from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch from openslides.users.models import User, UserManager class UserTest(TestCase): def test_str(self): """ Tests, that the str representaion of a User object returns the same as User.get_full_name(). """ user = User() user.get_full_name = MagicMock(return_value='Test Value') self.assertEqual( str(user), 'Test Value', "The str representation of User is not user.get_full_name()") def test_get_slide_context(self): """ Tests, that get_slide_context returns: {'shown_user': self} """ user = User() self.assertEqual( user.get_slide_context(), {'shown_user': user}, "User.get_slide_context returns a wrong context") class UserGetAbsoluteUrlTest(TestCase): def test_get_absolute_url_default(self): """ Tests get_absolute_url() with no argument. It should return the url for the url-pattern of user_detail """ user = User(pk=5) with patch('openslides.users.models.reverse') as mock_reverse: mock_reverse.return_value = 'test url' url = user.get_absolute_url() self.assertEqual( url, 'test url', "User.get_absolute_url() does not return the result of reverse") mock_reverse.assert_called_once_with('user_detail', args=['5']) def test_get_absolute_url_detail(self): """ Tests get_absolute_url() with 'detail' as argument """ user = User(pk=5) with patch('openslides.users.models.reverse') as mock_reverse: mock_reverse.return_value = 'test url' url = user.get_absolute_url('detail') self.assertEqual( url, 'test url', "User.get_absolute_url('detail') does not return the result of reverse") mock_reverse.assert_called_once_with('user_detail', args=['5']) def test_get_absolute_url_update(self): """ Tests get_absolute_url() with 'update' as argument """ user = User(pk=5) with patch('openslides.users.models.reverse') as mock_reverse: mock_reverse.return_value = 'test url' url = user.get_absolute_url('update') self.assertEqual( url, 'test url', "User.get_absolute_url('update') does not return the result of reverse") mock_reverse.assert_called_once_with('user_update', args=['5']) def test_get_absolute_url_delete(self): """ Tests get_absolute_url() with 'delete' as argument """ user = User(pk=5) with patch('openslides.users.models.reverse') as mock_reverse: mock_reverse.return_value = 'test url' url = user.get_absolute_url('delete') self.assertEqual( url, 'test url', "User.get_absolute_url('delete') does not return the result of reverse") mock_reverse.assert_called_once_with('user_delete', args=['5']) def test_get_absolute_url_other(self): """ Tests get_absolute_url() with any other argument """ user = User(pk=5) dummy_argument = MagicMock() with patch('builtins.super') as mock_super: mock_super().get_absolute_url.return_value = 'test url' url = user.get_absolute_url(dummy_argument) self.assertEqual( url, 'test url', "User.get_absolute_url(OTHER) does not return the result of reverse") mock_super().get_absolute_url.assert_called_once_with(dummy_argument) class UserGetFullName(TestCase): def test_get_full_name_with_structure_level_and_title(self): """ Tests, that get_full_name returns the write string. """ user = User() user.title = 'test_title' user.structure_level = 'test_structure_level' user.get_short_name = MagicMock(return_value='test_short_name') self.assertEqual( user.get_full_name(), 'test_title test_short_name (test_structure_level)', "User.get_full_name() returns wrong string when it has a structure_level and title") def test_get_full_name_without_structure_level_and_with_title(self): """ Tests, that get_full_name returns the write string. """ user = User() user.title = 'test_title' user.structure_level = '' user.get_short_name = MagicMock(return_value='test_short_name') self.assertEqual( user.get_full_name(), 'test_title test_short_name', "User.get_full_name() returns wrong string when it has no structure_level but a title") def test_get_full_name_without_structure_level_and_without_title(self): """ Tests, that get_full_name returns the write string. """ user = User() user.title = '' user.structure_level = '' user.get_short_name = MagicMock(return_value='test_short_name') self.assertEqual( user.get_full_name(), 'test_short_name', "User.get_full_name() returns wrong string when it has no structure_level and no title") class UserGetShortName(TestCase): def test_get_short_name_sort_first_name_only_first_name(self): """ Tests the output of get_short_name. """ user = User() user.first_name = 'test_first_name' with patch('openslides.users.models.config') as mock_config: mock_config.__getitem__.return_value = True short_name = user.get_short_name() self.assertEqual( short_name, 'test_first_name', "User.get_short_name() returns wrong string when it has only a " "first_name and is sorted by first_name") def test_get_short_name_sort_first_name_both_names(self): """ Tests the output of get_short_name. """ user = User() user.first_name = 'test_first_name' user.last_name = 'test_last_name' with patch('openslides.users.models.config') as mock_config: mock_config.__getitem__.return_value = True short_name = user.get_short_name() self.assertEqual( short_name, 'test_first_name test_last_name', "User.get_short_name() returns wrong string when it has a fist_name " "and a last_name and is sorted by first_name") def test_get_short_name_sort_last_name_only_first_name(self): """ Tests the output of get_short_name. """ user = User() user.first_name = 'test_first_name' with patch('openslides.users.models.config') as mock_config: mock_config.__getitem__.return_value = False short_name = user.get_short_name() self.assertEqual( short_name, 'test_first_name', "User.get_short_name() returns wrong string when it has only a " "first_name and is sorted by last_name") def test_get_short_name_sort_last_name_both_names(self): """ Tests the output of get_short_name. """ user = User() user.first_name = 'test_first_name' user.last_name = 'test_last_name' with patch('openslides.users.models.config') as mock_config: mock_config.__getitem__.return_value = False short_name = user.get_short_name() self.assertEqual( short_name, 'test_last_name, test_first_name', "User.get_short_name() returns wrong string when it has a fist_name " "and a last_name and is sorted by last_name") def test_get_short_name_no_names(self): """ Tests the output of get_short_name. """ user = User(username='test_username') with patch('openslides.users.models.config') as mock_config: mock_config.__getitem__.return_value = False short_name = user.get_short_name() self.assertEqual( short_name, 'test_username', "User.get_short_name() returns wrong string when it has no fist_name " "and no last_name and is sorted by last_name") def test_while_spaces_in_name_parts(self): """ Tests the output if the name parts have white spaces at the begin or end. """ user = User() user.first_name = ' test_first_name\n ' user.last_name = ' test_last_name \n' with patch('openslides.users.models.config') as mock_config: mock_config.__getitem__.return_value = True short_name = user.get_short_name() self.assertEqual( short_name, 'test_first_name test_last_name', "User.get_short_name() has to strip whitespaces from the name parts") class UserResetPassword(TestCase): def test_reset_password_no_attribute(self): """ Tests reset_password with no attribute. """ user = User(default_password='test_default_password') user.set_password = MagicMock() user.reset_password() user.set_password.assert_called_once_with('test_default_password') def test_reset_password_with_attribute(self): """ Tests reset_password with no attribute. """ user = User(default_password='test_default_password') user.set_password = MagicMock() user.reset_password('test_password') user.set_password.assert_called_once_with('test_password') class UserManagerTest(TestCase): def test_create_user(self): """ Tests, that create_user saves a new user with a set password. """ user = MagicMock() user_manager = UserManager() user_manager.model = MagicMock(return_value=user) user_manager._db = 'my_test_db' return_user = user_manager.create_user('test_username', 'test_password', test_kwarg='test_kwarg') user_manager.model.assert_called_once_with(username='test_username', test_kwarg='test_kwarg') user.set_password.assert_called_once_with('test_password')'my_test_db') self.assertEqual( return_user, user, "The returned user is not the created user")