========================= CHANGELOG of OpenSlides ========================= http://openslides.org Version 1.5 (unreleased) ======================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/issues?milestone=10] Projector: - Improved projector update process via new websocket API. - New template with twitter bootstrap. Agenda: - New config option: couple countdown with list of speakers. - Use HTML editor (CKEditor) for agenda item text field. Motion: - Enabled attachments for motions. Assignment: - Refactored assignment app to use class based views instead of functions. Other: - Full text search integration (with Haystack and Whoosh). - New start script with new command line options. - Fixed keyerror on user settings view. - New message on success of many actions like creating or editing objects. - Added Feature to config app to return the default value for a key. - Cleaned up OpenSlides utils views. - Used flake8 instead of pep8 for style check, sort all import statements with isort. - Added Portuguese translation (Thanks to Marco A.G.Pinto). Version 1.4.2 (2013-09-10) ========================== [https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides/issues?milestone=12] - Used jQuery plugin bsmSelect for better