from .exceptions import ConfigError, ConfigNotFound from .models import ConfigStore from .signals import config_signal class ConfigHandler(object): """ An simple object class to wrap the config variables. It is a container object. To get a config variable use x = config[...], to set it use config[...] = x. """ def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self._cache[key] except KeyError: raise ConfigNotFound('The config variable %s was not found.' % key) except AttributeError: self.setup_cache() return self[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # Check if the variable is defined. if key not in self: raise ConfigNotFound('The config variable %s was not found.' % key) # Save the new value to the database. updated_rows = ConfigStore.objects.filter(key=key).update(value=value) if not updated_rows: ConfigStore.objects.create(key=key, value=value) # Update cache. self._cache[key] = value # Call on_change callback. if self.get_config_variables()[key].on_change: self.get_config_variables()[key].on_change() def items(self): """ Returns key-value pairs of all config variables. """ if not hasattr(self, '_cache'): self.setup_cache() return self._cache.items() def get_config_variables(self): """ Returns a dictionary with all ConfigVariable instances of all collections. The key is the name of the config variables. """ result = {} for receiver, config_collection in config_signal.send(sender='get_config_variables'): for config_variable in config_collection.variables: if in result: raise ConfigError('Too many values for config variable %s found.' % result[] = config_variable return result def get_default(self, key): """ Returns the default value for 'key'. """ try: return self.get_config_variables()[key].default_value except KeyError: raise ConfigNotFound('The config variable %s was not found.' % key) def setup_cache(self): """ Loads all config variables from the database by sending a signal to save the default to the cache. """ self._cache = {} for key, config_variable in self.get_config_variables().items(): self._cache[key] = config_variable.default_value for config_object in ConfigStore.objects.all(): self._cache[config_object.key] = config_object.value def __contains__(self, key): try: config[key] except ConfigNotFound: return False else: return True def get_all_translatable(self): """ Generator to get all config variables as strings when their values are intended to be translated. """ for config_variable in self.get_config_variables().values(): if config_variable.translatable: yield config = ConfigHandler() """ Final entry point to get an set config variables. To get a config variable use x = config[...], to set it use config[...] = x. """ class ConfigBaseCollection(object): """ An abstract base class for simple and grouped config collections. The attributes title and url are required for collections that should be shown as a view. The attribute weight is used for the order of the links in the submenu of the views. The attribute extra_context can be used to insert extra css and js files into the template. """ def __init__(self, title=None, url=None, weight=0, extra_context={}): self.title = title self.url = url self.weight = weight self.extra_context = extra_context def is_shown(self): """ Returns True if at least one variable of the collection has a form field. """ for variable in self.variables: if variable.form_field is not None: is_shown = True break else: is_shown = False if is_shown and (self.title is None or self.url is None): raise ConfigError('The config collection %s must have a title and an url attribute.' % self) return is_shown class ConfigGroupedCollection(ConfigBaseCollection): """ A simple object class for a grouped config collection. Developers have to set the groups attribute (tuple). The config variables are available via the variables attribute. The collection is shown as a view via the config main menu entry if there is at least one variable with a form field. """ def __init__(self, groups, **kwargs): self.groups = groups super(ConfigGroupedCollection, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def variables(self): for group in self.groups: for variable in group.variables: yield variable class ConfigCollection(ConfigBaseCollection): """ A simple object class for a ungrouped config collection. Developers have to set the variables (tuple) directly. The collection is shown as a view via the config main menu entry if there is at least one variable with a form field. """ def __init__(self, variables, **kwargs): self.variables = variables super(ConfigCollection, self).__init__(**kwargs) class ConfigGroup(object): """ A simple object class representing a group of variables (tuple) with a special title. """ def __init__(self, title, variables): self.title = title self.variables = variables def get_field_names(self): return [ for variable in self.variables if variable.form_field is not None] class ConfigVariable(object): """ A simple object class to wrap new config variables. The keyword arguments 'name' and 'default_value' are required. The keyword argument 'form_field' has to be set if the variable should appear on the ConfigView. The argument 'on_change' can get a callback which is called every time, the variable is changed. If the argument 'translatable' is set, OpenSlides is able to translate the value during setup of the database if the admin uses the respective command line option. """ def __init__(self, name, default_value, form_field=None, on_change=None, translatable=False): = name self.default_value = default_value self.form_field = form_field self.on_change = on_change self.translatable = translatable