import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material'; import { Papa } from 'ngx-papaparse'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { BaseImportService, NewEntry } from 'app/core/ui-services/base-import.service'; import { CreateTopic } from './models/create-topic'; import { DurationService } from 'app/core/ui-services/duration.service'; import { itemVisibilityChoices } from 'app/shared/models/agenda/item'; import { TopicRepositoryService } from '../../core/repositories/agenda/topic-repository.service'; import { ViewCreateTopic } from './models/view-create-topic'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AgendaImportService extends BaseImportService { /** * Helper for mapping the expected header in a typesafe way. Values will be passed to * {@link expectedHeader} */ public headerMap: (keyof ViewCreateTopic)[] = ['title', 'text', 'duration', 'comment', 'type']; /** * The minimimal number of header entries needed to successfully create an entry */ public requiredHeaderLength = 1; /** * List of possible errors and their verbose explanation */ public errorList = { NoTitle: 'A Topic needs a title', Duplicates: 'A topic tiwh this title already exists', ParsingErrors: 'Some csv values could not be read correctly.' }; /** * Constructor. Calls the abstract class and sets the expected header * * @param durationService: a service for converting time strings and numbers * @param repo: The Agenda repository service * @param translate A translation service for translating strings * @param papa Csv parser * @param matSnackBar MatSnackBar for displaying errors */ public constructor( private durationService: DurationService, private repo: TopicRepositoryService, translate: TranslateService, papa: Papa, matSnackBar: MatSnackBar ) { super(translate, papa, matSnackBar); this.expectedHeader = this.headerMap; } /** * Clear all secondary import data. As agenda items have no secondary imports, * this is an empty function */ public clearData(): void {} /** * Parses a string representing an entry * * @param line a line extracted by the CSV (without the header) * @returns a new entry for a Topic */ public mapData(line: string): NewEntry { const newEntry = new ViewCreateTopic(new CreateTopic()); const headerLength = Math.min(this.expectedHeader.length, line.length); let hasErrors = false; for (let idx = 0; idx < headerLength; idx++) { switch (this.expectedHeader[idx]) { case 'duration': try { const duration = this.parseDuration(line[idx]); if (duration > 0) { newEntry.duration = duration; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof TypeError) { hasErrors = true; continue; } } break; case 'type': try { newEntry.type = this.parseType(line[idx]); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof TypeError) { hasErrors = true; continue; } } break; default: newEntry[this.expectedHeader[idx]] = line[idx]; } } const updateModels = this.repo.getTopicDuplicates(newEntry) as ViewCreateTopic[]; // set type to 'public' if none is given in import if (!newEntry.type) { newEntry.type = 1; } const mappedEntry: NewEntry = { newEntry: newEntry, duplicates: [], status: 'new', errors: [] }; if (updateModels.length) { mappedEntry.duplicates = updateModels; this.setError(mappedEntry, 'Duplicates'); } if (hasErrors) { this.setError(mappedEntry, 'ParsingErrors'); } if (!mappedEntry.newEntry.isValid) { this.setError(mappedEntry, 'NoTitle'); } return mappedEntry; } /** * Executing the import. Parses all entries without errors and submits them * to the server. The entries will receive the status 'done' on success. */ public async doImport(): Promise { for (const entry of this.entries) { if (entry.status !== 'new') { continue; } await this.repo.create(entry.newEntry.topic); entry.status = 'done'; } this.updatePreview(); } /** * Matching the duration string/number to the time model in use * * @param input * @returns duration as defined in durationService */ public parseDuration(input: string): number { return this.durationService.stringToDuration(input); } /** * Converts information from 'item type' to a model-based type number. * Accepts either old syntax (numbers) or new visibility choice csv names; * both defined in {@link itemVisibilityChoices} * Empty values will be interpreted as default 'public' agenda topics * * @param input * @returns a number as defined for the itemVisibilityChoices */ public parseType(input: string | number): number { if (!input) { return 1; // default, public item } else if (typeof input === 'string') { const visibility = itemVisibilityChoices.find(choice => choice.csvName === input); if (visibility) { return visibility.key; } } else if (input === 1) { // Compatibility with the old client's isInternal column const visibility = itemVisibilityChoices.find(choice => === 'Internal item'); if (visibility) { return visibility.key; } } else { throw new TypeError('type could not be matched'); } } /** * parses the data given by the textArea. Expects an agenda title per line * * @param data a string as produced by textArea input */ public parseTextArea(data: string): void { const newEntries: NewEntry[] = []; this.clearData(); this.clearPreview(); const lines = data.split('\n'); lines.forEach(line => { if (!line.length) { return; } const newTopic = new ViewCreateTopic( new CreateTopic({ title: line, agenda_type: 1 // set type to 'public item' by default }) ); const newEntry: NewEntry = { newEntry: newTopic, duplicates: [], status: 'new', errors: [] }; const duplicates = this.repo.getTopicDuplicates(newTopic); if (duplicates.length) { // TODO duplicates are not really ViewCreateTopics, but ViewTopics. // TODO this should be fine as the duplicates will not be created newEntry.duplicates = duplicates as ViewCreateTopic[]; this.setError(newEntry, 'Duplicates'); } newEntries.push(newEntry); }); this.setParsedEntries(newEntries); } }