angular.module('OpenSlidesApp.agenda', []) .factory('Agenda', function(DS) { return DS.defineResource({ name: 'agenda/item', endpoint: '/rest/agenda/item/' }); }) // Make sure that the Agenda resource is loaded. .run(function(Agenda) {}); angular.module('', ['OpenSlidesApp.agenda']) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('agenda', { url: '/agenda', abstract: true, template: "", }) .state('agenda.item', { abstract: true, template: "", }) .state('agenda.item.list', { resolve: { items: function(Agenda) { return Agenda.findAll(); }, tree: function($http) { return $http.get('/rest/agenda/item/tree/'); } } }) .state('agenda.item.create', { resolve: { types: function($http) { // get all item types return $http({ 'method': 'OPTIONS', 'url': '/rest/agenda/item/' }); } } }) .state('agenda.item.detail', { resolve: { item: function(Agenda, $stateParams) { return Agenda.find($; }, users: function(User) { return User.findAll(); } } }) .state('agenda.item.detail.update', { views: { '@agenda.item': {} }, resolve: { types: function($http) { // get all item types return $http({ 'method': 'OPTIONS', 'url': '/rest/agenda/item/' }); } } }) .state('agenda.item.sort', { resolve: { items: function(Agenda) { return Agenda.findAll(); }, tree: function($http) { return $http.get('/rest/agenda/item/tree/'); } }, url: '/sort', controller: 'AgendaSortCtrl', }) .state('agenda.item.import', { url: '/import', controller: 'AgendaImportCtrl', }); }) .controller('ItemListCtrl', function($scope, Agenda, tree) { Agenda.bindAll({}, $scope, 'items'); // get a 'flat' (ordered) array of agenda tree to display in table $scope.flattenedTree = buildTree(; function buildTree(tree, level = 0) { var nodes = []; var defaultlevel = level; _.each(tree, function(node) { level = defaultlevel; if ( { nodes.push({ id:, level: level }); } if (node.children) { level++; var child = buildTree(node.children, level); if (child.length) { nodes = nodes.concat(child); } } }); return nodes; } // save changed item $ = function (item) {; }; // delete selected item $scope.delete = function (id) { Agenda.destroy(id); }; }) .controller('ItemDetailCtrl', function($scope, Agenda, User, item) { Agenda.bindOne(, $scope, 'item'); User.bindAll({}, $scope, 'users'); }) .controller('ItemCreateCtrl', function($scope, $state, Agenda, types) { $scope.types =; // get all item types $ = function (item) { if (!item) return null; item.weight = 0; // TODO: the rest_api should do this item.tags = []; // TODO: the rest_api should do this Agenda.create(item).then( function(success) { $state.go('agenda.item.list'); } ); }; }) .controller('ItemUpdateCtrl', function($scope, $state, Agenda, types, item) { $scope.types =; // get all item types $scope.item = item; $ = function (item) { function(success) { $state.go('agenda.item.list'); } ); }; }) .controller('AgendaSortCtrl', function($scope, $http, Agenda, tree) { Agenda.bindAll({}, $scope, 'items'); $scope.tree =; // set changed agenda tree $scope.treeOptions = { dropped: function(e) { $http.put('/rest/agenda/item/tree/', {tree: $scope.tree}); } }; }) .controller('AgendaImportCtrl', function($scope, $state, Agenda) { // import from textarea $scope.importByLine = function () { $scope.items = $scope.itemlist[0].split("\n"); $scope.importcounter = 0; $scope.items.forEach(function(title) { var item = {title: title}; item.weight = 0; // TODO: the rest_api should do this item.tags = []; // TODO: the rest_api should do this // TODO: create all items in bulk mode Agenda.create(item).then( function(success) { $scope.importcounter++; } ); }); } // import from csv file $scope.csv = { content: null, header: true, separator: ',', result: null }; $scope.importByCSV = function (result) { var obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)); $scope.csvimporting = true; $scope.csvlines = Object.keys(obj).length; $scope.csvimportcounter = 0; for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { var item = {}; item.title = obj[i].titel; item.text = obj[i].text; item.duration = obj[i].duration; item.weight = 0; // TODO: the rest_api should do this item.tags = []; // TODO: the rest_api should do this Agenda.create(item).then( function(success) { $scope.csvimportcounter++; } ); } $scope.csvimported = true; } $scope.clear = function () { $scope.csv.result = null; }; });