import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material/snack-bar'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; import { ProgressSnackBarComponent } from 'app/shared/components/progress-snack-bar/progress-snack-bar.component'; import { MotionExportInfo } from 'app/site/motions/services/motion-export.service'; import { ConfigService } from '../ui-services/config.service'; import { HttpService } from '../core-services/http.service'; import { ProgressService } from '../ui-services/progress.service'; /** * Enumeration to define possible values for the styling. */ export enum StyleType { DEFAULT = 'tocEntry', SUBTITLE = 'subtitle', SUB_ENTRY = 'tocSubEntry', CATEGORY_SECTION = 'tocCategorySection' } /** * Enumeration to describe the type of borders. */ export enum BorderType { DEFAULT = 'noBorders', LIGHT_HORIZONTAL_LINES = 'lightHorizontalLines', HEADER_ONLY = 'headerLineOnly' } /** * Custom PDF error class to handle errors in a safer way */ export class PdfError extends Error { public __proto__: PdfError; public constructor(public message: string) { super(message); const trueProto =; this.__proto__ = trueProto; } } /** * Provides the general document structure for PDF documents, such as page margins, header, footer and styles. * Also provides general purpose open and download functions. * * Use a local pdf service (i.e. MotionPdfService) to get the document definition for the content and * use this service to open or download the pdf document * * @example * ```ts * const motionContent = this.motionPdfService.motionToDocDef(this.motion); *, 'test.pdf'); * ``` */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class PdfDocumentService { /** * A list of all images to add to the virtual file system. * May still be filling at header and footer creation */ private imageUrls: string[] = []; private pdfWorker: Worker; /** * Constructor * * @param translate translations * @param configService read config values * @param mediaManageService to read out font files as media data */ public constructor( private translate: TranslateService, private configService: ConfigService, private httpService: HttpService, private matSnackBar: MatSnackBar, private progressService: ProgressService ) {} /** * Define the pdfmake virtual file system, adding the fonts * * @returns the vfs-object */ private async initVfs(): Promise { const fontPathList: string[] = Array.from( // create a list without redundancies new Set( this.configService .instant('fonts_available') .map(available => this.configService.instant(available)) .map(font => font.path || `/${font.default}`) ) ); const promises = => { return this.httpService.downloadAsBase64(fontPath).then(base64 => { return { [fontPath.split('/').pop()]: base64 }; }); }); const binaryDataUrls = await Promise.all(promises); let vfs = {}; => { vfs = { ...vfs, ...entry }; }); return vfs; } /** * Returns the name of a font from the value of the given * config variable. * * @param fontType the config variable of the font (font_regular, font_italic) * @returns the name of the selected font */ private getFontName(fontType: string): string { const font = this.configService.instant(fontType); return (font.path || `/${font.default}`).split('/').pop(); } /** * Overall document definition and styles for the most PDF documents * * @param documentContent the content of the pdf as object * @param metadata * @param imageUrls Array of optional images (url, placeholder) to be inserted * @param customMargins optionally overrides the margins * @param landscape optional landscape page orientation instead of default portrait * @returns the pdf document definition ready to export */ private async getStandardPaper( documentContent: object, metadata?: object, exportInfo?: MotionExportInfo, imageUrls?: string[], customMargins?: [number, number, number, number], landscape?: boolean ): Promise { this.imageUrls = imageUrls ? imageUrls : []; const pageSize = this.configService.instant('general_export_pdf_pagesize'); const defaultMargins = pageSize === 'A5' ? [45, 30, 45, 45] : [75, 90, 75, 75]; const result = { pageSize: pageSize || 'A4', pageOrientation: landscape ? 