#!/usr/bin/env python import os import subprocess import sys import django from django.core.management import call_command, execute_from_command_line from openslides import __version__ as openslides_version from openslides.utils.main import ( ExceptionArgumentParser, UnknownCommand, get_default_settings_path, get_geiss_path, get_local_settings_path, is_local_installation, open_browser, setup_django_settings_module, write_settings, ) def main(): """ Main entrance to OpenSlides. """ parser = get_parser() try: known_args, unknown_args = parser.parse_known_args() except UnknownCommand: unknown_command = True else: unknown_command = False if unknown_command: # Run a command, that is defined by the django management api local_installation = is_local_installation() setup_django_settings_module(local_installation=local_installation) execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) else: # Check for unknown_args. if unknown_args: parser.error('Unknown arguments {}'.format(' '.join(unknown_args))) # Run a command that is defined here # These are commands that can not rely on an existing settings known_args.callback(known_args) def get_parser(): """ Parses all command line arguments. """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: # Use start subcommand if called by openslides console script without # any other arguments. sys.argv.append('start') # Init parser description = 'Start script for OpenSlides.' if 'manage.py' not in sys.argv[0]: description += """ If it is called without any argument, this will be treated as if it is called with the 'start' subcommand. That means OpenSlides will setup default settings and database, start the webserver, launch the default web browser and open the webinterface. """ epilog = """ There are some more subcommands available. They belong to Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks. Type '%(prog)s help' (without the two hyphen-minus characters) to list them all. Type '%(prog)s help ' for help on a specific subcommand. """ parser = ExceptionArgumentParser( description=description, epilog=epilog) # Add version argument parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=openslides_version, help='Show version number and exit.') # Init subparsers subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest='subcommand', title='Available subcommands', description="Type '%s --help' for help on a " "specific subcommand." % parser.prog, help='You can choose only one subcommand at once.', metavar='') # Subcommand start start_help = ( 'Setup settings and database, start webserver, launch the ' 'default web browser and open the webinterface. The environment ' 'variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is ignored.') subcommand_start = subparsers.add_parser( 'start', description=start_help, help=start_help) subcommand_start.set_defaults(callback=start) subcommand_start.add_argument( '--no-browser', action='store_true', help='Do not launch the default web browser.') subcommand_start.add_argument( '--host', action='store', default='', help='IP address to listen on. Default is') subcommand_start.add_argument( '--port', action='store', default='8000', help='Port to listen on. Default is 8000.') subcommand_start.add_argument( '--settings_path', action='store', default=None, help='The used settings file. The file is created, if it does not exist.') subcommand_start.add_argument( '--local-installation', action='store_true', help='Store settings and user files in a local directory.') subcommand_start.add_argument( '--use-geiss', action='store_true', help='Use Geiss instead of Daphne as ASGI protocol server.') # Subcommand createsettings createsettings_help = 'Creates the settings file.' subcommand_createsettings = subparsers.add_parser( 'createsettings', description=createsettings_help, help=createsettings_help) subcommand_createsettings.set_defaults(callback=createsettings) subcommand_createsettings.add_argument( '--settings_path', action='store', default=None, help='The used settings file. The file is created, even if it exists.') subcommand_createsettings.add_argument( '--local-installation', action='store_true', help='Store settings and user files in a local directory.') # Help text for several Django subcommands django_subcommands = ( ('backupdb', 'Backups the SQLite3 database.'), ('createsuperuser', 'Creates or resets the admin user.'), ('migrate', 'Updates database schema.'), ('runserver', 'Starts the Tornado webserver.'), ) for django_subcommand, help_text in django_subcommands: subparsers._choices_actions.append( subparsers._ChoicesPseudoAction( django_subcommand, (), help_text)) return parser def start(args): """ Starts OpenSlides: Runs migrations and runs runserver. """ settings_path = args.settings_path local_installation = is_local_installation() if settings_path is None: if local_installation: settings_path = get_local_settings_path() else: settings_path = get_default_settings_path() # Write settings if it does not exists. if not os.path.isfile(settings_path): createsettings(args) # Set the django setting module and run migrations # A manual given environment variable will be overwritten setup_django_settings_module(settings_path, local_installation=local_installation) django.setup() from django.conf import settings # Migrate database call_command('migrate') if args.use_geiss: # Make sure Redis is used. if settings.CHANNEL_LAYERS['default']['BACKEND'] != 'asgi_redis.RedisChannelLayer': raise RuntimeError("You have to use the ASGI Redis backend in the settings to use Geiss.") # Download Geiss and collect the static files. call_command('getgeiss') call_command('collectstatic', interactive=False) # Open the browser if not args.no_browser: open_browser(args.host, args.port) # Start Geiss in its own thread subprocess.Popen([ get_geiss_path(), '--host', args.host, '--port', args.port, '--static', '/static/:{}'.format(settings.STATIC_ROOT), '--static', '/media/:{}'.format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT), ]) # Start one worker in this thread. There can be only one worker as # long as SQLite3 is used. call_command('runworker') else: # Open the browser if not args.no_browser: open_browser(args.host, args.port) # Start Daphne and one worker # # Use flag --noreload to tell Django not to reload the server. # Therefor we have to set the keyword noreload to False because Django # parses this directly to the use_reloader keyword. # # Use flag --insecure to serve static files even if DEBUG is False. # # Use flag --nothreading to tell Django Channels to run in single # thread mode with one worker only. Therefor we have to set the keyword # nothreading to False because Django parses this directly to # use_threading keyword. call_command( 'runserver', '{}:{}'.format(args.host, args.port), noreload=False, # Means True, see above. insecure=True, nothreading=False, # Means True, see above. ) def createsettings(args): """ Creates settings for OpenSlides. """ settings_path = args.settings_path local_installation = is_local_installation() context = {} if local_installation: if settings_path is None: settings_path = get_local_settings_path() context = { 'openslides_user_data_path': repr(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'personal_data', 'var')), 'debug': 'True'} settings_path = write_settings(settings_path, **context) print('Settings created at %s' % settings_path) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())