import os import pytest from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync from django.test import TestCase, TransactionTestCase from pytest_django.django_compat import is_django_unittest from pytest_django.plugin import validate_django_db from openslides.utils.cache import element_cache # Set an environment variable to stop the startup command os.environ["NO_STARTUP"] = "1" def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items): """ Helper until is fixed. """ def get_marker_transaction(test): marker = test.get_closest_marker("django_db") if marker: validate_django_db(marker) return marker.kwargs["transaction"] return None def has_fixture(test, fixture): fixturenames = getattr(test, "fixturenames", None) return fixturenames and fixture in fixturenames def weight_test_case(test): """ Key function for ordering test cases like the Django test runner. """ is_test_case_subclass = test.cls and issubclass(test.cls, TestCase) is_transaction_test_case_subclass = test.cls and issubclass( test.cls, TransactionTestCase ) if is_test_case_subclass or get_marker_transaction(test) is False: return 0 elif has_fixture(test, "db"): return 0 if is_transaction_test_case_subclass or get_marker_transaction(test) is True: return 1 elif has_fixture(test, "transactional_db"): return 1 return 0 items.sort(key=weight_test_case) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def constants(request, reset_cache): """ Resets the constants on every test. The filled cache is needed to build the constants, because some of them depends on the config. Uses fake constants, if the db is not in use. """ from openslides.utils.constants import set_constants, get_constants_from_apps if "django_db" in request.node.keywords or is_django_unittest(request): # When the db is created, use the original constants set_constants(get_constants_from_apps()) else: # Else: Use fake constants set_constants({"constant1": "value1", "constant2": "value2"}) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def reset_cache(request): """ Resetts the cache for every test """ if "django_db" in request.node.keywords or is_django_unittest(request): # When the db is created, use the original cachables async_to_sync(element_cache.cache_provider.clear_cache)() element_cache.ensure_cache(reset=True) # Set constant default change_id element_cache.set_default_change_id(1)