'landscape' : 'portrait', pageMargins: customMargins || defaultMargins, defaultStyle: { font: 'PdfFont', fontSize: this.configService.instant('general_export_pdf_fontsize') }, header: this.getHeader(customMargins ? [customMargins[0], customMargins[2]] : null), // real footer gets created in the worker tmpfooter: this.getFooter(customMargins ? [customMargins[0], customMargins[2]] : null, exportInfo), info: metadata, content: documentContent, styles: this.getStandardPaperStyles() }; return result; } /** * Overall document definition and styles for blank PDF documents * (e.g. ballots) * * @param documentContent the content of the pdf as object * @param imageUrl an optional image to insert into the ballot * @returns the pdf document definition ready to export */ private async getBallotPaper(documentContent: object, imageUrl?: string): Promise { this.imageUrls = imageUrl ? [imageUrl] : []; const result = { pageSize: 'A4', pageMargins: [0, 0, 0, 0], defaultStyle: { font: 'PdfFont', fontSize: 10 }, content: documentContent, styles: this.getBlankPaperStyles() }; return result; } /** * Get pdfFonts from storage */ private getPdfFonts(): object { return { normal: this.getFontName('font_regular'), bold: this.getFontName('font_bold'), italics: this.getFontName('font_italic'), bolditalics: this.getFontName('font_bold_italic') }; } /** * Creates the header doc definition for normal PDF documents * * @param lrMargin optional margin overrides * @returns an object that contains the necessary header definition */ private getHeader(lrMargin?: [number, number]): object { // check for the required logos let logoHeaderLeftUrl = this.configService.instant('logo_pdf_header_L').path; let logoHeaderRightUrl = this.configService.instant('logo_pdf_header_R').path; let text; const columns = []; // add the left logo to the header column if (logoHeaderLeftUrl) { if (logoHeaderLeftUrl.indexOf('/') === 0) { logoHeaderLeftUrl = logoHeaderLeftUrl.substr(1); // remove trailing / } columns.push({ image: logoHeaderLeftUrl, fit: [180, 40], width: '20%' }); this.imageUrls.push(logoHeaderLeftUrl); } // add the header text if no logo on the right was specified if (logoHeaderLeftUrl && logoHeaderRightUrl) { text = ''; } else { const general_event_name = this.translate.instant(this.configService.instant('general_event_name')); const general_event_description = this.translate.instant( this.configService.instant('general_event_description') ); const line1 = [general_event_name, general_event_description].filter(Boolean).join(' - '); const line2 = [ this.configService.instant('general_event_location'), this.configService.instant('general_event_date') ] .filter(Boolean) .join(', '); text = [line1, line2].join('\n'); } columns.push({ text: text, style: 'headerText', alignment: logoHeaderRightUrl ? 'left' : 'right' }); // add the logo to the right if (logoHeaderRightUrl) { if (logoHeaderRightUrl.indexOf('/') === 0) { logoHeaderRightUrl = logoHeaderRightUrl.substr(1); // remove trailing / } columns.push({ image: logoHeaderRightUrl, fit: [180, 40], alignment: 'right', width: '20%' }); this.imageUrls.push(logoHeaderRightUrl); } const margin = [lrMargin ? lrMargin[0] : 75, 30, lrMargin ? lrMargin[0] : 75, 10]; // pdfmake order: [left, top, right, bottom] return { color: '#555', fontSize: 9, margin: margin, columns: columns, columnGap: 10 }; } /** * Creates the footer doc definition for normal PDF documents. * Adds page numbers into the footer * * @param currentPage holds the number of the current page * @param pageCount holds the page count * @param lrMargin optionally overriding the margins * @returns the footer doc definition */ private getFooter(lrMargin?: [number, number], exportInfo?: MotionExportInfo): object { const columns = []; const showPageNr = exportInfo && exportInfo.pdfOptions ? exportInfo.pdfOptions.includes('page') : true; const showDate = exportInfo && exportInfo.pdfOptions ? exportInfo.pdfOptions.includes('date') : false; let logoContainerWidth: string; let pageNumberPosition: string; let logoContainerSize: number[]; const logoFooterLeftUrl = this.configService.instant('logo_pdf_footer_L').path; const logoFooterRightUrl = this.configService.instant('logo_pdf_footer_R').path; let footerPageNumber = ''; if (showPageNr) { // footerPageNumber += `${currentPage} / ${pageCount}`; // replace with `${currentPage} / ${pageCount}` in worker footerPageNumber += `%PAGENR%`; } let footerDate = {}; if (showDate) { footerDate = { text: `${this.translate.instant('As of')}: ${new Date().toLocaleDateString( this.translate.currentLang )}`, fontSize: 6 }; } // if there is a single logo, give it a lot of space if (logoFooterLeftUrl && logoFooterRightUrl) { logoContainerWidth = '20%'; logoContainerSize = [180, 40]; } else { logoContainerWidth = '80%'; logoContainerSize = [400, 50]; } // the position of the page number depends on the logos if (logoFooterLeftUrl && logoFooterRightUrl) { pageNumberPosition = 'center'; } else if (logoFooterLeftUrl && !logoFooterRightUrl) { pageNumberPosition = 'right'; } else if (logoFooterRightUrl && !logoFooterLeftUrl) { pageNumberPosition = 'left'; } else { pageNumberPosition = this.configService.instant('general_export_pdf_pagenumber_alignment'); } // add