import base64 from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.http import Http404 from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop from rest_framework import status from ..core.config import config from ..utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data from ..utils.rest_api import ( DestroyModelMixin, GenericViewSet, ModelViewSet, Response, UpdateModelMixin, ValidationError, detail_route, ) from ..utils.views import APIView from .access_permissions import ( CategoryAccessPermissions, MotionAccessPermissions, MotionBlockAccessPermissions, MotionChangeRecommendationAccessPermissions, WorkflowAccessPermissions, ) from .exceptions import WorkflowError from .models import ( Category, Motion, MotionBlock, MotionChangeRecommendation, MotionPoll, MotionVersion, State, Workflow, ) from .serializers import MotionPollSerializer # Viewsets for the REST API class MotionViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for motions. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update, destroy, manage_version, support, set_state and create_poll. """ access_permissions = MotionAccessPermissions() queryset = Motion.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ('list', 'retrieve'): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ('metadata', 'partial_update', 'update'): result = self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') # For partial_update and update requests the rest of the check is # done in the update method. See below. elif self.action == 'create': result = (self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') and self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_create') and (not config['motions_stop_submitting'] or self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage'))) elif self.action in ('destroy', 'manage_version', 'set_state', 'set_recommendation', 'create_poll'): result = (self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') and self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage')) elif self.action == 'support': result = (self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') and self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_support')) else: result = False return result def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to create a new motion. """ # Check permission to send submitter and supporter data. if (not request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage') and ('submitters_id') or'supporters_id'))): # Non-staff users are not allowed to send submitter or supporter data. self.permission_denied(request) # TODO: Should non staff users be allowed to set motions to blocks or send categories, ...? #2506 # Check permission to send comment data. if not request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see_and_manage_comments'): try: # Ignore comments data if user is not allowed to send comments. del['comments'] except KeyError: # No comments here. Just do nothing. pass # Validate data and create motion. serializer = self.get_serializer( serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) motion = # Write the log message and initiate response. motion.write_log([ugettext_noop('Motion created')], request.user) headers = self.get_success_headers( return Response(, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers) def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to update a motion. Checks also whether the requesting user can update the motion. He needs at least the permissions 'motions.can_see' (see self.check_view_permissions()). Also the instance method get_allowed_actions() is evaluated. """ # Get motion. motion = self.get_object() # Check permissions. if not motion.get_allowed_actions(request.user)['update']: self.permission_denied(request) # Check permission to send only some data. if not request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage'): whitelist = ( 'title', 'text', 'reason',) keys = list( for key in keys: if key not in whitelist: # Non-staff users are allowed to send only some data. Ignore other data. del[key] if not request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see_and_manage_comments'): try: del['comments'] except KeyError: # No comments here. Just do nothing. pass # Validate data and update motion. serializer = self.get_serializer( motion,, partial=kwargs.get('partial', False)) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) updated_motion ='disable_versioning')) # Write the log message, check removal of supporters and initiate response. # TODO: Log if a version was updated. updated_motion.write_log([ugettext_noop('Motion updated')], request.user) if (config['motions_remove_supporters'] and updated_motion.state.allow_support and not request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage')): updated_motion.supporters.clear() updated_motion.write_log([ugettext_noop('All supporters removed')], request.user) return Response( @detail_route(methods=['put', 'delete']) def manage_version(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to permit and delete a version of a motion. Send PUT {'version_number': } to permit and DELETE {'version_number': } to delete a version. Deleting the active version is not allowed. Only managers can use this view. """ # Retrieve motion and version. motion = self.get_object() version_number ='version_number') try: version = motion.versions.get(version_number=version_number) except MotionVersion.DoesNotExist: raise Http404('Version %s not found.' % version_number) # Permit or delete version. if request.method == 'PUT': # Permit version. motion.active_version = version['active_version']) motion.write_log( message_list=[ugettext_noop('Version'), ' %d ' % version.version_number, ugettext_noop('permitted')], person=self.request.user) message = _('Version %d permitted successfully.') % version.version_number else: # Delete version. # request.method == 'DELETE' if version == motion.active_version: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('You can not delete the active version of a motion.')}) version.delete() motion.write_log( message_list=[ugettext_noop('Version'), ' %d ' % version.version_number, ugettext_noop('deleted')], person=self.request.user) message = _('Version %d deleted successfully.') % version.version_number # Initiate response. return Response({'detail': message}) @detail_route(methods=['post', 'delete']) def support(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to support a motion or withdraw support (unsupport). Send POST to support and DELETE to unsupport. """ # Retrieve motion and allowed actions. motion = self.get_object() allowed_actions = motion.get_allowed_actions(request.user) # Support or unsupport motion. if request.method == 'POST': # Support motion. if not allowed_actions['support']: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('You can not support this motion.')}) motion.supporters.add(request.user) motion.write_log([ugettext_noop('Motion supported')], request.user) message = _('You have supported this motion successfully.') else: # Unsupport motion. # request.method == 'DELETE' if not allowed_actions['unsupport']: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('You can not unsupport this motion.')}) motion.supporters.remove(request.user) motion.write_log([ugettext_noop('Motion unsupported')], request.user) message = _('You have unsupported this motion successfully.') # Initiate response. return Response({'detail': message}) @detail_route(methods=['put']) def set_state(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to set and reset a state of a motion. Send PUT {'state': } to set and just PUT {} to reset the state. Only managers can use this view. """ # Retrieve motion and state. motion = self.get_object() state ='state') # Set or reset state. if state is not None: # Check data and set state. try: state_id = int(state) except ValueError: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('Invalid data. State must be an integer.')