_response) return await websocket_client_messages[content['type']].receive_content(self, content['content'], id=content['id']) schema: Dict[str, Any] = { "$schema": "", "title": "OpenSlidesWebsocketProtocol", "description": "The packages that OpenSlides sends between the server and the client.", "type": "object", "properties": { "type": { "description": "Defines what kind of packages is packed.", "type": "string", }, "content": { "description": "The content of the package.", }, "id": { "description": "An identifier of the package.", "type": "string", }, "in_response": { "description": "The id of another package that the other part sent before.", "type": "string", }, }, "required": ["type", "content", "id"], "anyOf": [], # This will be filled in register_client_message() } class BaseWebsocketClientMessage: schema: Dict[str, object] = {} """ Optional schema. If schema is not set, any value in content is accepted. """ identifier: str = "" """ A unique identifier for the websocket message. This is used as value in the 'type' property in the websocket message. """ content_required = True """ Desiedes, if the content property is required. """ async def receive_content(self, consumer: "ProtocollAsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer", message: Any, id: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("WebsocketClientMessage needs the method receive_content().") websocket_client_messages: Dict[str, BaseWebsocketClientMessage] = {} """ Saves all websocket client message object ordered by there identifier. """ def register_client_message(websocket_client_message: BaseWebsocketClientMessage) -> None: """ Registers one websocket client message class. """ if not websocket_client_message.identifier or websocket_client_message.identifier in websocket_client_messages: raise NotImplementedError("WebsocketClientMessage needs a unique identifier.") websocket_client_messages[websocket_client_message.identifier] = websocket_client_message # Add the message schema to the schema message_schema: Dict[str, Any] = { 'properties': { 'type': {'const': websocket_client_message.identifier}, 'content': websocket_client_message.schema, } } if websocket_client_message.content_required: message_schema['required'] = ['content'] schema['anyOf'].append(message_schema) async def get_element_data(user: Optional[CollectionElement], change_id: int = 0) -> AutoupdateFormat: """ Returns all element data since a change_id. """ current_change_id = await element_cache.get_current_change_id() if change_id > current_change_id: raise ValueError("Requested change_id is higher this highest change_id.") try: changed_elements, deleted_element_ids = await element_cache.get_restricted_data(user, change_id, current_change_id) except RuntimeError: # The change_id is lower the the lowerst change_id in redis. Return all data changed_elements = await element_cache.get_all_restricted_data(user) all_data = True deleted_elements: Dict[str, List[int]] = {} else: all_data = False deleted_elements = defaultdict(list) for element_id in deleted_element_ids: collection_string, id = split_element_id(element_id) deleted_elements[collection_string].append(id) return AutoupdateFormat( changed=changed_elements, deleted=deleted_elements, from_change_id=change_id, to_change_id=current_change_id, all_data=all_data)