the left footer logo, if any if (logoFooterLeftUrl) { columns.push({ image: logoFooterLeftUrl, fit: logoContainerSize, width: logoContainerWidth, alignment: 'left' }); this.imageUrls.push(logoFooterLeftUrl); } // add the page number columns.push({ stack: [footerPageNumber, footerDate], style: 'footerPageNumber', alignment: pageNumberPosition }); // add the right footer logo, if any if (logoFooterRightUrl) { columns.push({ image: logoFooterRightUrl, fit: logoContainerSize, width: logoContainerWidth, alignment: 'right' }); this.imageUrls.push(logoFooterRightUrl); } const margin = [lrMargin ? lrMargin[0] : 75, 0, lrMargin ? lrMargin[0] : 75, 10]; return { margin: margin, columns: columns, columnGap: 10 }; } /** * Shows the progress bar earlier */ private showProgress(): void { const progressBarRef = this.matSnackBar.openFromComponent(ProgressSnackBarComponent, { duration: 0 }); // Listen to clicks on the cancel button progressBarRef.onAction().subscribe(() => { this.cancelPdfCreation(); }); this.progressService.message = this.translate.instant('Creating PDF file ...'); this.progressService.progressMode = 'determinate'; } /** * Downloads a pdf with the standard page definitions. * * @param docDefinition the structure of the PDF document * @param filename the name of the file to use * @param metadata */ public download(docDefinition: object, filename: string, metadata?: object, exportInfo?: MotionExportInfo): void { this.showProgress(); this.getStandardPaper(docDefinition, metadata, exportInfo).then(doc => { this.createPdf(doc, filename); }); } /** * Downloads a pdf in landscape orientation * * @param docDefinition the structure of the PDF document * @param filename the name of the file to use * @param metadata */ public downloadLandscape(docDefinition: object, filename: string, metadata?: object): void { this.showProgress(); this.getStandardPaper(docDefinition, metadata, null, null, [50, 80, 50, 75], true).then(doc => { this.createPdf(doc, filename); }); } /** * Downloads a pdf with the ballot papet page definitions. * * @param docDefinition the structure of the PDF document * @param filename the name of the file to use * @param logo (optional) url of a logo to be placed as ballot logo */ public downloadWithBallotPaper(docDefinition: object, filename: string, logo?: string): void { this.showProgress(); this.getBallotPaper(docDefinition, logo).then(doc => { this.createPdf(doc, filename); }); } /** * Triggers the actual page creation and saving. * * @param doc the finished layout * @param filetitle the filename (without extension) to save as */ private async createPdf(doc: object, filetitle: string): Promise { const filename = `${filetitle}.pdf`; const fonts = this.getPdfFonts(); const vfs = await this.initVfs(); await this.loadAllImages(vfs); const isIE = /msie\s|trident\//i.test(window.navigator.userAgent); if (typeof Worker !== 'undefined' && !isIE) { this.pdfWorker = new Worker(new URL('./pdf-worker.worker', import.meta.url), { type: 'module' }); // the result of the worker this.pdfWorker.onmessage = ({ data }) => { // if the worker returns a numbers, is always the progress if (typeof data === 'number') { // update progress const progress = Math.ceil(data * 100); this.progressService.progressAmount = progress; } // if the worker returns an object, it's always the document if (typeof data === 'object') { this.matSnackBar.dismiss(); saveAs(data, filename, { autoBOM: true }); this.pdfWorker = null; } }; this.pdfWorker.postMessage({ doc: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(doc)), fonts: fonts, vfs: vfs }); } else { this.matSnackBar.dismiss();'Cannot create PDF files on this browser.'), '', { duration: 0 }); } } /** * Cancel the pdf generation */ private cancelPdfCreation(): void { if (this.pdfWorker) { this.pdfWorker.terminate(); this.pdfWorker = null; } } /** * Definition of styles for standard papers * * @returns an object that contains all pdf styles */ private getStandardPaperStyles(): object { const pageSize = this.configService.instant('general_export_pdf_pagesize'); return { title: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 14 : 16, margin: [0, 0, 0, 20], bold: true }, subtitle: { fontSize: 9, margin: [0, -20, 0, 20], color: 'grey' }, preamble: { margin: [0, 0, 0, 10] }, headerText: { fontSize: 10, margin: [0, 10, 0, 0] }, footerPageNumber: { fontSize: 8, margin: [0, 15, 0, 0], color: '#555' }, boldText: { bold: true }, smallText: { fontSize: 8 }, heading2: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 12 : 14, margin: [0, 0, 0, 10], bold: true }, heading3: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 10 : 12, margin: [0, 