======================== OpenSlides Development ======================== If you want to contribute to OpenSlides, have a look at `OpenSlides website `_ and write us an email. Installation and start of the development version ================================================= 1. Installation on GNU/Linux or Mac OS X ---------------------------------------- a. Check requirements ''''''''''''''''''''' Make sure that you have installed `Python (>= 3.4) `_, `Node.js (>=0.10) `_ and `Git `_ on your system. See also step 1. a. in the installation section in the `README.rst `_. b. Get OpenSlides source code ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Clone current master version from `OpenSlides GitHub repository `_:: $ git clone https://github.com/OpenSlides/OpenSlides.git $ cd OpenSlides c. Setup a virtual Python environment (optional) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' See step 1. b. in the installation section in the `README.rst `_. d. Install dependencies ''''''''''''''''''''''' Install all required Python packages:: $ pip install -r requirements.txt Install all NPM and Bower packages and run several JavaScript build tasks:: $ npm install Optional: To enhance performance run Gulp in production mode:: $ node_modules/.bin/gulp --production e. Start OpenSlides ''''''''''''''''''' Use the command-line interface:: $ python manage.py start See step 1. d. in the installation section in the `README.rst `_. To get help on the command-line options run:: $ python manage.py --help Later you might want to restart the server with the following command to avoid opening new browser windows:: $ python manage.py runserver 2. Installation on Windows -------------------------- Follow the instructions above (Installation on GNU/Linux or Mac OS X) but care of the following variations. To get Python download and run the latest `Python 3.5 32-bit (x86) executable installer `_. Note that the 32-bit installer is required even on a 64-bit Windows system. If you use the 64-bit installer, step d. of the instruction will fail unless you installed the package Reportlab manually. You also have to install Setuptools. Download and run (via double click) the last `install script ez_setup.py for Setuptools `_. To setup and activate the virtual environment in step c. use:: > .virtualenv\Scripts\activate.bat All other commands are the same as for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. 3. Running the test cases ------------------------- a. Running Angular.js test cases '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' $ node_modules/.bin/karma start tests/karma/karma.conf.js