import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { FormGroup, FormBuilder, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatExpansionPanel } from '@angular/material'; import { BaseComponent } from '../../../../base.component'; import { Category } from '../../../../shared/models/motions/category'; import { ViewportService } from '../../../../core/services/viewport.service'; import { MotionRepositoryService } from '../../services/motion-repository.service'; import { ViewMotion } from '../../models/view-motion'; /** * Component for the motion detail view */ @Component({ selector: 'os-motion-detail', templateUrl: './motion-detail.component.html', styleUrls: ['./motion-detail.component.scss'] }) export class MotionDetailComponent extends BaseComponent implements OnInit { /** * MatExpansionPanel for the meta info * Only relevant in mobile view */ @ViewChild('metaInfoPanel') public metaInfoPanel: MatExpansionPanel; /** * MatExpansionPanel for the content panel * Only relevant in mobile view */ @ViewChild('contentPanel') public contentPanel: MatExpansionPanel; /** * Motions meta-info */ public metaInfoForm: FormGroup; /** * Motion content. Can be a new version */ public contentForm: FormGroup; /** * Determine if the motion is edited */ public editMotion = false; /** * Determine if the motion is new */ public newMotion = false; /** * Target motion. Might be new or old */ public motion: ViewMotion; /** * Copy of the motion that the user might edit */ public motionCopy: ViewMotion; /** * Constuct the detail view. * * @param vp the viewport service * @param router to navigate back to the motion list and to an existing motion * @param route determine if this is a new or an existing motion * @param formBuilder For reactive forms. Form Group and Form Control * @param repo: Motion Repository */ public constructor( public vp: ViewportService, private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private repo: MotionRepositoryService ) { super(); this.createForm(); if (route.snapshot.url[0].path === 'new') { this.newMotion = true; this.editMotion = true; // Both are (temporarily) necessary until submitter and supporters are implemented // TODO new Motion and ViewMotion this.motion = new ViewMotion(); this.motionCopy = new ViewMotion(); } else { // load existing motion this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.repo.getViewMotionObservable( => { this.motion = newViewMotion; }); }); } } /** * Async load the values of the motion in the Form. */ public patchForm(formMotion: ViewMotion): void { this.metaInfoForm.patchValue({ category_id: formMotion.categoryId, state_id: formMotion.stateId, recommendation_id: formMotion.recommendationId, identifier: formMotion.identifier, origin: formMotion.origin }); this.contentForm.patchValue({ title: formMotion.title, text: formMotion.text, reason: formMotion.reason }); } /** * Creates the forms for the Motion and the MotionVersion * * TODO: Build a custom form validator */ public createForm(): void { this.metaInfoForm ={ identifier: [''], category_id: [''], state_id: [''], recommendation_id: [''], origin: [''] }); this.contentForm ={ title: ['', Validators.required], text: ['', Validators.required], reason: [''] }); } /** * Save a motion. Calls the "patchValues" function in the MotionObject * * http:post the motion to the server. * The AutoUpdate-Service should see a change once it arrives and show it * in the list view automatically * * TODO: state is not yet saved. Need a special "put" command * * TODO: Repo should handle */ public saveMotion(): void { const newMotionValues = { ...this.metaInfoForm.value, ...this.contentForm.value }; if (this.newMotion) { this.repo.saveMotion(newMotionValues).subscribe(response => { this.router.navigate(['./motions/' +]); }); } else { this.repo.saveMotion(newMotionValues, this.motionCopy).subscribe(); } } /** * return all Categories */ public getMotionCategories(): Category[] { return this.DS.getAll(Category); } /** * Click on the edit button (pen-symbol) */ public editMotionButton(): void { this.editMotion ? (this.editMotion = false) : (this.editMotion = true); if (this.editMotion) { // copy the motion this.motionCopy = this.motion.copy(); this.patchForm(this.motionCopy); if (this.vp.isMobile) {;; } } else { this.saveMotion(); } } /** * Cancel the editing process * * If a new motion was created, return to the list. */ public cancelEditMotionButton(): void { if (this.newMotion) { this.router.navigate(['./motions/']); } else { this.editMotion = false; } } /** * Trigger to delete the motion * * TODO: Repo should handle */ public deleteMotionButton(): void { this.repo.deleteMotion(this.motion).subscribe(answer => { this.router.navigate(['./motions/']); }); } /** * Init. Does nothing here. */ public ngOnInit(): void {} }