#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ openslides.core.views ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Views for the core app. :copyright: 2011–2013 by OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS. :license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details. """ from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.utils.importlib import import_module from haystack.views import SearchView as _SearchView from openslides import get_git_commit_id, get_version, RELEASE from openslides.utils.signals import template_manipulation from openslides.utils.views import TemplateView class VersionView(TemplateView): """ Shows version infos. """ template_name = 'core/version.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Adds version strings to the context. """ context = super(VersionView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) # OpenSlides version. During development the git commit id is added. openslides_version_string = get_version() if not RELEASE: openslides_version_string += ' – Commit %s' % get_git_commit_id() context['versions'] = [('OpenSlides', openslides_version_string)] # Versions of plugins. for plugin in settings.INSTALLED_PLUGINS: # Get plugin try: mod = import_module(plugin) except ImportError: continue # Get version. try: plugin_version = mod.get_version() except AttributeError: try: plugin_version = mod.VERSION except AttributeError: continue # Get name. try: plugin_name = mod.get_name() except AttributeError: try: plugin_name = mod.NAME except AttributeError: plugin_name = mod.__name__.split('.')[0] context['versions'].append((plugin_name, plugin_version)) return context class SearchView(_SearchView): """ Shows search result page. """ template = 'core/search.html' def __call__(self, request): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): raise PermissionDenied return super(SearchView, self).__call__(request) def extra_context(self): """ Adds extra context variables to set navigation and search filter. Returns a context dictionary. """ context = {} template_manipulation.send( sender=self.__class__, request=self.request, context=context) context['models'] = self.get_indexed_searchmodels() context['get_values'] = self.request.GET.getlist('models') return context def get_indexed_searchmodels(self): """ Iterate over all INSTALLED_APPS and return a list of models which are indexed by haystack/whoosh for using in customized model search filter in search template search.html. Each list entry contains a verbose name of the model and a special form field value for haystack (app_name.model_name), e.g. ['Agenda', 'agenda.item']. """ models = [] # TODO: cache this query! for app in settings.INSTALLED_APPS: try: module = import_module(app + '.search_indexes') except ImportError: pass else: models.append([module.Index.modelfilter_name, module.Index.modelfilter_value]) return models