# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.template.loader import render_to_string from openslides.config.api import config from openslides.projector.api import get_projector_content, register_slide from .models import Item def agenda_slide(**kwargs): """ Return the html code for all slides of the agenda app. If no id is given, show a summary of all parent items. If an id is given, show the item depending of the argument 'type'. If 'type' is not set, show only the item. If 'type' is 'summary', show a summary of all children of the item. If 'type' is 'list_of_speakers', show the list of speakers for the item. """ item_pk = kwargs.get('pk', None) slide_type = kwargs.get('type', None) try: item = Item.objects.get(pk=item_pk) except Item.DoesNotExist: item = None if slide_type == 'summary' or item is None: context = {} if item is None: items = Item.objects.filter(parent=None, type__exact=Item.AGENDA_ITEM) else: items = item.get_children().filter(type__exact=Item.AGENDA_ITEM) context['title'] = item.get_title() context['items'] = items return render_to_string('agenda/item_slide_summary.html', context) elif slide_type == 'list_of_speakers': list_of_speakers = item.get_list_of_speakers( old_speakers_count=config['agenda_show_last_speakers']) context = {'title': item.get_title(), 'item': item, 'list_of_speakers': list_of_speakers} return render_to_string('agenda/item_slide_list_of_speaker.html', context) elif item.content_object: slide_dict = { 'callback': item.content_object.slide_callback_name, 'pk': item.content_object.pk} return get_projector_content(slide_dict) else: context = {'item': item} return render_to_string('agenda/item_slide.html', context) register_slide('agenda', agenda_slide)