import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { ConfigService } from './config.service'; import { StorageService } from '../core-services/storage.service'; import { OpenSlidesStatusService } from '../core-services/openslides-status.service'; /** * The login data send by the server. */ export interface LoginData { privacy_policy: string; legal_notice: string; theme: string; } const LOGIN_DATA_STORAGE_KEY = 'LoginData'; /** * This service holds the privacy policy, the legal notice and the OpenSlides theme, so * they are available even if the user is not logged in. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class LoginDataService { /** * Holds the privacy policy */ private readonly _privacy_policy = new BehaviorSubject(''); /** * Returns an observable for the privacy policy */ public get privacy_policy(): Observable { return this._privacy_policy.asObservable(); } /** * Holds the legal notice */ private readonly _legal_notice = new BehaviorSubject(''); /** * Returns an observable for the legal notice */ public get legal_notice(): Observable { return this._legal_notice.asObservable(); } /** * Holds the theme */ private readonly _theme = new BehaviorSubject(''); /** * Returns an observable for the theme */ public get theme(): Observable { return this._theme.asObservable(); } /** * Constructs this service. The config service is needed to update the privacy * policy and legal notice, when their config values change. * @param configService */ public constructor( private configService: ConfigService, private storageService: StorageService, private OSStatus: OpenSlidesStatusService ) { this.configService.get('general_event_privacy_policy').subscribe(value => {; this.storeLoginData(); }); this.configService.get('general_event_legal_notice').subscribe(value => {; this.storeLoginData(); }); configService.get('openslides_theme').subscribe(value => {; this.storeLoginData(); }); this.loadLoginData(); } /** * Load the login data from the storage. If it there, set it. */ private async loadLoginData(): Promise { const loginData = await this.storageService.get(LOGIN_DATA_STORAGE_KEY); if (loginData) { this.setLoginData(loginData); } } /** * Setter for the login data * * @param loginData the login data */ public setLoginData(loginData: LoginData): void {;;; this.storeLoginData(loginData); } /** * Saves the login data in the storage. * * @param loginData If given, this data is used. If it's null, the current values * from the behaviour subject are taken. */ private storeLoginData(loginData?: LoginData): void { if (!loginData) { loginData = { privacy_policy: this._privacy_policy.getValue(), legal_notice: this._legal_notice.getValue(), theme: this._theme.getValue() }; } if (!this.OSStatus.isInHistoryMode) { this.storageService.set(LOGIN_DATA_STORAGE_KEY, loginData); } } }