import datetime import os from typing import Any, Dict from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders from django.contrib.staticfiles.views import serve from django.db.models import F from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse from django.utils.timezone import now from django.views import static from django.views.generic.base import View from .. import __license__ as license, __url__ as url, __version__ as version from ..users.models import User from ..utils import views as utils_views from ..utils.arguments import arguments from ..utils.auth import GROUP_ADMIN_PK, anonymous_is_enabled, has_perm, in_some_groups from ..utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data, inform_deleted_data from ..utils.plugins import ( get_plugin_description, get_plugin_license, get_plugin_url, get_plugin_verbose_name, get_plugin_version, ) from ..utils.rest_api import ( GenericViewSet, ListModelMixin, ModelViewSet, Response, RetrieveModelMixin, ValidationError, detail_route, list_route, ) from .access_permissions import ( ChatMessageAccessPermissions, ConfigAccessPermissions, CountdownAccessPermissions, HistoryAccessPermissions, ProjectorAccessPermissions, ProjectorMessageAccessPermissions, TagAccessPermissions, ) from .config import config from .exceptions import ConfigError, ConfigNotFound from .models import ( ChatMessage, ConfigStore, Countdown, History, HistoryData, ProjectionDefault, Projector, ProjectorMessage, Tag, ) # Special Django views class IndexView(View): """ The primary view for the OpenSlides client. Serves static files. If a file does not exist or a directory is requested, the index.html is delivered instead. """ cache: Dict[str, str] = {} """ Saves the path to the index.html. May be extended later to cache every template. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) no_caching = arguments.get("no_template_caching", False) if "index" not in self.cache or no_caching: self.cache["index"] = finders.find("index.html") self.index_document_root, self.index_path = os.path.split(self.cache["index"]) def get(self, request, path, **kwargs) -> HttpResponse: """ Tries to serve the requested file. If it is not found or a directory is requested, the index.html is delivered. """ try: response = serve(request, path, **kwargs) except Http404: response = static.serve( request, self.index_path, document_root=self.index_document_root, **kwargs, ) return response # Viewsets for the REST API class ProjectorViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for the projector slide info. There are the following views: See strings in check_view_permissions(). """ access_permissions = ProjectorAccessPermissions() queryset = Projector.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_see_projector") elif self.action in ( "create", "update", "partial_update", "destroy", "control_view", "set_scroll", "set_projectiondefault", "project", ): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_see_projector") and has_perm( self.request.user, "core.can_manage_projector" ) else: result = False return result def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs): """ REST API operation for DELETE requests. Assigns all ProjectionDefault objects from this projector to the default projector (pk=1). """ projector_instance = self.get_object() for projection_default in ProjectionDefault.objects.all(): if == projection_default.projector_id = 1 return super(ProjectorViewSet, self).destroy(*args, **kwargs) @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def project(self, request, pk): """ Sets the `elements` and `elements_preview` and adds one item to the `elements_history`. `` can have three arguments: `append_to_history`, `elements` and `preview`. Non of them is required. `append_to_history` adds one element to the end of the history_elements. `elements` and `preview` preplaces the coresponding fields in the database. """ projector = self.get_object() elements ="elements") preview ="preview") history_element ="append_to_history") changed_data = {} if elements is not None: changed_data["elements"] = elements if preview is not None: changed_data["elements_preview"] = preview if history_element is not None: history = projector.elements_history + [history_element] changed_data["elements_history"] = history serializer = self.get_serializer(projector, data=changed_data, partial=True) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) self.perform_update(serializer) return Response() @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def control_view(self, request, pk): """ REST API operation to control the projector view, i. e. scale and scroll the projector. It expects a POST request to /rest/core/projector//control_view/ with a dictionary with an action ('scale' or 'scroll') and a direction ('up', 'down' or 'reset'). Example: { "action": "scale", "direction": "up" } """ if not isinstance(, dict): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Data must be a dictionary."}) if"action") not in ("scale", "scroll") or "direction" ) not in ("up", "down", "reset"): raise ValidationError( { "detail": "Data must be a dictionary with an action ('scale' or 'scroll') " "and a direction ('up', 'down' or 'reset')." } ) projector_instance = self.get_object() if["action"] == "scale": if["direction"] == "up": projector_instance.scale = F("scale") + 1 elif["direction"] == "down": projector_instance.scale = F("scale") - 1 else: #['direction'] == 'reset' projector_instance.scale = 0 else: #['action'] == 'scroll' if["direction"] == "up": projector_instance.scroll = F("scroll") + 1 elif["direction"] == "down": projector_instance.scroll = F("scroll") - 1 else: #['direction'] == 'reset' projector_instance.scroll = 0 projector_instance.refresh_from_db() inform_changed_data(projector_instance) return Response() @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def set_scroll(self, request, pk): """ REST API operation to scroll the projector. It expects a POST request to /rest/core/projector//set_scroll/ with a new value for scroll. """ if not isinstance(, int): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Data must be an int."}) projector_instance = self.get_object() projector_instance.scroll = message = f"Setting scroll to {} was successful." return Response({"detail": message}) @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def set_projectiondefault(self, request, pk): """ REST API operation to set a projectiondefault to the requested projector. The argument has to be an int representing the pk from the projectiondefault to be set. It expects a POST request to /rest/core/projector//set_projectiondefault/ with the projectiondefault id as the argument """ if not isinstance(, int): raise ValidationError({"detail": "Data must be an int."}) try: projectiondefault = ProjectionDefault.objects.get( except ProjectionDefault.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( { "detail": f"The projectiondefault with pk={} was not found." } ) else: projector_instance = self.get_object() projectiondefault.projector = projector_instance return Response() class TagViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for tags. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = TagAccessPermissions() queryset = Tag.