from datetime import datetime import sys import socket import errno from import Command as _Command from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.utils import translation from django.utils.encoding import force_text from openslides.utils.autoupdate import run_tornado class Command(_Command): """ Runserver command from django core, but starts the tornado webserver. Only the line to run tornado has changed from the django default implementation. """ # TODO: do not start tornado when the settings says so def inner_run(self, *args, **options): from django.conf import settings # From the base class: self.stdout.write("Performing system checks...\n\n") self.validate(display_num_errors=True) try: self.check_migrations() except ImproperlyConfigured: pass now ='%B %d, %Y - %X') shutdown_message = options.get('shutdown_message', '') quit_command = 'CTRL-BREAK' if sys.platform == 'win32' else 'CONTROL-C' self.stdout.write(( "%(started_at)s\n" "Django version %(version)s, using settings %(settings)r\n" "Starting development server at http://%(addr)s:%(port)s/\n" "Quit the server with %(quit_command)s.\n" ) % { "started_at": now, "version": self.get_version(), "settings": settings.SETTINGS_MODULE, "addr": '[%s]' % self.addr if self._raw_ipv6 else self.addr, "port": self.port, "quit_command": quit_command, }) translation.activate(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE) try: handler = self.get_handler(*args, **options) run_tornado( self.addr, int(self.port), handler, ipv6=self.use_ipv6) except socket.error as e: # Use helpful error messages instead of ugly tracebacks. ERRORS = { errno.EACCES: "You don't have permission to access that port.", errno.EADDRINUSE: "That port is already in use.", errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL: "That IP address can't be assigned-to.", } try: error_text = ERRORS[e.errno] except KeyError: error_text = force_text(e) self.stderr.write("Error: %s" % error_text) sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: if shutdown_message: self.stdout.write(shutdown_message) sys.exit(0)