import { BaseProjectableViewModel } from './base-projectable-view-model'; import { SearchRepresentation } from 'app/core/ui-services/search.service'; import { ViewItem } from '../agenda/models/view-item'; import { isDetailNavigable, DetailNavigable } from 'app/shared/models/base/detail-navigable'; import { isSearchable, Searchable } from './searchable'; import { BaseModelWithAgendaItem } from 'app/shared/models/base/base-model-with-agenda-item'; import { BaseViewModel, TitleInformation } from './base-view-model'; import { Item } from 'app/shared/models/agenda/item'; export function isBaseViewModelWithAgendaItem(obj: any): obj is BaseViewModelWithAgendaItem { const model = obj; return ( !!obj && isDetailNavigable(model) && isSearchable(model) && model.getAgendaSlideTitle !== undefined && model.getAgendaListTitle !== undefined && model.getCSVExportText !== undefined && model.agendaItem !== undefined && model.agenda_item_id !== undefined ); } export interface TitleInformationWithAgendaItem extends TitleInformation { agenda_item_number?: string; } /** * Describes a base class for view models. */ export interface IBaseViewModelWithAgendaItem extends BaseProjectableViewModel, DetailNavigable, Searchable { agendaItem: ViewItem | null; agenda_item_id: number; agenda_item_number: string | null; /** * @returns the agenda title */ getAgendaSlideTitle: () => string; /** * @return the agenda title with the verbose name of the content object */ getAgendaListTitle: () => string; /** * @returns the (optional) descriptive text to be exported in the CSV. * May be overridden by inheriting classes */ getCSVExportText(): string; } /** * Base view model class for view models with an agenda item. */ export abstract class BaseViewModelWithAgendaItem extends BaseProjectableViewModel implements IBaseViewModelWithAgendaItem { protected _item?: ViewItem; public get agendaItem(): ViewItem | null { return this._item; } public get agenda_item_id(): number { return this._model.agenda_item_id; } public get agenda_item_number(): string | null { return this.agendaItem && this.agendaItem.itemNumber ? this.agendaItem.itemNumber : null; } /** * @returns the agenda title for the item slides */ public getAgendaSlideTitle: () => string; /** * @return the agenda title for the list view */ public getAgendaListTitle: () => string; public constructor(collecitonString: string, model: M, item?: ViewItem) { super(collecitonString, model); this._item = item || null; // Explicit set to null instead of undefined, if not given } /** * @returns the (optional) descriptive text to be exported in the CSV. * May be overridden by inheriting classes */ public getCSVExportText(): string { return ''; } public abstract getDetailStateURL(): string; /** * Should return a string representation of the object, so there can be searched for. */ public abstract formatForSearch(): SearchRepresentation; public updateDependencies(update: BaseViewModel): void { // We cannot check with instanceof, because this gives circular dependency issues... if (update.collectionString === Item.COLLECTIONSTRING && === this.agenda_item_id) { this._item = update as ViewItem; } } }