#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ openslides.projector.projector ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slide functions for the projector app. :copyright: 2011, 2012 by OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS. :license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details. """ from time import time from django.dispatch import receiver from django.template.loader import render_to_string from openslides.config.models import config from openslides.projector.signals import projector_overlays SLIDE = {} class SlideMixin(object): """ A Mixin for a Django-Model, for making the model a slide. """ def slide(self): """ Return a map with all Data for the Slide. """ return { 'slide': self, 'title': 'dummy-title', 'template': 'projector/default.html', } @property def sid(self): """ Return the sid from this Slide """ return "%s-%d" % (self.prefix, self.id) @property def active(self): """ Return True, if the the slide is the active slide. """ if self.id is None: return False from openslides.projector.api import get_active_slide return get_active_slide(only_sid=True) == self.sid def set_active(self): """ Appoint this item as the active slide. """ from openslides.projector.api import set_active_slide set_active_slide(self.sid) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.active: from api import clear_projector_cache clear_projector_cache() return super(SlideMixin, self).save(*args, **kwargs) class Slide(object): """ Represents a Slide for the projector. Can be a modelinstanz, or a function. """ def __init__(self, model_slide=False, func=None, model=None, category=None, key=None, model_name='', control_template='', weight=0, name=''): """ model_slide: Boolean if the value is a Model. func: The function to call. Only if modelslide is False. model: The model. Only if modelslide is True. model_name: The name shown for the model. category: The category to show this Slide. key: the key in the slide object to find itself. """ self.model_slide = model_slide self.func = func self.model = model self.model_name = model_name self.category = category self.key = key self.control_template = control_template self.weight = weight self.name = name @property def active(self): """ Return True if the Slide is active, else: False. """ from api import get_active_slide return get_active_slide(True) == self.key def get_items(self): """ If the Slide is a Slide from a Model, return all Objects. """ try: return self.model.objects.all() except AttributeError: return 'No Model' class Widget(object): """ Class for a Widget for the Projector-Tab. """ def __init__(self, name, html=None, template=None, context={}, permission_required=None, display_name=None, default_column=1): self.name = name if display_name is None: self.display_name = name.capitalize() else: self.display_name = display_name if html is not None: self.html = html elif template is not None: self.html = render_to_string(template, context) self.permission_required = permission_required self.default_column = default_column def get_name(self): return self.name.lower() def get_html(self): return self.html def get_title(self): return self.display_name def __repr__(self): return unicode(self.display_name) def __unicode__(self): return unicode(self.display_name) @receiver(projector_overlays, dispatch_uid="projector_countdown") def countdown(sender, **kwargs): name = 'Countdown' if kwargs['register']: return name if name in kwargs['call']: if config['countdown_state'] == 'active': seconds = max(0, int(config['countdown_start_stamp'] + config['countdown_time'] - time())) elif config['countdown_state'] == 'paused': seconds = max(0, int(config['countdown_start_stamp'] + config['countdown_time'] - config['countdown_pause_stamp'])) elif config['countdown_state'] == 'inactive': seconds = max(0, int(config['countdown_time'])) else: seconds = 0 if seconds == 0: config['countdown_state'] = 'expired' return (name, '%02d:%02d' % (seconds / 60, seconds % 60)) return None @receiver(projector_overlays, dispatch_uid="projector_message") def projector_message(sender, **kwargs): name = 'Message' if kwargs['register']: return name if name in kwargs['call']: message = config['projector_message'] if message != '': return (name, message) return None