}) if state_id not in [ for item in motion.state.next_states.all()]: raise ValidationError( {'detail': _('You can not set the state to %(state_id)d.') % {'state_id': state_id}}) motion.set_state(state_id) else: # Reset state. motion.reset_state() # Save motion.['state', 'identifier']) message = _('The state of the motion was set to %s.') % # Write the log message and initiate response. motion.write_log( message_list=[ugettext_noop('State set to'), ' ',], person=request.user) return Response({'detail': message}) @detail_route(methods=['put']) def set_recommendation(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to set a recommendation of a motion. Send PUT {'recommendation': } to set and just PUT {} to reset the recommendation. Only managers can use this view. """ # Retrieve motion and recommendation state. motion = self.get_object() recommendation_state ='recommendation') # Set or reset recommendation. if recommendation_state is not None: # Check data and set recommendation. try: recommendation_state_id = int(recommendation_state) except ValueError: raise ValidationError({'detail': _('Invalid data. Recommendation must be an integer.')}) recommendable_states = State.objects.filter(workflow=motion.workflow, recommendation_label__isnull=False) if recommendation_state_id not in [ for item in recommendable_states]: raise ValidationError( {'detail': _('You can not set the recommendation to {recommendation_state_id}.').format( recommendation_state_id=recommendation_state_id)}) motion.set_recommendation(recommendation_state_id) else: # Reset recommendation. motion.recommendation = None # Save motion.['recommendation']) label = motion.recommendation.recommendation_label if motion.recommendation else 'None' message = _('The recommendation of the motion was set to %s.') % label # Write the log message and initiate response. motion.write_log( message_list=[ugettext_noop('Recommendation set to'), ' ', label], person=request.user) return Response({'detail': message}) @detail_route(methods=['post']) def create_poll(self, request, pk=None): """ View to create a poll. It is a POST request without any data. """ motion = self.get_object() try: with transaction.atomic(): motion.create_poll() except WorkflowError as e: raise ValidationError({'detail': e}) return Response({'detail': _('Vote created successfully.')}) class MotionPollViewSet(UpdateModelMixin, DestroyModelMixin, GenericViewSet): """ API endpoint for motion polls. There are the following views: update and destroy. """ queryset = MotionPoll.objects.all() serializer_class = MotionPollSerializer def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ return (self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') and self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage')) class MotionChangeRecommendationViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for motion change recommendations. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = MotionChangeRecommendationAccessPermissions() queryset = MotionChangeRecommendation.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ('list', 'retrieve'): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == 'metadata': result = self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') elif self.action in ('create', 'destroy', 'partial_update', 'update'): result = self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage') else: result = False return result class CategoryViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for categories. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update, destroy and numbering. """ access_permissions = CategoryAccessPermissions() queryset = Category.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ('list', 'retrieve'): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == 'metadata': result = self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') elif self.action in ('create', 'partial_update', 'update', 'destroy', 'numbering'): result = (self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') and self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage')) else: result = False return result @detail_route(methods=['post']) def numbering(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to number all motions in this category. Only managers can use this view. Send POST {'motions': []} to sort the given motions in a special order. Ids of motions which do not belong to the category are just ignored. Send just POST {} to sort all motions in the category by id. """ category = self.get_object() number = 0 if not category.prefix: prefix = '' else: prefix = '%s ' % category.prefix motions = category.motion_set.all() motion_list ='motions') if motion_list: motion_dict = {} for motion in motions.filter(id__in=motion_list): motion_dict[] = motion motions = [motion_dict[pk] for pk in motion_list] try: with transaction.atomic(): for motion in motions: motion.identifier = None for motion in motions: if motion.is_amendment(): parent_identifier = motion.parent.identifier or '' prefix = '%s %s ' % (parent_identifier, config['motions_amendments_prefix']) number += 1 identifier = '%s%s' % (prefix, motion.extend_identifier_number(number)) motion.identifier = identifier motion.identifier_number = number except IntegrityError: message = _('Error: At least one identifier of this category does ' 'already exist in another category.') response = Response({'detail': message}, status_code=400) else: message = _('All motions in category {category} numbered ' 'successfully.').format(category=category) response = Response({'detail': message}) return response class MotionBlockViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for motion blocks. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = MotionBlockAccessPermissions() queryset = MotionBlock.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ('list', 'retrieve'): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == 'metadata': result = self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') elif self.action in ('create', 'partial_update', 'update', 'destroy', 'follow_recommendations'): result = (self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') and self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage')) else: result = False return result @detail_route(methods=['post']) def follow_recommendations(self, request, pk=None): """ View to set the states of all motions of this motion block each to its recommendation. It is a POST request without any data. """ motion_block = self.get_object() instances = [] with transaction.atomic(): for motion in motion_block.motion_set.all(): # Follow recommendation. motion.follow_recommendation() # Write the log message. motion.write_log( message_list=[ugettext_noop('State set to'), ' ',], person=request.user, skip_autoupdate=True) instances.append(motion) inform_changed_data(instances) return Response({'detail': _('Followed recommendations successfully.')}) class WorkflowViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for workflows. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = WorkflowAccessPermissions() queryset = Workflow.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ('list', 'retrieve'): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == 'metadata': result = self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') elif self.action in ('create', 'partial_update', 'update', 'destroy'): result = (self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_see') and self.request.user.has_perm('motions.can_manage')) else: result = False return result class MotionDocxTemplateView(APIView): """ Returns the template for motions docx export """ http_method_names = ['get'] def get_context_data(self, **context): with open(finders.find('templates/docx/motions.docx'), "rb") as file: response = base64.b64encode( return response