import json import re import sys from collections import defaultdict from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union import yaml DEFAULT_FILES = [ "../../docs/models.yml", ] KEYSEPARATOR = "/" _collection_regex = r"[a-z]([a-z_]+[a-z]+)?" _field_regex = r"[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\$?[a-z0-9_]*" collectionfield_regex = re.compile( f"^({_collection_regex}){KEYSEPARATOR}({_field_regex})$" ) collection_regex = re.compile(f"^{_collection_regex}$") field_regex = re.compile(f"^{_field_regex}$") decimal_regex = re.compile("^\d+\.\d{6}$") color_regex = re.compile("^#[0-9a-f]{6}$") RELATION_TYPES = ( "relation", "relation-list", "generic-relation", "generic-relation-list", ) DATA_TYPES = ( "string", "number", "string[]", "number[]", "boolean", "JSON", "HTMLStrict", "HTMLPermissive", "float", "decimal(6)", "timestamp", "color", ) VALID_TYPES = DATA_TYPES + RELATION_TYPES + ("template",) OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES = ( "description", "calculated", "required", "read_only", ) class CheckException(Exception): pass class Checker: def __init__(self, filepath: str) -> None: with open(filepath, "rb") as x: self.models = yaml.safe_load( self.errors: List[str] = [] def run_check(self) -> None: self._run_checks() if self.errors: errors = [f"\t{error}" for error in self.errors] raise CheckException("\n".join(errors)) def _run_checks(self) -> None: for collection in self.models.keys(): if not collection_regex.match(collection): self.errors.append(f"Collection '{collection}' is not valid.") if self.errors: return for collection, fields in self.models.items(): if not isinstance(fields, dict): self.errors.append( f"The fields of collection {collection} must be a dict." ) continue for field_name, field in fields.items(): if not field_regex.match(field_name): self.errors.append( f"Field name '{field_name}' of collection {collection} is not a valid field name." ) continue if not isinstance(field, dict): self.errors.append( f"Field '{field_name}' of collection {collection} must be a dict." ) self.check_field(collection, field_name, field) if self.errors: return for collection, fields in self.models.items(): for field_name, field in fields.items(): is_relation_field = field["type"] in RELATION_TYPES is_template_relation_field = ( field["type"] == "template" and isinstance(field["fields"], dict) and field["fields"]["type"] in RELATION_TYPES ) if not is_relation_field and not is_template_relation_field: continue error = self.check_relation(collection, field_name, field) if error: self.errors.append(error) def check_field( self, collection: str, field_name: str, field: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], nested: bool = False, ) -> None: collectionfield = f"{collection}{KEYSEPARATOR}{field_name}" if nested: if isinstance(field, str): field = {"type": field} field[ "restriction_mode" ] = "A" # add restriction_mode to satisfy the checker below. if field["type"] == "template": # no nested templates self.errors.append(f"Nested template field in {collectionfield}") return type = field.get("type") if type not in VALID_TYPES: self.errors.append( f"Type '{type}' for collectionfield {collectionfield} is invalid." ) return required_attributes = [ "type", "restriction_mode", ] if type in RELATION_TYPES: required_attributes.append("to") if type == "template": required_attributes.append("fields") for attr in required_attributes: if attr not in field: self.errors.append( f"Required attribute '{attr}' for collectionfield {collectionfield} is missing." ) return if field.get("calculated"): return valid_attributes = list(OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTES) + required_attributes if type == "string[]": valid_attributes.append("items") if "items" in field and "enum" not in field["items"]: self.errors.append( f"'items' is missing an inner 'enum' for {collectionfield}" ) return for value in field.get("items", {"enum": []})["enum"]: self.validate_value_for_type("string", value, collectionfield) if type == "JSON" and "default" in field: try: json.loads(json.dumps(field["default"])) except: self.errors.append( f"Default value for {collectionfield}' is not valid json." ) if type == "number": valid_attributes.append("minimum") if not isinstance(field.get("minimum", 0), int): self.errors.append(f"'minimum' for {collectionfield} is not a number.") if type == "string": valid_attributes.append("maxLength") if not isinstance(field.get("maxLength", 0), int): self.errors.append( f"'maxLength' for {collectionfield} is not a number." ) if type in DATA_TYPES: valid_attributes.append("default") if "default" in field: self.validate_value_for_type(type, field["default"], collectionfield) valid_attributes.append("enum") if "enum" in field: if not isinstance(field["enum"], list): self.errors.append(f"'enum' for {collectionfield}' is not a list.") for value in field["enum"]: self.validate_value_for_type(type, value, collectionfield) if type in RELATION_TYPES: valid_attributes.append("on_delete") if "on_delete" in field and field["on_delete"] not in ( "CASCADE", "PROTECT", ): self.errors.append( f"invalid value for 'on_delete' for {collectionfield}" ) valid_attributes.append("equal_fields") if type == "template": if "$" not in field_name: self.errors.append( f"The template field {collectionfield} is missing a $" ) valid_attributes.append("replacement_collection") elif "$" in field_name and not nested: print(field_name, field) self.errors.append(f"The non-template field {collectionfield} contains a $") for attr in field.keys(): if attr not in valid_attributes: self.errors.append( f"Attribute '{attr}' for collectionfield {collectionfield} is invalid." ) if not isinstance(field.get("description", ""), str): self.errors.append(f"Description of {collectionfield} must be a string.") if type == "template": self.check_field(collection, field_name, field["fields"], nested=True) def validate_value_for_type( self, type_str: str, value: Any, collectionfield: str ) -> None: basic_types = { "string": str, "number": int, "boolean": bool, "HTMLStrict": str, "HTMLPermissive": str, "timestamp": int, } if type_str in basic_types: if type(value) != basic_types[type_str]: self.errors.append( f"Value '{value}' for {collectionfield}' is not a {type_str}." ) elif type_str in ("string[]", "number[]"): if not isinstance(value, list): self.errors.append( f"Value '{value}' for {collectionfield}' is not a {type_str}." ) for x in value: if type(x) != basic_types[type_str[:-2]]: self.errors.append( f"Listentry '{x}' for {collectionfield}' is not a {type_str[:-2]}." ) elif type_str == "JSON": pass elif type_str == "float": if type(value) not in (int, float): self.errors.append( f"Value '{value}' for {collectionfield}' is not a float." ) elif type_str == "decimal(6)": if not decimal_regex.match(value): self.errors.append( f"Value '{value}' for {collectionfield}' is not a decimal(6)." ) elif type_str == "color": if not color_regex.match(value): self.errors.append( f"Value '{value}' for {collectionfield}' is not a color." ) else: raise NotImplementedError(type_str) def check_relation( self, collection: str, field_name: str, field: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Optional[str]: collectionfield = f"{collection}{KEYSEPARATOR}{field_name}" if field["type"] == "template": field = field["fields"] to = field["to"] if isinstance(to, str): if not collectionfield_regex.match(to): return f"'to' of {collectionfield} is not a collectionfield." return self.check_reverse(collectionfield, to) elif isinstance(to, list): for cf in to: if not collectionfield_regex.match(cf): return f"The collectionfield in 'to' of {collectionfield} is not valid." error = self.check_reverse(collectionfield, cf) if error: return error else: to_field = to["field"] if not field_regex.match(to_field): return ( f"The field '{to_field}' in 'to' of {collectionfield} is not valid." ) for c in to["collections"]: if not collection_regex.match(c): self.errors.append( f"The collection '{c}' in 'to' of {collectionfield} is not a valid collection." ) error = self.check_reverse( collectionfield, f"{c}{KEYSEPARATOR}{to['field']}" ) if error: return error return None def check_reverse( self, from_collectionfield: str, to_collectionfield: str ) -> Optional[str]: to_unified = [] # a list of target collectionfields (unififed with all # the different possibilities for the 'to' field) from the (expected) # relation in to_collectionfield. The from_collectionfield must be in this # list. to_collection, to_field_name = to_collectionfield.split(KEYSEPARATOR) if to_collection not in self.models: return f"The collection '{to_collection}' in 'to' of {from_collectionfield} is not a valid collection." if to_field_name not in self.models[to_collection]: return f"The collectionfield '{to_collectionfield}' in 'to' of {from_collectionfield} does not exist." to_field = self.models[to_collection][to_field_name] if to_field["type"] == "template": to_field = to_field["fields"] if not isinstance(to_field, dict): return f"The 'fields' of the template field '{to_collectionfield}' must be a dict to hold a relation." if to_field["type"] not in RELATION_TYPES: return f"{from_collectionfield} points to {to_collectionfield}, but {to_collectionfield} to is not a relation." to = to_field["to"] if isinstance(to, str): to_unified.append(to) elif isinstance(to, list): to_unified = to else: for c in to["collections"]: to_unified.append(f"{c}{KEYSEPARATOR}{to['field']}") if from_collectionfield not in to_unified: return f"{from_collectionfield} points to {to_collectionfield}, but {to_collectionfield} does not point back." return None def split_collectionfield(self, collectionfield: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: parts = collectionfield.split(KEYSEPARATOR) return parts[0], parts[1] def main() -> int: files = sys.argv[1:] if not files: files = DEFAULT_FILES failed = False for f in files: with open(f) as data: try: Checker(f).run_check() except CheckException as e: print(f"Check for {f} failed:\n", e) failed = True else: print(f"Check for {f} successful.") return 1 if failed else 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())