from cgi import escape from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from import QrCodeWidget from import Drawing from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.units import cm from reportlab.platypus import ( LongTable, PageBreak, Paragraph, Spacer, Table, TableStyle, ) from ..core.config import config from ..utils.pdf import stylesheet from .models import User def users_to_pdf(pdf): """ Create a list of all users as PDF. """ data = [['#', _('Name'), _('Structure level'), _('Group')]] if config['users_sort_users_by_first_name']: sort = 'first_name' else: sort = 'last_name' counter = 0 for user in User.objects.all().order_by(sort): counter += 1 groups = '' for group in user.groups.all(): if != 2: groups += "%s
" % escape(_( if sort == 'last_name': name = "%s" % escape(user.last_name) if user.first_name: name = "%s, %s" % (name, escape(user.first_name)) else: name = "%s %s" % (escape(user.first_name), escape(user.last_name)) if user.title: name = "%s %s" % (user.title, name) if user.number: name = "%s
%s" % (name, user.number) data.append([ counter, Paragraph(name, stylesheet['Tablecell']), Paragraph(escape(user.structure_level), stylesheet['Tablecell']), Paragraph(groups, stylesheet['Tablecell'])]) t = LongTable(data, style=[ ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ('LINEABOVE', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 2,, ('LINEABOVE', (0, 1), (-1, 1), 1,, ('LINEBELOW', (0, -1), (-1, -1), 2,, ('ROWBACKGROUNDS', (0, 1), (-1, -1), (colors.white, (.9, .9, .9)))]) t._argW[0] = 0.75 * cm pdf.append(t) return pdf def users_passwords_to_pdf(pdf): """ Create access data sheets for all users as PDF. """ users_pdf_wlan_ssid = config["users_pdf_wlan_ssid"] or "-" users_pdf_wlan_password = config["users_pdf_wlan_password"] or "-" users_pdf_wlan_encryption = config["users_pdf_wlan_encryption"] or "-" users_pdf_url = config["users_pdf_url"] or "-" users_pdf_welcometitle = config["users_pdf_welcometitle"] users_pdf_welcometext = config["users_pdf_welcometext"] if config['users_sort_users_by_first_name']: sort = 'first_name' else: sort = 'last_name' qrcode_size = 2 * cm # qrcode for system url qrcode_url = QrCodeWidget(users_pdf_url) qrcode_url.barHeight = qrcode_size qrcode_url.barWidth = qrcode_size qrcode_url.barBorder = 0 qrcode_url_draw = Drawing(45, 45) qrcode_url_draw.add(qrcode_url) # qrcode for wlan text = "WIFI:S:%s;T:%s;P:%s;;" % (users_pdf_wlan_ssid, users_pdf_wlan_encryption, users_pdf_wlan_password) qrcode_wlan = QrCodeWidget(text) qrcode_wlan.barHeight = qrcode_size qrcode_wlan.barWidth = qrcode_size qrcode_wlan.barBorder = 0 qrcode_wlan_draw = Drawing(45, 45) qrcode_wlan_draw.add(qrcode_wlan) for user in User.objects.all().order_by(sort): pdf.append(Paragraph(escape(user.get_full_name()), stylesheet['h1'])) pdf.append(Paragraph(escape(user.number), stylesheet['h3'])) pdf.append(Spacer(0, 1 * cm)) data = [] # WLAN access data cell = [] cell.append(Paragraph(_("WLAN access data"), stylesheet['h2'])) cell.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("WLAN name (SSID)"), stylesheet['formfield'])) cell.append(Paragraph(escape(users_pdf_wlan_ssid), stylesheet['formfield_value'])) cell.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("WLAN password"), stylesheet['formfield'])) cell.append(Paragraph(escape(users_pdf_wlan_password), stylesheet['formfield_value'])) cell.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("WLAN encryption"), stylesheet['formfield'])) cell.append(Paragraph(escape(users_pdf_wlan_encryption), stylesheet['formfield_value'])) cell.append(Spacer(0, 0.5 * cm)) # OpenSlides access data cell2 = [] cell2.append(Paragraph(_("OpenSlides access data"), stylesheet['h2'])) cell2.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("Username"), stylesheet['formfield'])) cell2.append(Paragraph(escape(user.username), stylesheet['formfield_value'])) cell2.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("Initial password"), stylesheet['formfield'])) cell2.append(Paragraph(escape(user.default_password), stylesheet['formfield_value'])) cell2.append(Paragraph("URL:", stylesheet['formfield'])) cell2.append(Paragraph(escape(users_pdf_url), stylesheet['formfield_value'])) data.append([cell, cell2]) # QRCodes cell = [] if users_pdf_wlan_ssid != "-" and users_pdf_wlan_encryption != "-": cell.append(qrcode_wlan_draw) cell.append(Paragraph(_("Scan this QRCode to connect WLAN."), stylesheet['qrcode_comment'])) cell2 = [] if users_pdf_url != "-": cell2.append(qrcode_url_draw) cell2.append(Paragraph(_("Scan this QRCode to open URL."), stylesheet['qrcode_comment'])) data.append([cell, cell2]) # build table table = Table(data) table._argW[0] = 8 * cm table._argW[1] = 8 * cm table.setStyle(TableStyle([('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')])) pdf.append(table) pdf.append(Spacer(0, 2 * cm)) # welcome title and text pdf.append(Paragraph(escape(users_pdf_welcometitle), stylesheet['h2'])) pdf.append(Paragraph(escape(users_pdf_welcometext).replace('\r\n', '
'), stylesheet['Paragraph12'])) pdf.append(PageBreak()) return pdf