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": # Every authenticated user can see the metadata. # Anonymous users can do so if they are enabled. result = self.request.user.is_authenticated or anonymous_is_enabled() elif self.action in ("create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_manage_tags") else: result = False return result class ConfigViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for the config. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, update and partial_update. """ access_permissions = ConfigAccessPermissions() queryset = ConfigStore.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": # Every authenticated user can see the metadata and list or # retrieve the config. Anonymous users can do so if they are # enabled. result = self.request.user.is_authenticated or anonymous_is_enabled() elif self.action in ("partial_update", "update"): # The user needs 'core.can_manage_logos_and_fonts' for all config values # starting with 'logo' and 'font'. For all other config values th euser needs # the default permissions 'core.can_manage_config'. pk = self.kwargs["pk"] if pk.startswith("logo") or pk.startswith("font"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_manage_logos_and_fonts") else: result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_manage_config") else: result = False return result def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Updates a config variable. Only managers can do this. Example: {"value": 42} """ key = kwargs["pk"] value ="value") if value is None: raise ValidationError({"detail": "Invalid input. Config value is missing."}) # Validate and change value. try: config[key] = value except ConfigNotFound: raise Http404 except ConfigError as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": str(err)}) # Return response. return Response({"key": key, "value": value}) class ChatMessageViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for chat messages. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve and create. The views partial_update, update and destroy are disabled. """ access_permissions = ChatMessageAccessPermissions() queryset = ChatMessage.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ("metadata", "create"): # We do not want anonymous users to use the chat even the anonymous # group has the permission core.can_use_chat. result = self.request.user.is_authenticated and has_perm( self.request.user, "core.can_use_chat" ) elif self.action == "clear": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_use_chat") and has_perm( self.request.user, "core.can_manage_chat" ) else: result = False return result def perform_create(self, serializer): """ Customized method to inject the request.user into serializer's save method so that the request.user can be saved into the model field. """ # Send chatter via autoupdate because users without permission # to see users may not have it but can get it now. inform_changed_data([self.request.user]) @list_route(methods=["post"]) def clear(self, request): """ Deletes all chat messages. """ # Collect all chat messages with their collection_string and id chatmessages = ChatMessage.objects.all() args = [] for chatmessage in chatmessages: args.append((chatmessage.get_collection_string(), chatmessages.delete() # Trigger autoupdate and setup response. if args: inform_deleted_data(args) return Response({"detail": "All chat messages deleted successfully."}) class ProjectorMessageViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for messages. There are the following views: list, retrieve, create, update, partial_update and destroy. """ access_permissions = ProjectorMessageAccessPermissions() queryset = ProjectorMessage.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ("create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_manage_projector") else: result = False return result class CountdownViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for Countdown. There are the following views: list, retrieve, create, update, partial_update and destroy. """ access_permissions = CountdownAccessPermissions() queryset = Countdown.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ("create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "core.can_manage_projector") else: result = False return result class HistoryViewSet(ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin, GenericViewSet): """ API endpoint for History. There are the following views: list, retrieve, clear_history. """ access_permissions = HistoryAccessPermissions() queryset = History.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve", "clear_history"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) else: result = False return result @list_route(methods=["post"]) def clear_history(self, request): """ Deletes and rebuilds the history. """ # Collect all history objects with their collection_string and id. args = [] for history_obj in History.objects.all(): args.append((history_obj.get_collection_string(), # Delete history data and history (via CASCADE) HistoryData.objects.all().delete() # Trigger autoupdate. if args: inform_deleted_data(args) # Rebuild history. history_instances = History.objects.build_history() inform_changed_data(history_instances) # Setup response. return Response({"detail": "History was deleted successfully."}) # Special API views class ServerTime(utils_views.APIView): """ Returns the server time as UNIX timestamp. """ http_method_names = ["get"] def get_context_data(self, **context): return now().timestamp() class VersionView(utils_views.APIView): """ Returns a dictionary with the OpenSlides version and the version of all plugins. """ http_method_names = ["get"] def get_context_data(self, **context): result: Dict[str, Any] = { "openslides_version": version, "openslides_license": license, "openslides_url": url, "plugins": [], "no_name_yet_users": User.objects.filter(last_login__isnull=False).count(), } # Versions of plugins. for plugin in settings.INSTALLED_PLUGINS: result["plugins"].append( { "verbose_name": get_plugin_verbose_name(plugin), "description": get_plugin_description(plugin), "version": get_plugin_version(plugin), "license": get_plugin_license(plugin), "url": get_plugin_url(plugin), } ) return result class HistoryView(utils_views.APIView): """ View to retrieve the history data of OpenSlides. Use query paramter timestamp (UNIX timestamp) to get all elements from begin until (including) this timestamp. """ http_method_names = ["get"] def get_context_data(self, **context): """ Checks if user is in admin group. If yes all history data until (including) timestamp are added to the response data. """ if not in_some_groups( or 0, [GROUP_ADMIN_PK]): self.permission_denied(self.request) try: timestamp = int(self.request.query_params.get("timestamp", 0)) except ValueError: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Invalid input. Timestamp should be an integer."} ) data = [] queryset = History.objects.select_related("full_data") if timestamp: queryset = queryset.filter( now__lte=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) ) for instance in queryset: data.append( { "full_data": instance.full_data.full_data, "element_id": instance.element_id, "timestamp":, "information": instance.information, "user_id": if instance.user else None, } ) return data