# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import ctypes import os import socket import sys import tempfile import threading import time import webbrowser from base64 import b64encode from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.conf import ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE UNIX_VERSION = 'Unix Version' WINDOWS_VERSION = 'Windows Version' WINDOWS_PORTABLE_VERSION = 'Windows Portable Version' class PortableDirNotWritable(Exception): pass class PortIsBlockedError(Exception): pass class DatabaseInSettingsError(Exception): pass def filesystem2unicode(path): """ Transforms a path string to unicode according to the filesystem's encoding. """ # TODO: Delete this function after switch to Python 3. if not isinstance(path, unicode): filesystem_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding() path = path.decode(filesystem_encoding) return path def unicode2filesystem(path): """ Transforms a path unicode to string according to the filesystem's encoding. """ # TODO: Delete this function after switch to Python 3. if not isinstance(path, str): filesystem_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding() path = path.encode(filesystem_encoding) return path def detect_openslides_type(): """ Returns the type of this OpenSlides version. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': if os.path.basename(sys.executable).lower() == 'openslides.exe': # Note: sys.executable is the path of the *interpreter* # the portable version embeds python so it *is* the interpreter. # The wrappers generated by pip and co. will spawn the usual # python(w).exe, so there is no danger of mistaking them # for the portable even though they may also be called # openslides.exe openslides_type = WINDOWS_PORTABLE_VERSION else: openslides_type = WINDOWS_VERSION else: openslides_type = UNIX_VERSION return openslides_type def get_default_settings_path(openslides_type): """ Returns the default settings path according to the OpenSlides type. The argument 'openslides_type' has to be one of the three types mentioned in openslides.utils.main. """ if openslides_type == UNIX_VERSION: parent_directory = filesystem2unicode(os.environ.get( 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config'))) elif openslides_type == WINDOWS_VERSION: parent_directory = get_win32_app_data_path() elif openslides_type == WINDOWS_PORTABLE_VERSION: parent_directory = get_win32_portable_path() else: raise TypeError('%s is not a valid OpenSlides type.' % openslides_type) return os.path.join(parent_directory, 'openslides', 'settings.py') def setup_django_settings_module(settings_path): """ Sets the environment variable ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE, that means 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', to the given settings. """ settings_file = os.path.basename(settings_path) settings_module_name = ".".join(settings_file.split('.')[:-1]) if '.' in settings_module_name: raise ImproperlyConfigured("'.' is not an allowed character in the settings-file") settings_module_dir = unicode2filesystem(os.path.dirname(settings_path)) # TODO: Use absolute path here or not? sys.path.insert(0, settings_module_dir) os.environ[ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE] = '%s' % settings_module_name def ensure_settings(settings, args): """ Create settings if a settings path is given and this file still does not exist. """ if settings and not os.path.exists(settings): if not hasattr(args, 'user_data_path'): context = get_default_settings_context() else: context = get_default_settings_context(args.user_data_path) write_settings(settings, **context) print('Settings file at %s successfully created.' % unicode2filesystem(settings)) def get_default_settings_context(user_data_path=None): """ Returns the default context values for the settings template. The argument 'user_data_path' is a given path for user specific data or None. """ # Setup path for user specific data (SQLite3 database, media, search index, ...): # Take it either from command line or get default path if user_data_path: default_context = get_user_data_path_values( user_data_path=user_data_path, default=False) else: openslides_type = detect_openslides_type() user_data_path = get_default_user_data_path(openslides_type) default_context = get_user_data_path_values( user_data_path=user_data_path, default=True, openslides_type=openslides_type) default_context['debug'] = 'False' return default_context def get_default_user_data_path(openslides_type): """ Returns the default path for user specific data according to the OpenSlides type. The argument 'openslides_type' has to be one of the three types mentioned in openslides.utils.main. """ if openslides_type == UNIX_VERSION: default_user_data_path = filesystem2unicode(os.environ.get( 'XDG_DATA_HOME', os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.local', 'share'))) elif openslides_type == WINDOWS_VERSION: default_user_data_path = get_win32_app_data_path() elif openslides_type == WINDOWS_PORTABLE_VERSION: default_user_data_path = get_win32_portable_path() else: raise TypeError('%s is not a valid OpenSlides type.' % openslides_type) return default_user_data_path def get_win32_app_data_path(): """ Returns the path to Windows' AppData directory. """ shell32 = ctypes.WinDLL("shell32.dll") SHGetFolderPath = shell32.SHGetFolderPathW SHGetFolderPath.argtypes = ( ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint32, ctypes.c_wchar_p) SHGetFolderPath.restype = ctypes.c_uint32 CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA = 0x001c MAX_PATH = 260 buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(MAX_PATH) res = SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, 0, 0, buf) if res != 0: raise Exception("Could not determine