import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core'; import { MatTableDataSource, MatTable } from '@angular/material/table'; import { FileSystemFileEntry, NgxFileDropEntry } from 'ngx-file-drop'; import { OperatorService } from 'app/core/core-services/operator.service'; import { MediafileRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/mediafiles/mediafile-repository.service'; /** * To hold the structure of files to upload */ interface FileData { mediafile: File; filename: string; title: string; uploader_id: number; hidden: boolean; } @Component({ selector: 'os-media-upload-content', templateUrl: './media-upload-content.component.html', styleUrls: ['./media-upload-content.component.scss'] }) export class MediaUploadContentComponent implements OnInit { /** * Columns to display in the upload-table */ public displayedColumns: string[] = ['title', 'filename', 'information', 'hidden', 'remove']; /** * Determine wether to show the progress bar */ public showProgress = false; /** * Consumable data source for the table */ public uploadList: MatTableDataSource; /** * Holds the IDs of the uploaded files */ private filesUploadedIds: number[] = []; /** * Determine if uploading should happen parallel or synchronously. * Synchronous uploading might be necessary if we see that stuff breaks */ @Input() public parallel = true; /** * Set if an error was detected to prevent automatic navigation */ public errorMessage: string; /** * Hold the mat table to manually render new rows */ @ViewChild(MatTable, { static: false }) public table: MatTable; /** * Emits an event on success */ @Output() public uploadSuccessEvent = new EventEmitter(); /** * Emits an error event */ @Output() public errorEvent = new EventEmitter(); /** * Constructor for the media upload page * * @param repo the mediafile repository * @param op the operator, to check who was the uploader */ public constructor(private repo: MediafileRepositoryService, private op: OperatorService) {} /** * Init * Creates a new uploadList as consumable data source */ public ngOnInit(): void { this.uploadList = new MatTableDataSource(); } /** * Converts given FileData into FormData format and hands it over to the repository * to upload * * @param fileData the file to upload to the server, should fit to the FileData interface */ public async uploadFile(fileData: FileData): Promise { const input = new FormData(); input.set('mediafile', fileData.mediafile); input.set('title', fileData.title); input.set('uploader_id', '' + fileData.uploader_id); input.set('hidden', '' + fileData.hidden); // raiseError will automatically ignore existing files await this.repo.uploadFile(input).then( fileId => { this.filesUploadedIds.push(; // remove the uploaded file from the array this.onRemoveButton(fileData); }, error => { this.errorMessage = error; } ); } /** * Converts a file size in bit into human readable format * * @param bits file size in bits * @returns a readable file size representation */ public getReadableSize(bits: number): string { const unitLevel = Math.floor(Math.log(bits) / Math.log(1024)); const bytes = +(bits / Math.pow(1024, unitLevel)).toFixed(2); return `${bytes} ${['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'][unitLevel]}`; } /** * Change event to set a file to hidden or not * * @param hidden whether the file should be hidden * @param file the given file */ public onChangeHidden(hidden: boolean, file: FileData): void { file.hidden = hidden; } /** * Change event to adjust the title * * @param newTitle the new title * @param file the given file */ public onChangeTitle(newTitle: string, file: FileData): void { file.title = newTitle; } /** * Add a file to list to upload later * * @param file the file to upload */ public addFile(file: File): void { const newFile: FileData = { mediafile: file, filename:, title:, uploader_id:, hidden: false };; if (this.table) { this.table.renderRows(); } } /** * Handler for the select file event * * @param $event holds the file. Triggered by changing the file input element */ public onSelectFile(event: any): void { if ( && > 0) { // file list is a special kind of collection, so array.foreach does not apply for (const addedFile of { this.addFile(addedFile); } } } /** * Handler for the drop-file event * * @param event holds the file. Triggered by dropping in the area */ public onDropFile(event: NgxFileDropEntry[]): void { for (const droppedFile of event) { // Check if the dropped element is a file. "Else" would be a dir. if (droppedFile.fileEntry.isFile) { const fileEntry = droppedFile.fileEntry as FileSystemFileEntry; fileEntry.file((file: File) => { this.addFile(file); }); } } } /** * Click handler for the upload button. * Iterate over the upload list and executes `uploadFile` on each element */ public async onUploadButton(): Promise { if (this.uploadList && > 0) { this.errorMessage = ''; this.showProgress = true; if (this.parallel) { const promises = => this.uploadFile(file)); await Promise.all(promises); } else { for (const file of { await this.uploadFile(file); } } this.showProgress = false; if (this.errorMessage === '') {; } else { this.table.renderRows(); const filenames = => file.filename);`${this.errorMessage}\n${filenames}`); } } } /** * Calculate the progress to display in the progress bar * Only used in synchronous upload since parallel upload * * @returns the upload progress in percent. */ public calcUploadProgress(): number { if (this.filesUploadedIds && this.filesUploadedIds.length > 0 && { return 100 / ( / this.filesUploadedIds.length); } else { return 0; } } /** * Removes the given file from the upload table * * @param file the file to remove */ public onRemoveButton(file: FileData): void { if ( {, 1); this.table.renderRows(); } } /** * Click handler for the clear button. Deletes the upload list */ public onClearButton(): void { = []; if (this.table) { this.table.renderRows(); } } }