import json from typing import Any, Dict, List from ..poll.views import BasePoll from ..utils import logging from ..utils.access_permissions import BaseAccessPermissions from ..utils.auth import async_has_perm, user_collection_string from ..utils.cache import element_cache logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseVoteAccessPermissions(BaseAccessPermissions): manage_permission = "" # set by subclass async def get_restricted_data( self, full_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_id: int ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Poll-managers have full access, even during an active poll. Every user can see it's own votes. If the pollstate is published, everyone can see the votes. """ if await async_has_perm(user_id, self.manage_permission): data = full_data else: data = [ vote for vote in full_data if vote["pollstate"] == BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED or vote["user_id"] == user_id or vote["delegated_user_id"] == user_id ] return data class BaseOptionAccessPermissions(BaseAccessPermissions): manage_permission = "" # set by subclass async def get_restricted_data( self, full_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_id: int ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: if await async_has_perm(user_id, self.manage_permission): data = full_data else: data = [] for option in full_data: if option["pollstate"] != BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED: option = json.loads( json.dumps(option) ) # copy, so we can remove some fields. del option["yes"] del option["no"] del option["abstain"] data.append(option) return data class BasePollAccessPermissions(BaseAccessPermissions): manage_permission = "" # set by subclass additional_fields: List[str] = [] """ Add fields to be removed from each unpublished poll """ async def get_restricted_data( self, full_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], user_id: int ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Poll-managers have full access, even during an active poll. Non-published polls will be restricted: - Remove votes* values from the poll - Remove yes/no/abstain fields from options - Remove fields given in self.assitional_fields from the poll """ # add has_voted for all users to check whether op has voted # also fill user_has_voted_for_delegations with all users for which he has # already voted user_data = await element_cache.get_element_data( user_collection_string, user_id ) if user_data is None: logger.error(f"Could not find userdata for {user_id}") vote_delegated_from_ids = set() else: vote_delegated_from_ids = set(user_data["vote_delegated_from_users_id"]) for poll in full_data: poll["user_has_voted"] = user_id in poll["voted_id"] voted_ids = set(poll["voted_id"]) voted_for_delegations = list( vote_delegated_from_ids.intersection(voted_ids) ) poll["user_has_voted_for_delegations"] = voted_for_delegations if await async_has_perm(user_id, self.manage_permission): data = full_data else: data = [] for poll in full_data: if poll["state"] != BasePoll.STATE_PUBLISHED: poll = json.loads( json.dumps(poll) ) # copy, so we can remove some fields. del poll["votesvalid"] del poll["votesinvalid"] del poll["votescast"] del poll["voted_id"] for field in self.additional_fields: del poll[field] data.append(poll) return data