from django.db import transaction from openslides.poll.serializers import default_votes_validator from openslides.utils.rest_api import ( BooleanField, DecimalField, DictField, IntegerField, ListField, ModelSerializer, SerializerMethodField, ValidationError, ) from ..utils.auth import has_perm from ..utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data from ..utils.validate import validate_html from .models import ( Assignment, AssignmentOption, AssignmentPoll, AssignmentRelatedUser, AssignmentVote, ) def posts_validator(data): """ Validator for open posts. It checks that the values for the open posts are greater than 0. """ if data["open_posts"] and data["open_posts"] is not None and data["open_posts"] < 1: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Value for 'open_posts' must be greater than 0"} ) return data class AssignmentRelatedUserSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.AssignmentRelatedUser objects. """ class Meta: model = AssignmentRelatedUser fields = ( "id", "user", "elected", "assignment", "weight", ) # js-data needs the assignment-id in the nested object to define relations. class AssignmentVoteSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.AssignmentVote objects. """ class Meta: model = AssignmentVote fields = ("weight", "value") class AssignmentOptionSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.AssignmentOption objects. """ votes = AssignmentVoteSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) is_elected = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = AssignmentOption fields = ("id", "candidate", "is_elected", "votes", "poll", "weight") def get_is_elected(self, obj): """ Returns the election status of the candidate of this option. If the candidate is None (e.g. deleted) the result is False. """ if not obj.candidate: return False return obj.poll.assignment.is_elected(obj.candidate) class AssignmentAllPollSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.AssignmentPoll objects. Serializes all polls. """ options = AssignmentOptionSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) votes = ListField( child=DictField( child=DecimalField(max_digits=15, decimal_places=6, min_value=-2) ), write_only=True, required=False, ) has_votes = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = AssignmentPoll fields = ( "id", "pollmethod", "description", "published", "options", "votesabstain", "votesno", "votesvalid", "votesinvalid", "votescast", "votes", "has_votes", "assignment", ) # js-data needs the assignment-id in the nested object to define relations. read_only_fields = ("pollmethod",) validators = (default_votes_validator,) def get_has_votes(self, obj): """ Returns True if this poll has some votes. """ return obj.has_votes() @transaction.atomic def update(self, instance, validated_data): """ Customized update method for polls. To update votes use the write only field 'votes'. Example data for a 'pollmethod'='yna' poll with two candidates: "votes": [{"Yes": 10, "No": 4, "Abstain": -2}, {"Yes": -1, "No": 0, "Abstain": -2}] Example data for a 'pollmethod' ='yn' poll with two candidates: "votes": [{"Votes": 10}, {"Votes": 0}] """ # Update votes. votes = validated_data.get("votes") if votes: options = list(instance.get_options()) if len(votes) != len(options): raise ValidationError( { "detail": "You have to submit data for {0} candidates.", "args": [len(options)], } ) for index, option in enumerate(options): if len(votes[index]) != len(instance.get_vote_values()): raise ValidationError( { "detail": "You have to submit data for {0} vote values", "args": [len(instance.get_vote_values())], } ) for vote_value, __ in votes[index].items(): if vote_value not in instance.get_vote_values(): raise ValidationError( { "detail": "Vote value {0} is invalid.", "args": [vote_value], } ) instance.set_vote_objects_with_values( option, votes[index], skip_autoupdate=True ) # Update remaining writeable fields. instance.description = validated_data.get("description", instance.description) instance.published = validated_data.get("published", instance.published) instance.votesabstain = validated_data.get( "votesabstain", instance.votesabstain ) instance.votesno = validated_data.get("votesno", instance.votesno) instance.votesvalid = validated_data.get("votesvalid", instance.votesvalid) instance.votesinvalid = validated_data.get( "votesinvalid", instance.votesinvalid ) instance.votescast = validated_data.get("votescast", instance.votescast) return instance class AssignmentFullSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.Assignment objects. With all polls. """ assignment_related_users = AssignmentRelatedUserSerializer( many=True, read_only=True ) polls = AssignmentAllPollSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) agenda_create = BooleanField(write_only=True, required=False, allow_null=True) agenda_type = IntegerField( write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1, max_value=3, allow_null=True ) agenda_parent_id = IntegerField(write_only=True, required=False, min_value=1) class Meta: model = Assignment fields = ( "id", "title", "description", "open_posts", "phase", "assignment_related_users", "poll_description_default", "polls", "agenda_item_id", "list_of_speakers_id", "agenda_create", "agenda_type", "agenda_parent_id", "tags", "attachments", ) validators = (posts_validator,) def validate(self, data): if "description" in data: data["description"] = validate_html(data["description"]) return data def create(self, validated_data): """ Customized create method. Set information about related agenda item into agenda_item_update_information container. """ tags = validated_data.pop("tags", []) attachments = validated_data.pop("attachments", []) request_user = validated_data.pop("request_user") # this should always be there agenda_create = validated_data.pop("agenda_create", None) agenda_type = validated_data.pop("agenda_type", None) agenda_parent_id = validated_data.pop("agenda_parent_id", None) assignment = Assignment(**validated_data) if has_perm(request_user, "agenda.can_manage"): assignment.agenda_item_update_information["create"] = agenda_create assignment.agenda_item_update_information["type"] = agenda_type assignment.agenda_item_update_information["parent_id"] = agenda_parent_id assignment.tags.add(*tags) assignment.attachments.add(*attachments) inform_changed_data(assignment) return assignment