Windows' APPDATA path") return buf.value def get_win32_portable_path(): """ Returns the path to the Windows portable version. """ # NOTE: sys.executable will be the path to openslides.exe # since it is essentially a small wrapper that embeds the # python interpreter portable_path = filesystem2unicode(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.executable))) try: fd, test_file = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=portable_path) except OSError: raise PortableDirNotWritable( 'Portable directory is not writeable. ' 'Please choose another directory for settings and data files.') else: os.close(fd) os.unlink(test_file) return portable_path def get_user_data_path_values(user_data_path, default=False, openslides_type=None): """ Returns a dictionary of the user specific data path values for the new settings file. The argument 'user_data_path' is a path to the directory where OpenSlides should store the user specific data like SQLite3 database, media and search index. The argument 'default' is a simple flag. If it is True and the OpenSlides type is the Windows portable version, the returned dictionary contains strings of callable functions for the settings file, else it contains string paths. The argument 'openslides_type' can to be one of the three types mentioned in openslides.utils.main. """ if default and openslides_type == WINDOWS_PORTABLE_VERSION: user_data_path_values = {} user_data_path_values['import_function'] = 'from openslides.utils.main import get_portable_paths' user_data_path_values['database_path_value'] = "get_portable_paths('database')" user_data_path_values['media_path_value'] = "get_portable_paths('media')" user_data_path_values['whoosh_index_path_value'] = "get_portable_paths('whoosh_index')" else: user_data_path_values = get_user_data_path_values_with_path(user_data_path, 'openslides') return user_data_path_values def get_user_data_path_values_with_path(*paths): """ Returns a dictionary of the user specific data path values for the new settings file. Therefor it uses the given arguments as parts of the path. """ final_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(*paths)) user_data_path_values = {} user_data_path_values['import_function'] = '' variables = (('database_path_value', 'database.sqlite'), ('media_path_value', 'media'), ('whoosh_index_path_value', 'whoosh_index')) for key, value in variables: path_list = [final_path, value] if '.' not in value: path_list.append('') user_data_path_values[key] = repr( filesystem2unicode(os.path.join(*path_list))) return user_data_path_values def write_settings(settings_path, template=None, **context): """ Creates the settings file at the given path using the given values for the file template. """ if template is None: with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'settings.py.tpl')) as template_file: template = template_file.read() context.setdefault('secret_key', b64encode(os.urandom(30))) content = template % context settings_module = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(settings_path)) if not os.path.exists(settings_module): os.makedirs(settings_module) with open(settings_path, 'w') as settings_file: settings_file.write(content) def get_portable_paths(name): """ Returns the paths for the Windows portable version on runtime for the SQLite3 database, the media directory and the search index. The argument 'name' can be 'database', 'media' or 'whoosh_index'. """ if name == 'database': path = os.path.join(get_win32_portable_path(), 'openslides', 'database.sqlite') elif name == 'media': path = os.path.join(get_win32_portable_path(), 'openslides', 'media', '') elif name == 'whoosh_index': path = os.path.join(get_win32_portable_path(), 'openslides', 'whoosh_index', '') else: raise TypeError('Unknown type %s' % name) return path def get_port(address, port): """ Checks if the port for the server is available and returns it the port. If it is port 80, try also port 8000. The argument 'address' should be an IP address. The argument 'port' should be an integer. """ s = socket.socket() try: s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((address, port)) s.listen(-1) except socket.error: error = True else: error = False finally: s.close() if error: if port == 80: port = get_port(address, 8000) else: raise PortIsBlockedError('Port %d is not available. Try another port using the --port option.' % port) return port def get_browser_url(address, port): """ Returns the url to open the web browser. The argument 'address' should be an IP address. The argument 'port' should be an integer. """ browser_url = 'http://' if address == '': browser_url += 'localhost' else: browser_url += address if not port == 80: browser_url += ":%d" % port return browser_url def start_browser(browser_url): """ Launches the default web browser at the given url and opens the webinterface. """ browser = webbrowser.get() def function(): # TODO: Use a nonblocking sleep event here. Tornado has such features. time.sleep(1) browser.open(browser_url) thread = threading.Thread(target=function) thread.start() def get_database_path_from_settings(): """ Retrieves the database path out of the settings file. Returns None, if it is not a SQLite3 database. """ from django.conf import settings as django_settings from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS db_settings = django_settings.DATABASES default = db_settings.get(DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS) if not default: raise DatabaseInSettingsError("Default databases is not configured") database_path = default.get('NAME') if not database_path: raise DatabaseInSettingsError('No path or name specified for default database.') if default.get('ENGINE') != 'django.db.backends.sqlite3': database_path = None return database_path