import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { HtmlToPdfService } from 'app/core/pdf-services/html-to-pdf.service'; import { MotionRepositoryService } from 'app/core/repositories/motions/motion-repository.service'; import { ViewMotion } from '../models/view-motion'; /** * Creates a PDF list for amendments */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class AmendmentListPdfService { public constructor( private motionRepo: MotionRepositoryService, private translate: TranslateService, private htmlToPdfService: HtmlToPdfService ) {} /** * Also required by amendment-detail. Should be own service * @param amendment * @return rendered PDF text */ private renderDiffLines(amendment: ViewMotion): object { if (amendment.diffLines && amendment.diffLines.length) { const linesHtml = => line.text).join('
'); return this.htmlToPdfService.convertHtml(linesHtml); } } /** * Converts an amendment to a row of the `amendmentRows` table * @amendment the amendment to convert * @returns a line in the row as PDF doc definition */ private amendmentToTableRow(amendment: ViewMotion): object { let recommendationText = ''; if (amendment.recommendation) { if (amendment.recommendation.show_recommendation_extension_field && amendment.recommendationExtension) { recommendationText += ` ${this.motionRepo.getExtendedRecommendationLabel(amendment)}`; } else { recommendationText += this.translate.instant(amendment.recommendation.recommendation_label); } } return [ { text: amendment.identifierOrTitle }, { text: amendment.getChangeLines() }, { text: amendment.submittersAsUsers.toString() }, { // requires stack cause this can be an array stack: this.renderDiffLines(amendment) }, { text: recommendationText } ]; } /** * Creates the PDFmake document structure for amendment list overview * @param docTitle the header * @param amendments the amendments to render */ public overviewToDocDef(docTitle: string, amendments: ViewMotion[]): object { const title = { text: docTitle, style: 'title' }; const amendmentTableBody: object[] = [ [ { text: this.translate.instant('Motion'), style: 'tableHeader' }, { text: this.translate.instant('Line'), style: 'tableHeader' }, { text: this.translate.instant('Submitters'), style: 'tableHeader' }, { text: this.translate.instant('Changes'), style: 'tableHeader' }, { text: this.translate.instant('Recommendation'), style: 'tableHeader' } ] ]; const amendmentRows: object[] = []; for (const amendment of amendments) { amendmentRows.push(this.amendmentToTableRow(amendment)); } const table: object = { table: { widths: ['auto', 'auto', 'auto', '*', 'auto'], headerRows: 1, dontBreakRows: true, body: amendmentTableBody.concat(amendmentRows) }, layout: 'switchColorTableLayout' }; return [title, table]; } }