#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ openslides.utils.person.api ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usefull functions for the OpenSlides person api. :copyright: 2011, 2012 by OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS. :license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details. """ from .signals import receive_persons class Person(object): """ Meta-class for all person objects """ def person_id(self): """ Return an id for representation of ths person. Has to be unique. """ raise NotImplementedError('Any person object needs a person_id') def __unicode__(self): """ Return a string for this person. """ return str(self.person_id) @property def sort_name(self): """ Return the part of the name, which is used for sorting. For example the pre-name or the last-name """ return self.clean_name.lower() @property def clean_name(self): """ Return the name of this person without a suffix """ return unicode(self) @property def name_suffix(self): """ Return a suffix for the person-name. """ return '' def get_absolute_url(self, link='detail'): """ Return an absolute url for the person. The argument 'link' affects which url it is. Typically it is one of: * detail * edit * delete You should raise an 'ValueError', if your person does not have one of this links. """ raise ValueError('This person object has no url.') class Persons(object): """ A Storage for a multiplicity of different Person-Objects. """ def __init__(self, person_prefix_filter=None, id_filter=None): self.person_prefix_filter = person_prefix_filter self.id_filter = id_filter def __iter__(self): try: return iter(self._cache) except AttributeError: return self.iter_persons() def __len__(self): return len(list(self.__iter__())) def __getitem__(self, key): try: return list(self)[key] except IndexError: from openslides.utils.person import EmptyPerson return EmptyPerson() def iter_persons(self): self._cache = list() for receiver, persons in receive_persons.send( sender='persons', person_prefix_filter=self.person_prefix_filter, id_filter=self.id_filter): for person in persons: self._cache.append(person) yield person def generate_person_id(prefix, id): assert prefix is not None assert id is not None if ':' in prefix: raise ValueError("':' is not allowed in a the 'person_prefix'") return "%s:%d" % (prefix, id) def split_person_id(person_id): data = person_id.split(':', 1) if len(data) == 2 and data[0] and data[1]: return data raise TypeError("Invalid person_id: '%s'" % person_id) def get_person(person_id): try: person_prefix, id = split_person_id(person_id) except TypeError: from openslides.utils.person import EmptyPerson return EmptyPerson() return Persons(person_prefix_filter=person_prefix, id_filter=id)[0]