10, 0, 0], bold: true }, userDataHeading: { fontSize: 14, margin: [0, 10], bold: true }, userDataTopic: { fontSize: 12, margin: [0, 5] }, userDataValue: { fontSize: 12, margin: [15, 5] }, tocEntry: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 10 : 11, margin: [0, 0, 0, 0], bold: false }, tocHeaderRow: { fontSize: 7 }, tocSubEntry: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 9 : 10, color: '#404040' }, tocCategoryEntry: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 10 : 11, margin: [10, 0, 0, 0], bold: false }, tocCategoryTitle: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 10 : 11, margin: [0, 0, 0, 4], bold: true }, tocSubcategoryTitle: { fontSize: pageSize === 'A5' ? 9 : 10, margin: [0, 0, 0, 4], bold: true }, tocCategorySection: { margin: [0, 0, 0, 10] }, userDataTitle: { fontSize: 26, margin: [0, 0, 0, 0], bold: true }, tableHeader: { bold: true, fillColor: 'white' }, listParent: { fontSize: 14, margin: [0, 5] }, listChild: { fontSize: 12, margin: [0, 5] }, textItem: { fontSize: 11, margin: [0, 7] } }; } /** * Definition of styles for ballot papers * * @returns an object that contains a limited set of pdf styles * used for ballots */ private getBlankPaperStyles(): object { return { title: { fontSize: 14, bold: true, margin: [30, 30, 0, 0] }, description: { fontSize: 11, margin: [30, 0, 0, 0] } }; } /** * Triggers the addition of all images found during creation(including header and footer) * to the vfs. */ private async loadAllImages(vfs: object): Promise { const promises = => { return this.addImageToVfS(image, vfs); }); await Promise.all(promises); } /** * Creates an image in the pdfMake virtual file system, if it doesn't yet exist there * * @param url */ private async addImageToVfS(url: string, vfs: object): Promise { if (url.indexOf('/') === 0) { url = url.substr(1); } if (!vfs[url]) { const base64 = await this.httpService.downloadAsBase64(url); vfs[url] = base64; } } /** * Creates the title for the motion list as pdfmake doc definition * * @returns The motion list title for the PDF document */ public createTitle(configVariable: string): object { const titleText = this.translate.instant(this.configService.instant(configVariable)); return { text: titleText, style: 'title' }; } /** * Creates the preamble for the motion list as pdfmake doc definition * * @returns The motion list preamble for the PDF document */ public createPreamble(configVariable: string): object { const preambleText = this.configService.instant(configVariable); if (preambleText) { return { text: preambleText, style: 'preamble' }; } else { return {}; } } public getPageBreak(): Object { return { text: '', pageBreak: 'after' }; } public getSpacer(): Object { return { text: '', margin: [0, 10] }; } /** * Generates the table definition for the TOC * * @param tocBody the body of the table * @returns The table of contents as doc definition */ public createTocTableDef( tocBody: object[], style: StyleType = StyleType.DEFAULT, borderStyle: BorderType = BorderType.DEFAULT, ...header: object[] ): object { return { table: { headerRows: header[0] ? header.length : 0, keepWithHeaderRows: header[0] ? header.length : 0, dontBreakRows: true, widths: ['auto', '*', 'auto'], body: header[0] ? [...header, ...tocBody] : tocBody }, layout: borderStyle, style: style }; } /** * Function, that creates a line for the 'Table of contents' * * @param identifier The identifier/prefix for the line * @param title The name of the line * @param pageReference Defaults to the page, where the object begins * @param style Optional style. Defaults to `'tocEntry'` * * @returns A line for the toc */ public createTocLine( identifier: string, title: string, pageReference: string, style: StyleType = StyleType.DEFAULT, ...subTitle: object[] ): Object[] { return [ { text: identifier, style: style }, { text: [title, ...subTitle], style: 'tocEntry' }, { pageReference: pageReference, style: 'tocEntry', alignment: 'right' } ]; } /** * Function to create an inline line in the toc. * * @param text The text for the line. * @param bold Optional boolean, if the text should be bold - defaults to `false`. * * @returns {Object} An object for `DocDefinition` for `pdf-make`. */ public createTocLineInline(text: string, italics: boolean = false): Object { return { text: '\n' + text, style: StyleType.SUB_ENTRY, italics: italics }; } /** * Draw a circle on its position on the paper * * @param y vertical offset * @param size the size of the circle * @returns an array containing one circle definition for pdfMake */ public drawCircle(y: number, size: number): object[] { return [ { type: 'ellipse', x: 0, y: y, lineColor: 'black', r1: size, r2: size } ]; } }